Post any image, and I reply with that image transformed into a mosaic of images in my NSFW folder

Post any image, and I reply with that image transformed into a mosaic of images in my NSFW folder

Now trying out new settings that make better-looking mosaics, at the cost of duplicate images

If you post a NSFW image that I like, I add it to my NSFW folder to make better quality mosaics

Attached: orange Mosaic.jpg (2055x2055, 1.64M)

Attached: 1521935029068.jpg (239x250, 5K)


Attached: 1576990608120 Mosaic.jpg (1850x1935, 1.88M)

Attached: 5.jpg (1500x844, 203K)

Attached: 027_1000.jpg (640x904, 53K)

Attached: 0266.jpg (1500x1000, 193K)

Attached: 265628_06big.jpg (1024x683, 122K)

Attached: DyqNr8bX0AAfJWv.jpg (801x1200, 117K)


Attached: 1576990815792 (1) Mosaic.jpg (2381x1340, 1.88M)

Attached: WELIVEINASOCIETY.jpg (840x464, 65K)

Attached: Untitled7.png (582x643, 429K)

Attached: 1576563504885.png (500x500, 206K)

Attached: 1576990899838 Mosaic.jpg (1465x2070, 1.77M)


Attached: 1576990923776 (1) Mosaic.jpg (2232x1488, 1.77M)

Attached: 1576990961582 Mosaic.jpg (1984x1324, 1.48M)

Attached: 1576991024597 Mosaic.jpg (1324x1984, 1.61M)

Attached: 1576991063427 Mosaic.jpg (1984x1096, 1.16M)

Attached: 1576991155805 Mosaic.jpg (1720x1900, 1.8M)

Could you post your folder?

Attached: 1576991246606 Mosaic.jpg (2000x2000, 1.91M)

Nice! Thanks.

Attached: 268342_10150254708577402_1261858_n.jpg (478x720, 70K)

Attached: Untitled63.png (330x725, 359K)


Attached: 88FD5475-8E7A-4E1E-9858-FA288E323B74.jpg (750x785, 529K)

Attached: 1576991809347 Mosaic.jpg (1364x2055, 1.58M)

Attached: 1576991844231 Mosaic.jpg (1169x2568, 1.75M)

Attached: 1576991903038 Mosaic.jpg (1736x1817, 1.71M)

Attached: 1575961351713.jpg (1024x678, 638K)

Attached: klHVzscbmdsxVDT-800x450-noPad.jpg (480x450, 26K)

Attached: Heather Mosaic.jpg (4000x3000, 1.85M)

Attached: Untitled58.png (688x868, 877K)

thank you kind user


Attached: 1576992215679 Mosaic.jpg (2397x1587, 1.83M)

>adds gay to the NSFW folder

Attached: 1576992234592 Mosaic.jpg (1786x1674, 1.72M)

Attached: 1576992276653 Mosaic.jpg (1984x1488, 1.5M)

Attached: 1576992291099 Mosaic.jpg (1488x1877, 1.6M)

You going to add this to?

Attached: Jenny7.jpg (907x1200, 80K)

This is hot, thanks!

Attached: Untitled51.png (787x787, 1.16M)

Attached: 1572101679834.jpg (500x582, 39K)

Just came in my own ass from this. Thanks for the sperm, kind nigger!

That's meta.

What are you using to do this?

You're welcome user

Attached: Jenny6.jpg (419x551, 27K)


Attached: 1576992741589 Mosaic.jpg (1488x1969, 1.74M)

Attached: 1576992784786 Mosaic.jpg (1860x1860, 1.74M)

Attached: 1576992787764 Mosaic.jpg (1488x1732, 1.45M)

Attached: 1576992933933 Mosaic.jpg (1451x1908, 1.68M)

No more images now, i'm doing a chemistry experiment in the backyard

Thank you

Okay...NOW I'm intrigued.

Attached: Screenshot_216.png (291x294, 91K)

Could you post the full image of this? This girl looks familiar

Attached: 1576991415523m.jpg (37x71, 2K)

Attached: 7eWpkx-c_400x400.jpg (360x360, 20K)

I want to see how this image can be handled.

Attached: 5255654.jpg (1800x2700, 1.64M)

Attached: JERALD.png (265x163, 92K)

Attached: 1491825559005.png (597x590, 244K)

Right when I show up to the thread.

Attached: 1569751429434.jpg (960x720, 69K)

Attached: 1543443397150.jpg (2048x1811, 1017K)

Attached: 1569771584276.png (1545x869, 193K)

Attached: be2dea4.jpg (521x600, 43K)

thanks mate

Attached: Jenny5BPose.jpg (452x599, 29K)

So perfect.

what do you use to make these?

Attached: 1576405008002.jpg (1715x2331, 310K)

Attached: hqdefault (9).jpg (480x360, 13K)