/figure skating/ Men's Free Program: NATHAN CHEN REDEMPTION EDITION

The time is nigh.

Will Yuzu break his own World Record?
Will Javi not choke?
Will Shoma remember to do combos?
Will Boyang wow the judges with his Star Wars program?
Will based Dima YOLO his way to a podium position?

Will Nathan Chen skate a 6-quad free program in Group 2 and be redeemed for his otherwise shit Olympic debut?

T-minus two hours until we find out.

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starting order

is anyone watching the skaters warming up? whoever is running the rink sound system is going crazy with it and playing all sorts of ridiculous stuff.

>americans can take down Yuzu
>myth: BUSTED
thanks grant

When will Shoma overcome his senpai?

>tfw want to watch this kino anime with Sup Forums but tired and also have work tomorrow

Can someone explain why every American figure skater is asian

lol top right dude is terrifying


I'm watching. Nathan looks checked out. I'm surprised he hasn't flown home already. I would just want to sit in a basement and eat cereal for 6 months.

Can he do a skate he can be proud of tonight? I'm so worried about him.

And of course Javi won't choke, what? He was SOOOOOOOcool and smooth and lovable last night. How could anyone doubt him? I'm looking for him and the Japanese to keep OAR off the podium

Don don't forget pic related

We got a lot of Asian skaters the same reason we got a lot of Asians in engineering school.

Can’t wait for skating to start.

Is there anywhere I can watch the skating program from last night in its entirety, or at least Yuzu's performance? I have access to NBC's streams but it seems like all the past event footage consists of short clips worth shit.

You guys ready for PUNISHED CHEN to come out and slaughter everybody on the ice?


You have to go to the full replay section. The whole program is up.

I have Yuzu's right here.

It would thebed redemption of a lifetime. But he looks broken.

He's going to fall on an easier jump then find a mountain to jump off of later tonight

I'm hoping for him. I know he won't medal after how good the last group did last night but I really want to see him nail his FS so he won't feel like the entire olympics was a fail for him.

Does anyone here watch Olympic Ice or do your streams/stations not have it? I'm not seeing any warm ups right now, just folks talking about last night's skates (and Yuzu).

The nbcsports app has Olympic Ice,and Practice rink streams. The practice rink streams are generally lame, but about an hour ago they were streaming the main rink where they were warming up and it was a better stream.

Can someone shoot the judges from China and Spain

Damn missed all the fun. I'll check out the app anyway, thanks user.

What are the odds Yuzu's ankle wound flares up halfway through the program and he crashes and burns? It would be a shit thing to happen but I just can't shake off this anxiety

when will the judges stop robbing Shoma's PCS?

it's possible but unlikely.

his first event of the season was Autumn Classic where he set the current SP world record, then had a flop free skate.

Scott Hamiklton just said something similar. Long program is completely different east than the short.

He always marks amazing though...except for when he's competing with Yuzu. It seems that when they're in together, he ranks second with the judges.
Also he looks infinitely gay there. His tousled hair is definitely better in general.

These damn reporters talking about Nathan. I swear it's like they want him to off himself


This sport is pretty gay lads not gonna lie

My mom is low-key obsessed with Adam Rippon

and that's why I like it


Post a pic of her I'm in the mood to fap

Maybe a system where if your score is clearly biased for your country, you have to very clearly explain why or have it removed as part of the average. Spain seemed fine, as they were only a little hither than everyone else, but China... yeah no.


cute stickers

yfw nathan chen

Your Mom has shit taste.

i still love nathan

Are there any male skaters who aren't faggots?


NBCSN. It won't have Mike Tirico cutting in with stupid shit every 10 minutes

occasionally we hear about some that are married or engaged to women

Do you figure skate?

Everyone who isn’t Adam Rippon.

pls dont bully


Adam Rippon

Figure skating is part of the (((gay agenda))) and you shouldn't watch it


First to repeat medal since Dick ButtON

It's not gay if he's east Asian.

Nathan Chen

Post what Chen is thinking
>I wonder what meal they’ll serve on the flight home

i hate to be that one guy but: stream?

or Jorik Hendricks, or Eric Radford.

Everyone else is straight or in the closet.

>yuzu greatest skater to ever live
>he’ll probably die slipping on a banana peel or some shit

fslive on twitch

Javier has had lots of girlfriends, Chris Kiereim and Hotarek Ondrej are married to other ice skaters

I though they kept saying Dick Butt and I was pretty fucking confused

Let's just hope this is not the case this time.

I missed that last night, omg. So freaking cute.



Nathan was caught by the Olympic demon.
Kolyada succumbed to the Olympic demon.
Boyan slayed the Olympic demon.
Javier charmed the Olympic demon.
Shoma didn't notice the Olympic demon.

is that shoma with neat hair?

they dead, son

>A dozen attractive men, many of whom are likely gay, carry themselves with poise, elegance and beauty, as they skate to appropriate music
>Suddenly, Adam Rippon appears in a flash of rainbow-colored smoke, dressed like Voldo from Soul Calibur's gayer roommate
>He deep-tongue kisses his latest boyfriend and starts gyrating to shitty club music
>His fans throw dildos onto the ice, which he catches in his mouth and spread anus
>His routine ends with 30 seconds of him fist-fucking himself
>He is hailed as a gay icon for all eternity

Dubs confirm it's all a ploy.
Well, at least its the nips winning instead of the chinks or the dopers

Yuzuru is a samurai and (((they))) fear the samurai
(((They))) have no power here

What would be your favorite podium, /fs/? For me, it's Yuzuru, Shouma and Kolyada.

Try fslive1

shoma's stoic yet delicate personality is more attractive than yuzu's cute overload

Who's /ourguy/?


who /cbc/ here

Yuzuru of course

Yuzuru, Javier and some underdog like the Chinese or Russian getting bronze

Ragemode is Patrick Chan getting anything.

1 - yuzu
2 - shoma
3 - javi

Meant for

Johnny Weir

When does ladies start?

Remove Kurt Browning

Fuck I came in late, anyone have the program order?

tuesday or wednesday. next event is ice dance then a day break I think.

Y U Z U R U!

yuzu shoma and boyang

Next week.




I'd be fine with the current top 3 to continue. I wanted it to be a Chen vs Yuzu battle but that ship sailed when Chen started choking on teams.


im /tsn/ now

What would Yuzu's extract taste like?

You're entitled to your wrong opinion.


shoma is the correct amount of cute


Ladies just haven't been the same without Mao

Salt water.

Yuzuru "Trips check 'em" Hanyu

latvia a cute

Oranges and honey

liquid autism