Hack request thread

hack request thread.
hackerman of old Sup Forums here
tripping on dxm and bored
doing my part to bring old Sup Forums back.

+rigging online votes/polls
+finding xss/csrf/etc on shitty sites / forums
+serving FUD pass stealers to twitch streamers (you need to do the se)

-no ddos
-no hospitals/medical/charities
-no us/friendly gov

Attached: hackerman.jpg (800x537, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:



so basically a skid?
jesus fucking christ dude, stop thinking you're cool because you know how to open up metasploit and you're doing dxm
OoOOooOooOoo you're so cool
go fuck yourself

I have several cve's and know my shit at more advanced level just not clear headed enough right now to dive into that level and want to have some fun like good old days on Sup Forums, no need to be rude :)

sure you fucking do kid
listen, real industry professionals don't drop acronyms to try and sound cool
so next time instead of dropping acronyms why don't you go read a book about a topic and then when you stop reading it when you hit page 10 like you always do you grab a noose and go kill yourself because you're a worthless sack of human flesh that just wastes resources for other people
you will NEVER get good at what you're interested in mark my words

ITT: old Sup Forums vs new Sup Forums
Old Sup Forums just wants to have lulz
new Sup Forums has an inferiority complex and has to pick a fight with anyone over anything

>no ddos fuck off then

can you hack a snapchat?

could you help me with my code

not him but quit being a nigger

you're not here for lulz, just to serve your ego that is bloated with shit
no hacking will happen ITT other than you starting up burpsuite or some shit and thinking you're hot shit because one guy thanked you
listen, stop what you're doing and go grab a book
if you can't finish that book seriously consider killing yourself
stop wasting my resources and my bandwidth you fucking loser sack of shit
doing drugs and hacking doesn't make you cool, kill yourself

no, go recover their email
just here for lulz, didn't read rest

>go recover their email

Can you do that? I've tried but I'm a total noob and couldn't get it

this Faggot seems to be suffering from severe USI (unwarranted self importance) Syndrome

Do you have kik or something?

you have more info on them then I do I'd imagine, if it's someone you know. make a fake fb of one of their friends who looks like a pothead and have conversation with them. if they think you sound weird or "don't sound like yourself" just tell them you're tripping on something new, people believe that really easy of the type of people who do drugs and stuff

but hacking snapchat doesn't sound like its for lulz. if it's girl problems, just forget about her, there's better women out there user :)

no just request here lol

to all these new Sup Forums guys getting mad, I'm not guaranteeing I'll hack everything perfectly, that's not how hacking works, but I'm happy to try :)

cheer up guys, it's the holidays, you're probably young white men in the usa, pretty lucky type of human being to be born as :D

I didn't mean for you to literally do it for me, more like do you have the ability and can you give some tips
I can't imagine a fake facebook working. You'd have to friend request all their friends so it looks legit and someone is bound to say something to the person you're impersonating
I don't have girl problems, I'm just hunting nudes

you sound pretty dumb

its intense guys

Attached: adv.fgg.jpg (217x208, 13K)

are you hunting nudes because you love her and she doesn't love you back or because you're horny? if horny, pornhub, if first, move on and find a woman who appreciates you :)

pretty high* and thank you, yes I am buzzed up good right now :). cheer up man! life is too short to feel mad/angry all the time over stuff that doesn't matter, you deserve to be happy :D

you sound pretty smart babe

>you're dumb for being happy

Literally insecure Sup Forumstard incel logic

how does one recover their email

Horny mostly
Pornhub doesn't have girls that look like her
She's like my sexual oneitis. 18/10 so fucking hot

Are you sure you took the drug you think you took? You sound like you got hit with a dementia potion. Also your mom told me you need to take out the trash tonight if you want more hotpockets.

damn dude you sound really dumb not gonna lie

like honestly I will be impressed if you know how to hack anything

probably can't even hack into the lid of his deodorant in the morning

hack something we can verify is hacked

haha :D
hey man the pol guys are upholding a future for a white america, I can respect that :)

but I'm not here to ruffle nonwhite feathers, just have some lolz

password reset process on the email from the provider. typically need information like date of creation, ISP/location it was created from, previous passwords, PII like name, dob, some providers ask for addresses that the account recently sent messages to, etc.

this is obtained by combing open repositories of this info like social media, property records, etc, sometimes gathering info on target from records stored on other accounts they hold that you get access to either by phishing or pass reuse, etc, and then typically submitting request from a residential ip in their area, not paid proxy service/vpn/somewhere far away

I always thought the same thing but with enough effort I managed to find girls that looked similar

yeah dxm in robo bb just sat in my car earlier listening to music on it but figured it would be more fun to do this :D

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hack your dad and show us w/ timestamp

How do I stop a ddos?


does dad know you borrowed the car?

I hope you're right but I've been obsessed with her for years and never found much of anything close
There was one shitty college rules chick that kinda looked like her once but I can't find her name or other work anywhere either

dextroverse discord


>yeah dxm in robo bb
bro DMX is a rapper duh

wow ur so cool

If residential, unplug router and modem for 5 mins . some ISP's reallocate new public ip's after a short bit like that. if that doesn't work, call ISP and ask them to reallocate new ip for you.

dad lives halfway across the country and drives a 2011 camry but he's proud that I earn enough money to drive fun cars :)

ever talked to her? if she has bf, that's kind tough. I had similar situation years ago. if you already asked her out and she said no, maybe take it as a motivation to improve yourself to be the kind of man she wants to be with. if she's really not interested maybe you just look for a new woman though. I know it's hard user :( but keep your head up, there's something better than that exact girl - a girl who cares about you as much as you care about that girl. you just have to find her. you can do it. :)

dxm, not dmx lol :D

haw haw :p the maintenance isn't very cool, I'm gonna sell it soon.

back on topic - hack requests?

Yeah. Trust me, I've tried to go the traditional get in her pants route. It didn't work for reasons I won't get into here because no one wants to read my blog, but it wasn't because of anything wrong with me.
You're looking at it the wrong way though
I'm not sad or anything about it
I can handle the rejection just fine. She doesn't owe me shit
But I just need to see those fucking titties

consider catfishing her if that's your only objective

Show us what she's got.

I've thought about it but haven't gotten very far
Tried to make a fake instagram but it somehow knew and wouldn't even let me register
I'm fucking baffled tbh

hack the legendary hacker known as Sup Forums

Not him either, youre a fuckin nobody too so shut your mouth.

Obviously I can't if I can't get her nudes

I meant... a normal picture of her, a profile pic, a face pic at least.

Nah. I'll share win if I ever get it, but I'm not gonna potential out myself with non-nudes
Plus I openly admit she's not for everyone. She's an 18/10 for me but I know she checks a lot of boxes that I'm personally into.
She got some titties though, I tell you what. Everyone likes titties


Dont do that shit op I had a seziure stick to mushies tabs

Attached: fuck-the-police-30.png (600x700, 149K)

Can you hack a snapchat?

recover the email, see above

How much money do you make,whats your job and what cars do you drive. Im off kratom kush beer bortha

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (1480x832, 66K)

$80/hour full time, minor benefits including health insurance, appsec consultant, gtr+manual 370z

I got a 28k mustang how old are you that a good as salary

Attached: amanda-lee-summer-beauty-hacks.png (595x738, 760K)

almost 24

ok, well, this was boring and went nowhere. I always believed in action rather than complaining (actually starting old Sup Forums threads instead of just complaining about there being none), but maybe I'll have to bring some content of my own next time as well.

good night, Sup Forums.