Have sex with me or you're a bigot

>have sex with me or you're a bigot
Why do liberals push this shit? Seriously. Get help.

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>inb4 liberals dont push that

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Fucking transphobes

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ugh fuckin trannies are so gross.
We will look back at this disgusting thing and be embarrassed
It's not like flipping a switch

Ok, I'm a bigot. I'm OK with that.

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Damn - you made me read the article. Now I'm really pissed off.

Probably because you're a tiny dick bigot


I'm a proud bigot and racist. I hate trannies and niggers

This is like the 5th thread today.
Are you okay OP?

Answer the question tranny fucker

He's doing God's work

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These are our future leaders

We're fucked lol

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

Imagine being so mentally ill that you willingly mutilate your genitals like this.

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>libruhls are crazy
op, grow up. I'm calling your shit, you've never seen anyone say that.

Fuck Sup Forums for catering to alphabet loons. Got ban for posting straight pride.

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People refuse to date me because I'm black oh well

Only trans weird “woke” white people think like this. 99.99% of the world is ok with you not fucking trannies.

That's horrific, looks wise it may even be worse than that "pink slug" faux vagina that's been showing up on here.

>Absolutely nobody:
>OP: Why do liberals push this shit? Seriously. Get help.

Return to Reddit and kill yourself.

I've been here since 2009 pal