What are your thoughts on abortion?

What are your thoughts on abortion?

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It keeps the black population under some sort of control

Game of Thrones is bad, but I wouldn't call it an abortion.

So I gather these endless samequestion threads are for polling on trends?

If it's a nigger baby then yes. If it's a white baby then no except if it's a health risk.

best thing ever after guns

degenerate as fuck

but ultimately a necessary evil

I mean it did wonders for keeping the nigger populace down

and people who are willing to kill their own children are not suitable parents anyway

I'd rather have a dead fetus than another neglected child.
Also the christian definition of soul is pretty dated, so I couldn't care less in the first place.


it's wrong but it should be allowed, Population control, the baby would've probably been boned into a shitty existence, and there are situations where it is needed like rape or the mother's safety.

THESE are the two opposing standpoints Sup Forums holds on abortion. It's virtually half and half, nothing will change it, so NO MORE ABORTION THREADS.


without abortion their population would be easily 3x more than it is. this isn't even considering the flushed half-orcs

I don't like it but I wont stop people from doing it because freedom.

I wouldn't force my girlfriend/wife to do it, and it's only justifiable if the mother's life is at risk. Otherwise it's immoral. The fact that it's legal for any lazy self-centered couple to go through with reflects the downfall of mankind.

Should only be allowed once a baby is considered 'alive' (beating heart) and only if one was raped, endangers the mother's life, or the baby is proven to be born a retard. Proof of rape is also needed.

i wish i was aborted

Acceptable until the 37th trimester

That's shitty logic. So we should we also legalize post-birth murder and rape because of freedom? Fucking think with your head next time.

the most morally evil action i can conceive of.

Very distasteful, but as long as it's mostly blacks and other types of trash getting the abortions, I can't oppose it.

what it is with niggers and abortion?

I remember a negress in college boasting about having an abortion like that shit is cute

should be mandatory

I have a kind of agnostic disapproval of it simply because we can't determine when someone is constitutionally protected or not. Kind of a similar situation as asking if someone who is bread dead but still technically alive is protected by the constitution.

For the meantime, better safe than sorry. I'm pro-life.

my mistake, should NOT be allowed once a fetus's heart starts beating*

Sometimes your FWB tries to wife you by skipping her BC and you make her flush that clump of cells.

>putting your dick in crazy

Some girls are very good at hiding crazy. She was the best sex I ever had though so I don't regret a minute. Fucking beautiful redhead.

I was against it until a mexican, one of them at least, raped me and put a monster babby inside me.

Now I am considering it strongly.

The world is overpopulated. Also it's totally fine as long as it's not white babies being aborted.

pro abortion. there are many fates in life worse than not being born in the first place.

My thoughts on aborti




Game of Thrones is worst than abortion.

it keeps blacks and degenerate whites from having children that would probably be raised in a shitty family situation thus preventing further degeneracy. its the greatest socialist program under the guise of public health that has extremely racist roots. rly.....

Quite disingenuous that they left an actual raped women off the list.

I wonder how many people are too stupid not to notice that they never said it was a right for a raped woman to abort.

margaret sanger, the american birth control activist that layed the roots for planned parenthood said this about blacks...."the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development," possessed "so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets,"

How many abortions have you had user?

She said that about the abbos.

If proven rape; free, instantaneous and without taboo.
If her life is in risk; free, instantaneous and without taboo
If she accuses someone of rape; depending in various circumstances (the the genetics of her and the father) she aborts but has to serve time in jail for abusing the system, and add taboo on that.
If the baby is an accident; Make it a medium economic loss for the couple, we do not want them to reproduce but we also do not want the poorest of people having babies like rabbits, and make it a taboo to be that careless

same intent. she felt equally about blacks in america.....

Weeds out more blacks then whites as intended

degenerate, and racist as fuck, but not in a good way. Black population would honestly be better off without it. Overpopulation is NOT their problem. In fact, it would probably help to eliminate the shitty thug subculture.

Fug, Inforgot to add:
>If she accuses someone of rape *and it is not

providing them service didn't change her opinion that they were unfit to have families. id argue population control conspiracy theories are founded.

It kills niggers....and eventually sterilizes baboons. Love it. Maybe the doctor leaves the vacuum in too long?

>access to condoms lowers abortion rates

Mutha fucker that is objectively wrong. 54%, more than HALF of abortions, are caused by contraception failures.


Stupid ass chart pisses me off. My kidney is not the equivalent of a HUMAN BEING being dependent upon me for survival.

It's a deplorable thing but it keeps shitty humans and niggers from breeding out of control. If we could figure out how to get muslims to have abortions, we'd be set.

Only for minorities and Swedes.

On the plus side, it kills a child, which is cool.

On the minus side, it gives a woman a choice, which is not cool.


about 1/3 of Sup Forums is deeply into the three abrahamic religions, but everyone else agrees that abortion is good because it prevents poverty and keeps minority populations down

Good.if not abused by a retarded woman there are many cases where it is good..

It's wrong. It's liberal hypocrisy that says that we should kill children but say we fight for human rights.

>kills shitskins and leftists before they even become a problem
>not the greatest thing ever

I would say that it is about the balance of: not giving the rapist any more power over a victim (by affecting her life with an unwanted pregnancy and everything that comes with it), respect for the victim (surprise, some women deserve respect too) and having responsable women who won't abuse the protection that they are given.
Lying about rape must be a bigger shame than an abortion due to putting a man's livelihood at risk and disrespect to rape victims.

The most beautiful thing about abortion is seeing the same shitskins and leftists defend it.

i like killing babies

but am against women's choise