Guys is weed really that good

Guys is weed really that good
I’ve been wanting try it for a while but I haven’t ever been high before

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Yeah its alright, I prefer it over alcohol thats for sure

I’ve drank before and it was pretty okay but is it similar to the feeling of smoking weed

>is it similar to the feeling of smoking weed

no it really isn't

It’s good shit and natural. Humans have been consuming it for thousands of years.

that pic is amazing give source pls

Want my name?

Weed is very different than alcohol. You can still function when your high if you smoke regularly. You can still go to work, drive a car, talk to your parents

Booze makes you stupid. Weed makes you slower.

Booze slows down your clock speed, weed increases the latency.

thanks for the info.

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So you know how drinking coffee is a different experience to being drunk? The thought perspectives are entirely different. Well weed is a different experience from them both - depending on the strain and THC levels you should feel more relaxed and chilled out. They'll be an element of paranoia, but its easily negated by just reminding yourself you're on drugs and everything is okay.

Definitely smoke for your first time, and don't mix it with tobacco for your first time, especially if you don't normally smoke. I say this because edibles are a different and more intense high, and the nicotine "high" from the tobacco will probably make you feel sick and like the room is spinning. Remember just like alcohol you can always take more, but you can't un-take what you've taken. Have a couple of puffs and see how you feel over the next 10 minutes before you have any more. Definitely don't smoke a whole joint in one sitting until you're more experienced in what it will do to you.

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Weed makes you feel okay with achieving nothing and just sitting on ur ass. It peaks curiosity and increases happiness, as well as having a somewhat sedating effect.
Like alcohol it depends on the user how you act while using it.
You will feel euphoric.
If you ever do it, i'd reccomend doing it once a week at the most, maybe in weekends. And to not isolate yourself.

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it aight. I haven't done it for a almost a year tho. The problem is that I prefer alcohol, because it makes you dumb/funny/open-minded. weed on the other hand makes you boring. you don't talk as much, you don't laugh at funny Things but instead you just do because weed. getting the munchies means your evening is ruined, because you won't be doing anything but eat and ignore your friends until you fall asleep.

old fag here

back when i was in HS i smoked weed every day. i was a hyper child. weed did slow me down and made me lazy af. i got so fucking lazy i would not do my homework and i failed 2 classes in senior year.

will that happen to you? I don't know but i do know what it did to me. it took away all motivation i had to do anything i was supposed to do. i would come home from school and smoke weed and beat off. anyway i hope this gives you something to think about.

did u wash ur hands before u made a new joint?

Weed is good depending on who you are as a person. One thing's for sure though, the "high" is never the same as you get older. I still enjoy smoking it now but it never feels as good as it did when I first started smoking it in my adolescence :(

It makes you stupid. It makes you ok with being bored.

Booze will lower your inhibition. Weed will lower your ambition.

thats the same for almost every thing.

increase stamina. increase appetite. more intense orgasm. vidya/film/music more immersive.

makes everything better.

no. alcohol and marijuana are opposites. alcohol frees you your inhibitions. like some sort of truth serum tell a stranger deep secrets. light someone;s shed on fire. beat your bully half to death

marijuana you get lost inside your own mind. reduced to baser instincts like eat/sleep/fuck and it intensifies them. most foolish people smoked way too much and use it for escapism.

they're both valuable resources next to food/shelter

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but this is bad because we live in dog eat dog world. most of everything you do is survival instinct and most guys will get addicted to comfort and lose those survival instincts they need to thrive in a competitve society. it's still every man for themselves. we changed the rules. it's about who's smarter.

but if you enough money saved then you're good

Drugs and alcohol are for morons.Stay away from that crap and make something of yourself.

Different for everyone, but I say fuck no. Just makes me dizzy and sleepy. No munchies no fun no fucking super orgasm. I want my goddamn money back.

Or do both? (Also alcohol is a drug so there is no need to separate the two)