How come authority doesn't work on me...

How come authority doesn't work on me? It just blows my mind that another human being tries telling me what to do and then gets surprised when I don't listen to them. Women are especially a joke, there were some jobs I had with a woman supervisor and it was actually almost amusing to me seeing them try to get mad. It just doesn't make sense to me, why do people even try doing this? It just feels like people roleplay too hard to compensate for being bullied throughout their childhood. Normies are fucking retarded.

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because no one beat your ass when you were a kid

Actually they did, that's probably why I don't take them seriously to be honest. Instead of making me obediant I just became pissed off and ready to hit back at any time

>doesn't work on me
i bet you're a pussy

It will work on you once consequences stop being the same

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Damn dude, I bet you're such a bad ass


I am but these days it's called an asshole

Maybe because your autistic, and normal people understand that the authority figure was put there for a reason, so you ought to listen to them


>just listen to him bro
You're exactly what I'm talking about lol

The problem is with your definition of authority. You think authority is someone in an authoritative position, a superior in an employment hierarchy. That is one definition, but because your earnings are probably meager, bucking that authority doesn't mean much. You just leave and find a different shitty employment somewhere else. But if you were making serious money and had a lot riding on continuing that employment it would mean a lot more. Wife leaving, kids going hungry, house and cars being repo'd, college loans going into default. That shit matters. And if you were in a total authoritarian regime, where you got tortured and beaten for not performing as told, you'd probably be squirting chicken shit down your legs. Because when you trade pure psychological torture and physical pain for a bowl of rice and the absence of daily physical beatings, you will do exactly as you're told.

>muh what ifs
That was a lot of nonsense

Its not nonsense. Its defining authority, dumbfuck. For a baby, authority is a parent. For a soldier, authority is a senior ranked person who can put him on different tasks dependent on his performance. For a person in jail, authority is a bigger stronger man, or a guard, or both. You're just an embryonic dickhole who has never experienced life outside of a safe place.

Nail, head.

OP shits on his manager at McDonalds. Feels badass. Goes to the home his mother own. Settles into his tiny bedroom, then goes online to tell everyone how cool he is.

So many brainwashed retards here. I'm with you o.p.
Fuck all these low self esteem beta white males

Irony. I'm explaining authority to a child, people call me a beta, and I have no boss and a ton of fucking money.

There is no respect in being a blind sheep. However, understanding and choosing to join a cause (business/family/government) and accept your place knowing that if everyone tried to be "muh individual" nothing would get done properly.

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Sure thing kiddo. Everybody on Sup Forums makes 350k+ a year

I don't get you OP. Why do you have all these clashes with authorities? I have a boss that could try to flash his power or authority. But he doesn't. Not towards me anyway. Because I'm capable of doing a good job and make good choices, without the need for constant correction.
You may have been unlucky to have had bad bosses or teachers. More lilely you're just a fuckhead.

Resources are easy to get and manage, industrial revolution pretty much automated this. So essentially there is no need for humans (at least the vast majority of them) to exist in current system that is built.
This is why current job market is basically manager position above manager position with needless bossing around. 8 billion people with no purpose other than waste resources and cause ruckus? Boxes on top of boxes just to keep them stacked.

You have uncanny ability to intrinsically see past the bullshit. My limbic system is still stuck in primal tribal thinking so I try to seek validation and kinship even though I really don't need it.

Use your ability to do good and make your own path I would say.
Don't entice egomaniacs to waste your time, they probably will.
Find what you want and go get them tiger.

I think you just associate authority with fear and dependence, just like every other pathetic animal on this planet.
Good rationalization there,literal human doormat.

Well, yeah, only celebrities have the emotional fortitude to post on Sup Forums.

I've aspergers, even I know how this shit

Damn. Got em

>authority figure was put there for a reason, so you ought to listen to them
Fuckin sheep, lmao
Follow the herd why don't ya.

You have a personality disorder. I'm in the same boat. If I am asked to do something nicely I generally oblige. If something is demanded of me, it's a no, every time.
I've tried to not be like this, and after many years, doctors and tests it turns out I'm just wired that way.
It kinda sucks, causes more problems than it fixes, but as a result I'm left alone and no one bothers me, which I'm fine with.

Because nature has selected you for non-advancement. Your destiny is to float from job to job forever hiding your bitterness with a smug exterior of defiance while finally joining the Libertarian Party and slaving the rest of your days away as an unpaid intern in election campaigns that never even get mentions from the MSM. But you certainly have your pride so you're in good shape. To the end of your days you will be the only right person in a world of evil people out to get you. Congrats bro!

You are the reason my children will still be able to get good jobs in this era of overcrowding and tech eliminating jobs. For that, you have my thanks.

Are you white?

This is your authority figure. You're going to learn to respect it, bitch

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That’s because your parents were pussies, and folded at the first sign of resistance, preparing you for a world that doesn’t exist