Do i look like a fag in this pants?my friend says i look like one but i think i look completely nomal

do i look like a fag in this pants?my friend says i look like one but i think i look completely nomal
btw ill not post more pics i'm straight and i'm super hairy

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Ya look like the king fag just wear skirts why don't cha ya fagoot

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skirts are for anime girls and trannys

When you stand like that, yes you do look like a faggot

is there non faggot way of staning? lmao
i'm just standing


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Stop lying we know you are a faggot and that you are not hairy at all just post pics of you are feminine pp fag

Yes you look gay

I bet you are a so called trap and is transitioning probably taking HRT

Yup you look like a fag. A super weak one too.

because the pants is too long

i'm user i'm not a faggot i swear you want a pic of me

good to know

no i'm not...

i'm not that weak i just dont go to gym

I want a picture of you ass pls

At least post your discord so we can ask for pictures there

just post your butt already

that is me i have super heary legs and i wont post any more pics


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Yup, you better take them off and post pics so we know you're not wearing them

you dont want to see a hairy men ass

>btw ill not post more pics i'm straight and i'm super hairy

Yeah of course it's you

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i just didn't wanted to take a pic right now but my legs are really hairy

Sounds exactly what a bear faggot would say

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You stand like a faggot

i'm not a faggot i even had a gf

how do i stop doing that?

eh. we'd need to see what they look like on you as a whole. they seem tight.

You stand like you don't have cock or balls

Ask on I’m sure they tell you why it’s gay

>eh. we'd need to see what they look like on you as a whole
nah i dont think you need

>they seem tight.
is it too werd? do you think i would draw a lot of attention?

i have i just stand in the most comfortably way for me

thanks ill do than but i dont think they will tell me i'm gay

OP you have good friends, because you look like such a faggot

my friend is more faggot than me he is with me right now on a call

>being friends with a faggot
You just dug your own grave bucko. That proves right there that you are a faggot


It's not the pants, it's the way you stand.


at least the pants are not the problem

>more faggot than me
so you're a faggot

Just don't wear super tight jeans, you look like a girl and don't put your legs togheter you look really feminine

fuck you guys you're all right but i just wanted a honest opnion and didnt wanted to post pics and yes i'm a trap on hrt

next time i'll buy pants for men i didnt think they would be so obvious
bye, not coming back to this thread

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Skinny pants aren't for males..../end thread hi

>confesses to being a trap
>taking full on gay juice
I-I’m not a faggot I s-swear guys!!!

Sorry wrong guy, I’m piss tired

You came to a toxic place looking for genuine support. Just do you. If your friend says you look like a faggot in certain pants then maybe get friends that dont judge you for the things you like. Il tell you right now my pants are legit skin tight and i could give a fuck what anyone says.

You look fine your friend has a crush on you

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thanks user

nah unfortunately he is super straight he hates my pics especially when i send to him without hes consent

Hey you ask Sup Forums if you look like a faggot and you got you're honest answer from Sup Forums, so stop acting like such a bitch about it just man up to you're mistake you faggot

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