gf wants to open relationship. wut do?
Gf wants to open relationship. wut do?
drop the thot, if you dont youre a cuck
post her digits?
Throw away the bitch an get some one else worth your time and effort
Translation: I have someone I want to sleep with and will regardless, but I want permission so it isn't cheating and can keep my relationship.
So here's what you do, agree to open it, then bring back different girls constantly. Get prostitutes if you can't pick up women (she can't know they are hookers of course). Then when she's nice and jealous and regrets her whorish choices, dump her.
Drop her. Not worth the stress.
2 wimnz though
so no 1 interdasted
Games won't get you anywhere. Just drop the girl and move onto someone who is worth your time.
Say ok, then bring home the hottest hooker you can afford on day 1
should mention, I thing she was born a man. op pic very related.
>Games won't get you anywhere.
Neither will being a little bitch. Don't let people walk all over you, op. Teach her a lesson.
as long as you are there when any think ever happens. that what be ok with me i have done with with my gf of 10 years. everything has been same since that day maybe even she is naughty now when drunk big turn on for me that my gf is a sexy lil slut and we now plan fucking with other men and women
(or xyrself)
You failed at life. End it to save co2
Exactly, which is why he should drop her. Why waste energy on someone who isn't worth your time?
That shit's a fatal question to ask in a relationship. Either you say yes, which you obviously don't want to do, or you say no and she cucks you for a year until she decides the shit you buy her isn't worth the fascade of maintaining a relationship with you any more.
Break up with her, make it amicable so you can still pork her until you find someone worth your time.
Quads of absolute truth
Beat her and call her a filthy worthless whore who will end up a cat lady with a pussy like a dustbin.
Remain manly at all times.
Nice actually
Who the fuck is she that she deserves a lesson, let her live her miserable life and when her looks go she either kills herself or lives the most depressing shit life till she dies
break up
Translation : you're shit in bed and I want to fuck other guys while still having you to come back to as emotional support and not be considered a slut.
post pics or it didnt happen
Find a better gf user.
Fuck other grills
She's too much of a coward to tell you she wants to break up. Do it for her and call her a whore too. That's what she is and she isn't worth your time.
depends? how are you at picking up women? Lets be honest if she wants to fuck someone its going to be fucking easy for her to get some cock, unless you are pretty good at getting pussy yourself it's going to be very one sided.
Tell her that you're open to kicking her ass to the curb.
you're the only one who can answer that. if you don't want it, then either say no or break up if it doesn't work for her
WTF with all these stupid ideas? "dump her" or "bring home a whore" LOL All you fools are dumb as hell. Oh I love the user... "don't waste your time and get a girl worth your efforts" LOL
Dude, just roll with it. Fuck her with another rugby. Bring home a girl who you both can enjoy. Whats wrong with that?
All these other selfish foolish anons are just gay. Put n your big boy pants and be a man... to whoever she brings home and be sure to share when you bring some home too.. SOLVED
This only works if you actually have money to blow. Women are the most expensive and least rewarding hobby a man can have.
Cucklord detected.
let the bitch go. If you say no, she's still going to fuck around, she'll just be careful about it.
Downgrade her to fuckbuddy.
My gf asked the same thing almost exactly a year ago. I said no and argued my reasons, then she gave hers. Then eventually after talking about it again later on she finally dropped it. Only to gaslight me for months by saying she's got many boyfriends and passing it off as jokes. Eventually I went into her phone and found nothing to show she was talking to other guys, so that calmed me down. Then cut to some more months later she dumps me. Now ask me what she's doing now
leave her
shes getting slammed by every chad and negro that just wanted a go like a discount tv in a usa black friday sale
Not that extreme but whatever, the only girl I ever loved is getting fucked by someone else so same difference
Your relationship is over no matter your response. She already has another dick in mind that she wants to ride on.
Dump her.
they always say girls are the emotional ones it isnt true, they can find a new ride in a day if they want the same cant be said for a guy unless they lower their standards or are extremely attractive
Dump her then dump n00ds in here
Best you pop up a preview to strengthen your resolve
Because if he walks before hurting he, he loses. He needs to teach her so she can learn not to be a whore.
>if they send one of yours to the hospital, send one of theirs to the morgue
You are going by the Canadian logic
>if you kill your enemy, they win
True. Though I'm not really bitter about it, its natural that females are selective while males compete. But I really thought I had someone that was gonna stick by me. To her credit she put up with awful shit from me but still, I thought getting through hard times together was the point
>Who the fuck is she that she deserves a lesson
It's not for her, it's for OP's own self satisfaction.
>let her live her miserable life and when her looks go she either kills herself or lives the most depressing shit life till she dies
Right, and doing what I said is a lot more likely to make that happen. She already considered he would dump her right away over it. No major loss, just a small ego hit. What she didn't count for was him saying yes and pulling off getting other girls. Seeing him bring over even average looking women, then breaking up with her after he whored around more than her, will emotionally traumatize her for the rest of her life.
to whom do you speak, numbnuts?
no one wants her nudes. did you not see the orig pic?! Sheena was a man!
mmm...cuck soun'ds funs
Tell her you need time to think about it and that you need space. Get on tinder and try your luck while you're "thinking about it". If you're successful, tell her that you've opened up your relationship to other people, just not her. Why be together if she's just been demoted to yet another tinder slut. If you're unsuccessful, maybe think about keeping her around because even though tinder is full of turbosluts like your gf, maybe you're fugly or weird and your gf has taken pity upon you.
OP: if you are still here;
This is girl code for; "I've found someone better looking than you, someone who makes more money than you, someone who makes me hotter than you..." any thot playing this game should be sent to the curb. If you have become emotionally invested, sorry, it's gonna hurt, but you need to break this off and find someone who cares about you for you, no matter what you look like , how much money you make, etc...
My wife and I are in an open relationship. Feel free to ask me questions.
If youre a cool guy and you know at the end of the day shes coming home to you then you don't need to gatekeep the guys she fucks
I will add more to my post.
Most of the guys who are saying that she should be gotten rid of are men who have major insecurities or have been jaded in the past.
My wife and I are polyamorous and we do this with the confidence knowing that we will be each other’s main love and partner for life. As long as you have that sense of confidence the open relationship can work. It requires a lot of very open communication but this is healthy.
As a man, we know the feeling that as long as there are women on the earth we will always want to know what some of them look like naked, have our dicks in their mouth or pussy. The open relationship is liberating in knowing that you can actively do these things with proper communication.
ahaha, ok cuck
veeeeeeeeeery unlikely
>if you aren't okay with your girl being a whore, and don't want to be a whore yourseld, it's just because you're insecure!
Good goy.
Kick her to the curb.