How this trick called?

how this trick called?

When he stomps his left foot it moves the ball a bit would be my best guess

the old lefty righty

the CHADforce

damn, wtf
he's powerful

the tsuuunami

The statpad
The leaf orgasm
The Romanian pleasurizer

it's called inner energy


le always is "si era" man

damn, that´s brutal

s e e t h i n g

The illegal move, but not like i care because it's insignificant and it btfo P$G

Magnus effect

>A trick so good you have to slow it down and zoom in to see it.

How did he do that bros?

loose grass

A fucking kick

Doesn't matter, its illegal and shouldn't count.

how is it illegal he didn't do anything anyone else couldn't do

the reddit shoot

>he didn't do anything anyone else couldn't do
So? Lots of people can kick your shins; that wouldn't make it legal


You have to retake the penalty if the ball was moving during the kick.

the pop up is part of the kick it's just a trick shot

if the keeper saves it and he's off his line then it has to be retaken aswell, no one listens to these meme rules

>retake the penalty
lel no one cares what happens in penalties
the observers arent allow to enter the box until the kick has been taken but they all run into it before the kicker even gets to the ball
you act like rules are properly enforced in football lmao


Bayern Munich will wreck real madrid.
James will score twice in the finals