What do you think about Texas?

What do you think about Texas?

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edgy fucks shooting eachothers

As little as possible tbqh

It's shit hole filled mostly with low IQ neckbeards with an over inflated sense of themselves and their shit hole state. It's the downside of a democracy - the retards and religifags got control and created the shit hole known as Texas. Killing it with fire would be a mercy.

Stears and quears

The biggest problem with Texas is it's full of Texans.

Overrated as all humanity.

Ignoring all the coastie roasties it's shit but still a hell of a lot better then California

you must be from Chicago....




Only a Texan would think that.

Deep in the heart of texas.

The sage in bloom is like perfume


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I would like to visit Texas someday if I get the chance.
It seems like a cool and scenic state.

Texas was it's own fucking country
Can't say that about whatever state yall are from


Over-run with liberals in the Austin, Houston, etc.
It'll be just like any other red state, controlled by a few densely populated cities.
The irony is they only moved there because of prosperity in those very cities that resulted from conservative culture

looks like ontario

Didnt have seasonal allergies until I visited texas for a training class at 25. Worst fucking day of my life man.

>Blames his weakness on texas

>the south

Damn, just proving the idiocy.

Too hot in summer. Way too hot.
Too many Latinos (which, to be fair, is pretty much every other state now too).
Is becoming a blue state as I type this.
When Texas goes blue, it's game over for Republicans (and America). Overcoming CA, NY, and TX in the Democratic column will be nearly impossible.

Different landscape than the native state I was living in bro. It's awful.

> " What do you think about Texas? " ;
I think about three or four words (regarding it) :

> "... it's fucking shite ..." .

what in the ...
Bobby did you make this "post" on this here "four chan" website!?
Bobby go to your room!

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The GOP will just have to change its tune. Less religitarded authoritarian warmongering and a shift to the centre to attract more voters. It's actually a win for america

Texas is part of the south you stupid fucking yankee

>conservative culture
You spelled "vast oil and gas reserves" wrong.


Texas forever.

Funny. It's actually the Democrats who are warmongers. Look at the grief they give Tulsi Gabbard over her stand against war. How did Obama do on ending wars? And look how Democrats feel about Russia today. Any minute now, I expect them to appropriate the old Republican memes of "Better Dead Than Red" and "Kill a Commie for Mommy."

All authoritarianism today comes from the Left, not the Right.

Look into it. You may come to see that I'm right.

I say this as a life-long Democratic voter who supported Trump in 2016 because - and only because - the Democratic Party has gone completely batshit crazy.

It's hot. And flat. Did I mention hot? Because that's important.

Attached: FM70.jpg (600x600, 44K)

I hear it's Americas Australia and I like the sound of Australia with freedom. Yeeehaaawww!

What i think about Texas?

Attached: eofnqe.jpg (853x660, 35K)

>Leaf detected


North Texas is hilly and not so hot

You get a gold star today son

Don't mess with Texas
It's not nice to pick on retards