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well then, don't get suicided

God I hope somehow she enters the race. The world could end right after she loses again and I'd die laughing

omg me too i hate dumb trump stupid

being with a politician is like being with cancer

Be a sheep. She depends on it

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That's your personal problem

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So you’re a loser too?

I'll never understand republitards obsession with this old hag

It’s libtards obsession too, buttfucko.

Most of us have moved on user, use your brain and stop falling for the spooks your party leadership presents you with.

Not my party leadership, I honestly hope the orange fuckstain gets impeached since he’s a RINO.

He's already been impeached, which isn't the same as removal from office.
If he's a RINO, then why would the entire Republican party rush to defend his every action?

Meant convicted and removed from office, but even so, until Pelosi gets off her withered prune ass and sends the papers to the Senate, he’s not officially impeached, they’ve just drafted the articles and had a vote, but failed to follow the fuck through. Because those Republitard dumbfucks are doing it to spite the leftist cunts, without using their fucking brains.
They absolutely fucking deserve him, that crooked NY Dem son of a bitch.

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You do know that if he gets convicted, which he won't that the vice president will take his place right? It's just like assassinating the president, only it's a whole season of Dragon Ball Z where it takes them 9 episodes to come up with NO EVIDENCE.

Pence sucks too, but he’s at least not a Dem in disguise. Both sides are shit, I just dislike Dems more.

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this is now a 'laugh at retards' thread

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>she gets to be president while she lives in your head rent-free

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this one needs more jpeg

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I wish there was a name for this form of journalism where libs substitute their wishes for an honest assessment of a situation.

It's almost as if they think if they say it and enough people believe it, it will become reality. The world don't work that way.

Get triggered, libtard.

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baby's first election. If Trump had lost I wouldn't have been crying over it.

For the entire year, they'd been told Donald Trump would turn the US into a hell hole and the only way to feel safe was if hillary was made president. And that she would be made president because Trump in an evil Nazi and anyone who votes for him was an Evil Nazi.

The fell for it. They swallowed it, not just the hook, but took a great big gulp of the line and swallowed sinker and maybe even went for the float. They believed it with all their hearts.

This is the culmination of them believing everything they've been spoon fed from their echo chamber.

Find out who you can't criticise, people. I find it strange how hillary was one of them.

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Nigga she a hundred millionaire, she didn't dedicate shit.

Maan, I'm surprised that he took the time away from being a cuck long enough to make it to the polls. The faggot probably still wore a dicklock and butt plug while he was voting though.

Old habits die hard.

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Even if you knew her future.... would you?

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Good for you. Have fun coughing uncontrollably and losing elections.

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I mean, of course. Women aren't forever. You fuck em until they're 30 and then trade them in for a younger model. They're only good while the fruit is still ripe.

would you fuck me?

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Anybody else remember that battery or bolt falling out of the pant leg of Hilldog during her handlers shuffling to get her to the vehicle because she was about to pass out or die or some shit?

I'd fuck me

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I'd fuck me haaaaaaard

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Listen, buckaroo: Just because the Clintons are directly connected to the deaths of Shawn Lucas, Victor Thorn, Joe Montano, Seth Rich, John Ashe, Gareth Williams, Charles Ruff, Carlos Ghigliotti, Charles Miller, Daniel Dutko, David McCloud, Johnny Lawhorn, James McDougal, Eric Butera, Ron Miller, Mary Caitrin Mahoney, John Hillyer, Barbara Wise, Ron Brown, Charles Meissner, Stanley Huggins, Bill Shelton, Kathy Ferguson, James Bunch, Gandy Baugh, Ed Willey, Jerry Luther Parks, Stanley Heard, Jon Parnell Walker, Vince Foster, Jim Wilhite, and Susan Coleman doesn't mean that they kill people.

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no ragrets

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That fucking girl in that pic exudes insufferable. You can just tell that she's a 3rd wave feminist troglodyte.