Field Hockey

Who plays the superior version?

Which events should I be watching currently

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Gonzalo Peillat


>Who plays the superior version?
white countries i guess
ARG-UK 3rd test match starts in half a bong

I guess >we do. And also me personally, it's really fun to play.

Field Hockey World Championships just ended, our women won and our men finished 2nd, losing the final to Austria.

this looks stupid as shit you should just play ice hockey maybe then you wouldn't be a joke at winter olympics too

grug think this sport is hard
grug dont know play it
grug hate fil hockey!

Nobody cares about ice hockey, try defending a penalty corner in field hockey and man up faggot ;^)

Is this an argentinian tourney?


test matches m8
heres the actual link btw


>2000+ viewers
how big is field hockey in argentina?

how did ice hockey even become a thing. it's ridiculous when you think about it.

frozen lakes are the only flat areas suitable for sport in the barren wasteland that is canada

More people like it and are ready to pay to watch it.


at least there is some evolution and history behind field hockey, you can go around england and into the old clubhouses where they had cricket/hockey clubs with old sticks, engravings, trophies and team photos on the wall

I play, decent midfielder in the equivalent of a pub team

well it's not gay as fuck for a start
just look at that fucking gif and compare to any ice hockey slapshot

USA's best player is a half-Mexican born and raised in Arizona.

same i play on either wing for a pub equivalent squad in a low division we just have good banter and it's a really fun sport desu got a lot of players who are like 40+ and their sons playing together

>field hockey
Wait. Men play field hockey in Europe? What the fuck? It's a sport for girls lol

But no one wants to pay to watch it. It's literally a hobby tier sport.

No, you're just retarded like most Americans


Baseball/rounders is a fucking childrens game, Nascar is the equivalent of go-karting.
nobody cares about your apehoop or handegg

Only in the UK and The Netherlands.

you're a fag bud lol

>it's not gay as fuck for a start
>uses helmets and pads to cover whole body like a sissy pussies
sure thing buddy

>Sports are better if you have to pay to watch them
The fucking STATE of you

>you now remember your hockey playing exgf and her incredible legs covered in bruises

feels bad man

Well you can move a lot faster on ice with blades, maybe the thought of a very fast ball game was the initial reason. Running on a field with sticks is stupid if something.

the ice hockey players are tough meme gets instantly BTFO when you see one of them try and throw a punch

Messi would be a cripple without shin guards. Haha what a pussy.

>he thinks this sport is gay

Australia, Argentina and Pakistan/India too.

Similar to the level of love Cricket>Baseball gets

Germany, Belgium, Australia too
All my best ex-gf's have been hockey-girls

kek in first grade we got split up at pe and girls played field hockey and boys played kickball
it's even more pathetic than kickball imagine that shit

>sport is bad because it's not dangerous

totally ruins the tactical positioning play present in hockey when you can slide around the whole pitch in a few seconds

No. The difference is that even an average ice hockey pro makes more than the best field hockey players. Even in Europe.

ice babies can't handle the complexities of fields hockey

hockey girls have some thicc fucking legs from bending over so much especially if they're amateur players

That was his point not mine.

baseball is the highest IQ sport in the world, you have no idea what you're talking about
nascar is dumb though I'll give you that but this isn't about nascar

I actually went to the Euro's over the summer when they were in Amsterdam, it was really nice and comfy.

No blacks/immigrants and only rich white people drinking too much wine

>where they had cricket/hockey clubs with old sticks, engravings, trophies and team photos on the wall
I heard they used to be more upper class sports and are dying out now though

I'd say it's the 3rd national sport after football and rugby
1st choice for women too tho

Ellen Hoog's ass is the only good thing about field hockey.

>not rating how nippy all the grills get whilst playing

Is Ellen even playing anymore?

>baseball is the highest IQ sport in the world

>tfw no water based pitch

only when the japs play it desu i think it's only big in east asia outside of the USA

I think she retired from the national team, maybe she still plays at club level but I'm not sure

If field hockey is so great how come the icy bastard brother became richer and more famous?

complete mystery Nascar is more popular than F1 there isn't it?

I don't think so, is it?

You do realize there's ice hockey outside the NHL?

>Gonzalo Peillat
Is he the best Drag Flicker in the world right now?

Ciriello, AJ and the old pakistani guy hardly play anymore

still butthurt over nascar lol this fucking guy

>only when the japs play it

i think thats because like 75% of f1 races come on at 5-8am depending on which side of the country you live on. most normal people probably arent going to wake up that early to watch cars drive around.

>the old pakistani guy
Sohail Abbas fucking glory days

without the NHL ice hockey would be about as popular as hockey

Snooker used to be pretty popular decades ago in the UK as well pretty fascinating how it fell from popularity.

Hockey and less likely but cricket will probably go that way if things don't pick up quicker.
can't wait 2 more years for olympic hockey

America Lite needs something to promote as their own culture

You don't know shit, Nigel.

The most historical teams who evolved the game big time came from USSR and in smaller scale from Czechoslovakia.

Still doesn't answer the question. There must be something in ice hockey that in even in Europe it's a much more lucrative profession than field hockey.

leagues, school sport, coaching structures, TV deals, merch, stadiums, training opportunities

a bunch of shit

>Hockey and less likely but cricket will probably go that way if things don't pick up quicker.

Cricket yes, but field hockey!?! despite that the football financial bubble is growing and will collapse eventually

not enough people play it in schools in the UK anymore or have clubs to go to, my club recently merged into another one because we couldn't get the members anymore after playing for decades.

schools say it's too dangerous, similar to the rugby excuses so everybody just ends up playing football or kwik cricket

So basically what it comes to is that people rather watch Nordic, Slavic and North American men slamming each other in armours than f-hockey girls with short girls.


Oh look, it's yet another episode of
>America is horrible at X sport so I need to trash it
Continuation of
>Moto GP
And nowadays even Tennis is thrashed by but-hurt Americans not old enough to remember Sampras.

tbf this thread has equal amount of British and Dutch trashing on ice hockey cuz they happen to suck at it.

1-Football (of course)
4-Field Hockey
Basketball brings way more public to their game than hockey.

Lol your men play field hockey no amount of shitposting can erase how silly that is. Do your men have tea parties too?

Actually Americans respect tennis. Rugby and polo aren't really on our radar, most Americans don't know they exist. F1, we know about as "European NASCAR" and that's fine. I don't know what Moto GP is, but that also sounds like European NASCAR. But


Come on. This is a sport designed for women.

The club "El Quilla" in my city just built one, they say it was very expensive.

stop lying biased cuck, no one gives a shit about basketball the list ive given is objectively corret

Dude Volleyball is very entertaining to play. You don't even need to be 2 meters tall and jacked to play it good.
F1 are the fastest car in the world, Moto GP are the fastest bikes.

>Dude Volleyball is very entertaining to play.
It's literally a sport for tall women to show off their asses in tight shorts. It's entertaining, of course, but not from an athletic perspective. It's a sport for white college girls, they're essentially auditioning for rich husbands.

>F1 are the fastest car in the world
Definitely. F1 is awesome.

>no one gives a shit about basketball
LOL what? you live in a country club don't you?

Holy fuck Finland is 18th in the world rankings in volleyball.

I knew we were much better in volley and basket than other Nordic losers but it's still surprising.

why do americans always resort these same insults like your using the same handbook

Anyways loads of men played it a bunch old white men specifically alongside cricket it was a sport played by gentlemen. The clubhouse was great for socials and has a lovely atmosphere for an exciting fun sport.

Not at all, I played volley (was very bad) at high school every time we got gym class and it can be played violently if you want to. Actually America is pretty god at the Mens tournament.

Also Handball is great fun and you develop nice arms

wew, I thought we were absolute shit.

I never rated them but they're doing pretty well in sports somehow, the indoor hockey matches recently they performed really well and were pretty creative

people only play this (and lacrosse) because skating is too hard

it's actually pretty fun and field hockey players are some of the fittest people around