I'm creating a fake gender to piss of trans people and other retards. What should the qualifications be for identifying as this gender?
I'm creating a fake gender to piss of trans people and other retards...
faggot is already a gender, OP
kill yourself
Closet gender. Its like gay except you constantly deny being gay.
Just says your sexual orientation are young children and see how they react. call them bigoted if they start in on you
That's easy the qualification should be that Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. And Palpatine still alive.
have to have 6 inch fingers
There's no such thing as a fake gender...all genders are real.
republican is already a gender.
You identify as a nigger.
You have to feel like you're poop just moves through you wrong. Like you have the incorrect organs that your intestines and colon interact with. Gastrointestinal Dysphoria.
>making something up, just to antagonize people
found the degenerate
You sexually identify as a juggalo
>>making something up, just to antagonize people
All the people who say there are more than 2 genders.
Chaosgender - One who feels their gender is too confusing to pin down to one term, sub-community of novigender.
Just say you are a lesbian woman trapped in a man's body.
two things:
They have a billion god damned genders of their own they keep making up that your trolling will go unnoticed
This shit has been done to death by trolls.
Match 17, 2014 called, they want their Attack Helicopter back.
>needs rules
These faggots have no real stipulation for “genders”. Make it trendy and make it seem just different enough so they feel like they are rebelling against societal norms but safely and in an echo chamber.