So are we just done making fun of cheetoh in chief and the retards who voted for him?

So are we just done making fun of cheetoh in chief and the retards who voted for him?

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Getting him elected was just a prank by us.

Adam Schiff is getting sued by Judicial Watch in federal court after he failed to deliver documents pertaining to the procurement and release of private phone details belonging to Devin Nunes and US Journalist John Solomon.

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We'll be making fun of them until Jan 2025

>ask friend to pull your finger
>fart when he does
>also shit yourself
>still kind of funny, but not as much as hoped

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Might as well be.
Nothing else you're doing is working, either.

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Judicial Watch is a conservative activist group funded by the Koch brothers. You're a fucking shill or a mindless sheep if you seriously bring them up in conversation.

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it's too easy, and most of his supporters are boomers

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no? why would we be? We'll be making fun of Trump voters for years

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never forget

I'm more impressed really.. your friend can muster a fart at will

lol, no.

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Fuuuuck don't invite ex over don't invite ex over don't invite ex over

She is native and irish.. little alcoholic pocahontas... she's also the worst thing to happen to me in the last few years... aside from her looks; which is literally all she has going for her

It doesn't change the fact that he is getting sued. And, nothing you or anyone else that replies to my post, changes, that fact.

Good Lord look at those fake ass teeth.

Not by a long sight user, not by a long sight.

Feel free to continue the butthurt. We respect free speech.

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mmm yes sounds like my kind of girl


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Anybody can sue anybody, whether it holds legal weight or is feasible is another thing entirely Devin Nunes is a blowhard and this shit is going nowhere

Im just saying it's been real quiet about since the impeachment

Well we won the battle and the war. We finally impeached the racist, homophobic, anti-Islam toxic masculinity scum. The bigots are finally waking up and seeing the hate. Once again the light outshines the darkness. Thanks too all the women, men and zeds alike this nightmare is Over!

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I know it's embarrassing

Let me see if I'm following your logic regarding the Koch brothers.
The Koch brothers criticized Trump and his border policies (because they benefit from low wages), so that must mean you're on Trump's side, right user?

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Adam Schiff is still getting sued, user. I am stating a fact. You are stating your emotions.

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Still might piece that so I'm not gonna expose just yet; and I think some of her more trog roommates might be lurkers (her tats are obvious)

More like a prank by Putin

Also.. after having a day filled with racism, props to using a black dude meme; actually makes me a little happy you came along

You're a faggot.

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>replies to u mad with u mad

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Anyone can get sued. Trump alone has over 500 civil lawsuits currently against him.

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Imagine saving and using a meme like this.

you can put "still laughing at the 3rd president to be impeached, donald j trump" on my tombstone

Lmao trump is the king. Can’t wait to see you guys screeching after the re -election

What the fuck is going on in this

Perspective you need.

That's a woman who enjoys getting molested and raped.

Those are WWE female wrestlers. They are paid actors. So I don't see how you being that gulliable and stupid, is considered "winning."

Just getting started.


Why are you just mirroring my replies? Are you a little slow?

You obviously don't understand how "impeachment" works. Stop flashing your stupidity.

Speaking of facts about being sued, how many times has trump been sued? How many times has he settled?

Your point?

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Ive often wondered if 50% or more of his voters were just trolls on a grand scale. No one in their right mind could think he would be a legitimately good president.

How many of these do you think he paid to stick his yeti pube besieged mushroom tip in?

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I immigrated here from Mexico and I am voting for Donald trump in 2020.
It is disgusting how weak men have become and act like females now.

We're just waiting to see which retard they rally behind next. Trump was always too easy. He only won because a lucky SCOTUS death

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>posting opinion pieces as though they are news
you trumpanzees are full retarded

I'm also Mexican and I fucked Pablo Escobar's wife, daughter and grand daughter and I believe donald trump is my lord and savior.

See, I can lie and do it too. It's pretty cool how no know will ever know huh?

More like

>what crimes?
>philandering, tax evasion, sexual assault, discrimination, defrauding businesses and the american people


Don't worry, we'll give you 4 more years

See what I mean you act like females. So mich emotion. I learn English and make my family appreciate the American ways. Forgive your parents for messing your head up and making you like this. It not your fault.

This sounds like a sophisticated conversation between two fat, southern lard asses.

You keep thinking that retard. Hasn’t worked for you thus far

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Cool story, white boi, bro from the suburbs. I bet you listen to rap music and believe you're thuggish too.

That would be grand. Then maybe I could read actual news for once, instead of stupid shit like a typo Trump made in a Tweet last Thursday. Libs are so thirsty it's not even funny anymore.

Adam Schiff is still getting sued, user.

I don’t know what that mean but you acting like your mother. Forgive her and become a man

Lmao imagine using a typo as your ammunition. Go suck an enlarged clit of a female to male transgender and feel good about yourself.

The left has gone so insane they pushed me away (I lean left mostly) and now I am voting for Trump in 2020. They have gone off the deep end and I won't follow them down. Only a smoothbrain doesn't realize that Trump is a socialite 90's democrat and nothing more. Far left communist propaganda can't trick me.

Shut up, white boi. You ain't tough, puta. Don't make me shank you with my swtich blade, foo.

Imagine projecting your anger about your homosexuality on other people when you have no real counter arguments.

At least she identifies and is a woman, and not some tranny filth who you prob beat off to, you freak.

what's wrong with an enlarged clit or a trans? i'd suck me a trans cock and i'd stroke myself while i'm doing it. don't lie, faggot! you would too!

Ah yes, the "used whores vote trump so should you" pics. Very convincing for the incels.

Projecting homosexuality coming from a liberal. That’s grand

Incel alert

I see your TDS is in full effect. Post proof of crimes, smoothbrain. Real proof, with evidence admissible in court, not what Sanders or AOC parrots.

PROTIP: you feelings and opinions don't hold up in court :)

i actually do beat off to tranny porn, Mr. vice P Pence. It's really hot. You give into your instinct and do it too

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Has he responded to your letter about what his jizz tastes like?

I don’t care what anyone says, feelings do matter. We finally impeached that racist homophobic anti-Islam toxic scum. That’s what I call winning.

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Subjective moral reasoning, partizan bias, and a false sense of security + high ground. You are literally everything wrong with the world. Congrats

Ey gringo, ¿como sabe el semen de Trump? Me imaginó ah doritos.

My instinct is not to beat it to chicks with dicks because I'm not a fag

He will not divide us. I can tell that you also may be a racist and a bigot

Bashing on typos, you Libtards cant even come up with shit to say I sware.

How many black dicks can your closest female relative fit? Being white amd all...

Except he isn't impeached, you ignorant nigger

You would think that after seeing the massive defeat the extreme left faced in the UK that they would change their tactics. But no.

its a fucking koch brothers company you shill.

nice try faggot