Palpatine (Rey's grandfather) dies
Leia dies
Kylo/Ben dies
Palpatine (Rey's grandfather) dies
disney raped my childhood right in front of the world and its all the chinks fault fuck china
It was a let down.
Rey didn't even go to the dark side. Kylo does go light, but then just fucking dies.
Emperors master plan was to die and pass all of the Sith power on to Rey.
He then dies, but that doesn't happen? did she some how destroy the entire Sith with some deflected lightning? Fucking BS.
Also lol at Poe not dying immediately to an entire fleet. lol at fucking horses. lol at lame spy just fucking dying. it would have been way better if Rey did kill chewy, he provided nothing beyond that.
Why would you actually pay to see this movie?
>He then dies, but that doesn't happen?
It had to be done willingly, through hate, and as a direct action. Rey deflected palatine's own anger against him
Honestly, most of the criticisms angled against the movie seem to come from people who haven't understood what the fuck was going on
Did anyone else actually really enjoy it
Thank for that. No need to see it now.
Yes I fucking did
Yes. It had issues, but was overall a very good conclusion, and I have never worn a SW cosplay outfit, nor do I have a SW tattoo
>No need to see it now.
That's like saying you didn't need to read Harry Potter 6 because some cunt drove past Barnes & Noble shouting 'Snape kills Dumbledore'. These elements do not tell the whole story and can't replace the visuals. The Falcon spends the first 20 minutes fucking up planets and ends up on fire because of it
don't really care i knew it was going to be hot garbage
what happens in the final ep of the mandolorian?
The first half was paced like shit and was too all over the place. Wtf happened
Who did Palpatine fuck in order to make Rey's mother or father?
Finally, all I've heard is that it sucks, I had no intension of paying for this shit, so thanks
I thought that initially, and the opening crawl could have easily been another half hour of run time. But the rest of the movie balanced it out
>Who did Palpatine fuck in order to make Rey's mother or father?
Who did Shmi fuck to make Anaki... oh, wait.
>Who did Shmi fuck to make Anaki... oh, wait.
So does palpatine have a vagina then?
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker the fifth-highest Thursday night preview box office of all time, slotting in behind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, which made $43.5 million in previews
You know people knew this before the official US release right?
spoilers used to be fun on Sup Forums, but people need to branch out just like they did with harry potter books.
go to a cinema, shout it in front of a group of people, have some record from the audience, walk out while getting snacks thrown at you in a blaze of glory.
>Leia dies
No shit faggot.
That's the movie's fault, not the people's.
Tbh the fact that they used recycled Leia clips was really obvious
She never really says anything important/relevant to what's going on
It reminds me of that south park episode where chef dies
Ok, stick with me on this.
Anakin was a virgin birth. Palpatine later tells Anakin that Darth Plagueis had the ability to manipulate the midichlorians to create life. Sidius was the apprentice of palgueis, and managed to duplicate this skill.
Sidius used the force to create Anakin, thereby making him Vader's father, and he also used the force to create one of Rey's parents, making him her grandfather.
Which makes Ben Rey's uncle
Which makes the kiss kinda fucked up
Michael Bay movies make money, doesn't mean they're awesome. SW movies are going to make a profit in pre-sales alone, before anyone's seen the film. That's the universe they've created
it may be a shit movie but ranks in the top 10 successful of all time.
I understood it perfectly, and i'm not a massive fan.
Actually, i thought they did that brilliantly. It was obvious when she was dropped into a scene, but they wrote the script around her existing lines and it worked really well.
So wait who are her real parents
I don't fucking CARE.
>he doesn't care
Alright guys, pack it up. This one random guy doesn't care. Guess it was all for nothing
Her daddy is palps son
Her mom is some random person
so you're telling me the granddaughter of Palpatine is just some farm girl
Vader's son was just some farm kid too
What's ur point