For the males how do you prefer Pussy, Shaved or not... Other preferences, images welcome

for the males how do you prefer Pussy, Shaved or not... Other preferences, images welcome

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any of those are acceptable
no trimming what so ever is not

Either clean shaved or full shag carpet

If its pink and dont stink it doesn't matter.

Shaved, nothing kills the mood for me more than picking out hairs from my teeth

big bush

ppl who prefer shaved are pedes

landing strip is the best, most aesthetic pussy

Heart attack because it's cute and makes me smile.

Shaved or heart for taking slut pics of or public play

Don’t really care but clean shaven is best


Only ever liked shaved until very recently where I'm okay with a small patch as long as it's properly kept.

Honestly the heart, idk its just so fucking sexy


Peach fuzz

Bare, mon frere.

Best pussy is unshaven/untrimmed and freshly showered so I can bury my nose in her clean muff.


True. Best with skinny girls. Fat girls folds stink 5 minutes after a shower.

Anything more than the Bermuda and they're hiding some blown out labs from you bro. Don't settle

bermuda triangle, martini, or bare. designs are weird as shit.

what kind of fag cares if a girl's got pussy wings?

I prefer my pussy like I prefer my women. Prepubescent.

A self-respecting one? Damn son you been with some blown-out chicks

Doesn't matter to me honestly as long as it's maintained and clean.

Incel or cuck. Can't tell.

Hope you brought clothespins you 2nd rate cuck you must have a Batman fetish if you get hard for batwings

Bud if youre the 20th guy I feel bad for you

>fucking hookers in the puss

>Tfw you've completely given up on innies

i dont mind pubes, just as long as she's got no hair around her lips & clit.
other than that i'm not fussy.
it'd be no different than the male equivilent of trimming near the base of the dick to make it more appealing for blowjobs and to make it look bigger.

Trimmed and recently washed.

I prefer unshaved because i don't fuck. Unshaved legs. Everything. Why even bother. So stupid.

>recently washed
>that amazing smell of her pussy when she's turned on but she's just gotten out of a bath filled with floral mineral salts or a bath bomb.

I love when my girl's pussy is as hairy as it can be. Makes me hard af
If I suck her pussy I preffer it shaved though

The part I put my mouth on should be reasonably hairless. The pubic mound proper can be whatever.

Prefer shaved.
Minimum trimmed and not a mess.

I like them landing strips and postage stamps as long as the hair isnt long.

checked, and as a straight alpha male who shaves, i only fornicate with my contemporary straight alpha females who also shave. waxing is okay too i guess but i feel like it's a bit too far, especially since i ain't gonna do that shit and for a perfect relationship everything must be balanced

you beta bitches need to shave your junk, pubic hair/body hair is nasty af

This. Bush is sex as fuck visually, and it feels great. I love when my girl has one. However, I refuse to eat it out. If I'm going down on her, she's gonna need to shave it.

>liking pubic hair of any kind, especially an egregious amount necessary to be eligible for the title of "bush"

grandpa the nursing home is gonna boot ur viagra-riddled ass out again if u don't get with the fucking times

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