She just had a titjob. Do you like?
She just had a titjob. Do you like?
I like them, but I don't see any scars or swelling? How long ago was "just had"?
2 days ago
Fuck no, ellesclub is a fucking bitch for getting implants
You like them? Are you fucking kidding me?
Would you prefer them to before surgery?
>pic related
She was before she got plastic surgery
Not really. Thats actually a real shame. She had a great body and she ruined it.
I'll take before any day. Fuck titjobs
Is that her? Name?
dumb as hell. her tits were fantastic before
No thats some trap faggot.
Elles used to be a respectable porn star but not anymore
Dude i would have licked her butthole until she couldn't feel her legs
That's a really bad tit job, doesn't look natural and they look bolted on. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them before, sure, there are better tits out there but putting on shitty bolted on ones won't help.
He thinks you are the person in the pics so he is asking which area code you live in so he can meet and presumably bang "you".
He is the biggest faggot in this thread.
Well, she got what she paid for, a areolar subglandular implant that looks fake.
That's Elle, a professional porn model you retard, and OP is a spammer shilling for her.
user! You told me you're going to move on what the FUCK!?
Fucking dropped. Awful thing to do.
fuck he's cute
>implying it's an actual fan and not a shill
>implying he'll ever stop
>implying you're not a retard for taking the bait
>implying I'm not just playing along
don't bully me booger bitch
this is an 18+ website
breast implant illness
No. The Sup Forums board is 18+. There are plenty of other boards you can play in, though :)
Tucked dick right
Ok kid
Stop talking to me pedo
New tits look kind of lumpy. Maybe they'll even out as she heals?