Other urls found in this thread:
>the weak should fear the strong
Choking someone like that is attempted murder
Go home roach.
acting tough on the internet, wow
Why are white people so violent?
>white guy not having to fight off all 20 black people in the room
>they just stand there and watch while one of their own gets choked out
b-but, but thats not what usually happens...
Just like this webm, I have a manlet that harasses me at work and I feel like I'm going to eventually snap on the little shit like this guy.
What do lads?
crack some height jokes
He's doing the heimlich maneuver all wrong.
the webm literally shows you what to do
wh*Te subhuman acting like the baboon he is
this desu. the poor guy is going to choke if he isn't more carefull ;_;
I don't want to get fired.
>I have a manlet that harasses me at work
top kek, how is getting bullied by a manlet even real LMAO
OP got twiggered
why are wh*Tes such apes?!?
Everytime the t*rk living in bulgaria spams the same shit.
>getting bullied at work
God you’re pathetic
never respond to me again, wh*Te monkey