I need some serious advice Sup Forums. It's regarding my family and family relations...

I need some serious advice Sup Forums. It's regarding my family and family relations. Essentially I'm an underdog in the hip hop industry (Pic related is my upcoming album) and I work with a HUGE label (The same label that owns Future to give you an idea) and am sneak dropping a project that will get worldwide attention in a few months.

The reason this is relevant is not to advertise (If I wanted to advertise I'd do it with money you faggot) but because I say a LOT of fucked up shit in my music. I grew up using Sup Forums and I like to incorporate as much free speech into my music as possible and unlike most of you faggots who can do that anonymously forever with no consequences, I'm doing it with worldwide attention and my entire FAMILY KNOWS ABOUT IT.

These are songs where I rap really fast about faggots and abusing whores. I'm just a free speech martyr who's doing it for you guys, but my family is abandoning me.

My brother hates me and is planning on cutting contact with me because of how offensive he finds my work, my parents pretend like I don't exist and my extended family has completely cut me out of all family events/pictures. It's really fucking sad.

I need advice from you degenerate pieces of shit on how to carry myself and get over this, I know what a lot of you will say "OHH WAHHH YOU GET TO DO THIS FOR A LIVING AND BE A BRAGADOCIOUS DOUCHEBAG AND YOUR LIFE IS SOOOOOOO HARD" but honestly my heart is extremely sore and I really do hate my life. I really genuinely plan on killing myself soon even because I feel nothing. I wake up a blank slate and I go to bed the same way. I got a kid on the way too and I have no clue how I'm going to be treated all because I like to express myself artistically (And autistically).

And no I'm not trying to flex on you fucks I'm explaining all of this stuff in depth so you can get an idea of where my heart is at, I'm just like you but I'm very public about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just rap bruh

Tell them to give you your fucking tendies REEEEEEEEEE

Dedicate a song to them

You sound like an edgy 12 year old who never grew up. Do us a favor and stop making music, it's probably shit and if your family is cutting ties with you over it you should definitely stop

Commit suicide and livestream so we have a new webm


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Take your creativity into a new direction. Clean it up. Rapping for Christ lol

just stop being a nigger

You look like those high school dropouts who stand outside of gas stations checking out underage girls

I'm not a nigger, look at my skin color.

I am quite literally that 12 year old who never grew up and is now 24 rapping super fast with a 9 year olds rage, I am prideful of that, but I think the consequences are very unfair


No sir, this is not even close to a good example of my music videos but this is all I'm allowed to release to anyone right now without getting sued it's a rap about my cock

(put dropbox dot com before this link) /s/ht9jw7d5j8o68w9/whiteguy.mp4?dl=0

(Put the link together, Sup Forums think's it's spam)


What. A. Queer.

You're a nigger. You're also hopeless and should definitely kill yourself before you sperg out and hurt an innocent person.

>free speech martyr

My advice is this; family means more than self. If your entire clan has turned their backs to you, chances are good you're fucking up. Seek reconciliation or live the rest of your days in exile and pain.

>bonus tip
Free speech does not need flexing just for free speech's sake. There's a lot of hype sounding like "the war on free speech" and all that, but if you really look at what people say this shit in reaction to, it almost always actually comes down to someone freely speaking some dumb or rude shit, and someone else telling them to 'shut up' or 'fuck off'. This leads to the one saying dumb shit whining about how their free speech is under attack, when really they just met someone else who's also speaking freely.

Saying some shit, not because you need to, but just because you can and acting victimized when other people get pissed about it is just fucking dumb.
>"I wanna say something!"
>"well I wanna say something too!"
>"now we're both mad!"
Thats all anyone really says in this modern rhetoric on free speech. Just laughably misguided noise.

>Make up with the family or live with regret
>Saying shit just to say shit is a stupid reason to say shit
>word 2 ur gey mam

>honestly my heart is extremely sore

...Mmmm yeah that tracks.

Dude... you have no label behind you. I guarestee nobody wants to listen to your garbage, and should really jusr get a 9 to 5 job. Trust me..

No I genuinely have Epic Records (Subsidiary of Sony Music) behind me, you'll just have to see for yourself in a few months lol.

No you ficking dont, its all a joke. And if you do, your 5 seconds of fame will be taken quite literally. Get a real job and get back with your family. Nothing good will come from what you are choosing.. me personally, i have -100% interest in listening to anything you make. I really could not give two, or even twelve fucks. Get a real life together

5 seconds of fame is better than your 0 seconds of notability

Also, who the fuck is future? Sounds like some tryhard fame wanter

On top of all this, why the fuck would you sign yourself to a label in this time and year???? Its more than pointless and your just gonna be a form of toilet paper that they can and will wipe their ass with. If you are truly good and something that people want, you will get fame and fortune. This is the cheapest and most pathetic way of getting peoe to listen to your trash. And i bet they wont even like any of it

I rap at the least 1000 words in 2 minutes on each of my tracks, I'm a master of my craft I assure you. At the least there's skill to admire boy.

Honestly, im very sorry fpr being so rude about all this, but i genuinely dont believe anything your telling me other than you still have a 12 y/o mentality. For real dude.. get a real job and make up with your family. Thats the absolute best thing you can do for yourself at this point. Just claim defeat and move on. This is all just a shitty phase you cant progress with. I just wanna help, man..

That has no meaning to anyone

So when are you gonna kill yourself

Doesn't sound like it if you're coming here for help

For real. If your looking for advice, you gotta stop putting your ego over the help. Take a second to actually listen.

1. Do what you need to in order not to get sewed.
2. Look for a decent job during this time.
3. Quit when you can and live how you should, not how you want.
All this can only be good for you

Fuck off wigger.

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you should learn from the recent "south park" episode that albums and radio play don't make any money, of course, and now, even doing shitty shows for drugged retards with big woofers and stupid lights doesn't do it either.

you should skip to the "behind the scenes" "aftermath" movie about how you got raped up the ass by all the gang bangers, had to perform rituals, fuck dogs, and then made your shitty bass music.

I'm actually half black meaning I could legally paint my skin black and not be racist and be my true form.

This is actually factual (Op here). There is a lot of gay gangbanging in the rap industry, also known as the pink mafia. Fortunately enough I have enough behind the scene connections that I don't need to get raped in the ass by a bunch of black guys. But if you look, huge rappers like Lil Wayne and Birdman and Eminem etc are genuinely homosexual and do participate in those rituals.

So, good on you for being educated at least.

Im pretty drunk but you know exactly what i mean...
Nah fuck off with that shit
Nah fuck off with that lying bullshit

also, retard, that "parental advisory" label hasn't been required for nearly 20 years. it's only there to impress 12 year olds. get a fucking life.

Your tats are gross

No actually it is required in a lot of countries especially mine.

This is not a roast me gosh darnit.

The skin color was a joke, but genuinely google the pink mafia it's not a joke nor is it something to play with. There is a horde of evidence showcasing this.

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Who the fuck is pink mafia? Also yea it kinda is. Your dumb enough to set yourself up to be roasted, especially on this site.

Are you gonna take advice or are you just gonna keep the flow of this shitty disgrace of a "rap" show?

Ok OP I will entertain this, tis the holidays, when I hurts the most.

So long story short, abusive narsistic possibly sociopathic family members took a lot of money from me, treated me poorly, genuinely awful. I put up with it for many years because "family". Then I stopped, it took a death for them to reveal just how scummy they could act, I dont care about money, dont need it, but they became ravenous and manulipitive, their true colors.

I know durring the holidays it hurts. Do some introspection, it's ok to not forgive. Get some hobbies, take classes, whatever, you will meet some new family. It's your time and your life, choose your own family.

kill yourself

Thank you, this is genuinely smart good advice. It's my brother I'm primarily having an issue with. He's been very good to me before, but he suffers from C-PTSD as a result of getting raped and almost killed for years because of an abusive love triangle he was forced into from a young age.

Sometimes he can be the light of my life and I'm so happy we're family, other times he can be vile and downright abusive. He took me in at a young age because CPS took me out of my family home and raised me so I can't just drop him. The thought of losing out on the good memories because of his newish abusive behavior makes me hurl.

You're autistic.

Yes I am goddammit

No probs, life is incredibly short user. Dont spend a single day unhappy, dont give others the power to make you unhappy.

>suffers from C-PTSD as a result of getting raped and almost killed for years because of an abusive love triangle he was forced into from a young age.

That's pretty horrific. Does he solicit help from you? Seek it himself? You can't help those who dont want it, even if you love him its casting Pearl's before swine.

>Sometimes he can be the light of my life and I'm so happy we're family, other times he can be vile and downright abusive.

Time, time user. Limit time, spend 20 mins visiting instead of an hour. You dont have to burn bridges but limit your exposure.

actions have consequences?
you chose the thug life and your family doesn't want to be around you... either channel it into your music (with that look you better have talent) or clean up your act.

Let me make a better album cover for you

You arent going to make it and you're ugly. Your trash rap sucks and it's a dying genre.

So be somebody that pleases your family? What about living authentically?
What about being your own person?

I can't count how many 18-25 yr olds I see in class every semester that dont want to be there. They waste their time and money on something they hate to appease family.

Technically this guy isn't hurting anyone. Its artistic expression. Art is to be shared, seen, listened to.

What you say is true, except in the cases where an actual ultimately violent enforcement is being discussed/proposed or actually exists. Regarding free speech and its suppression I mean.

My name is Seraph and I'm tired of it all. I'm tired of the bullying from stupid niggers and trannies that I know irl. I'll prove a point to them tonight by live streaming and video calling my suicide.

I'll be doing it in around a few hours in one of the VCs in the server below and I'll post the livestream link in the server below.

invite: gg/Se8KdmC


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Gtfo, you didn't post even halfway down threads, checked, half assed,

might be a larp. dont know for sure. ill get back


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Holy fuck. That video was so full of cringe and autism that you should probably just delete it and kill yourself. Also, you claim to have money, but you can't afford skin care products? lolwut

>hip hop
>worldwide attention
The world don't give a fuck about the nigger talking. it's an murican thing.

So 8.5 or so words per second consistently without delay or drawing breaths?

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fake shit by a dumbass

>These are songs where I rap really fast about faggots

i sensed something before i even clicked the topic that this user wasn't your typical cunt trying to use Sup Forums for their own bs, and then he said this

nigger you're all right, i hope these other anons will take care of you. here's a bump

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if he got abused and you rap about abusing "whores" it probably brings up memories of his abusive ex and shit man. honestly its more effort than its worth to focus on yourself and still have noone care, especially if it involves pink mafia or black eyed demon shit man. I know life can be hard i listen to black metal and lil peep and make music too but it's all just self destructive self indulgent bullshit. but when everyday sucks hard the same and you have talent and drive what else are you supposed to do hey?, its kinda rollin the dice to see if you can make it out of the pain place through expression and hussle. it's not really worth it in the end, ten years down the road and you'll look back and ask why you didnt just get a dog and some hobbies and smoke weed and play xbone instead of give away soo much of yourself for so little in return. nothing can make us happy but we can choose to try and accept the suck and be ok with whatever we got going on here and now.

you can always live to die another day lol

Kill yourself wannabe nigger, there is literally no where your life is going to go.

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You look like a fucking retard. No one will listen to your garbage music. Kill. Yourself. Faggot.

You don't understand what free speech is. Free speech is not about being able to be rude or offensive, though you can be, obviously. Free speech is about being able to talk and discuss any topic, being rude or not.

> I rap really fast about faggots and abusing whores

"faggot" is considered an insult, and not a light one, by many. So you like being intentionally offensive? Just what kind of reaction are you expecting back? Understanding, support, compassion? All you will get back is hostility.

Abusing whores... Dude, you're either stupid, or pretend to be stupid. Do you even understand how poeple's minds work?

You keep acting fucked up, you will only call fucked up people to be around you.

No wonder your family is deserting you, soon enough friends will too, and all you'll have left are selfish narcisisistic fucked up shitheads who will turn their back on you one day, on a dime, as if you were a faggoty abused whore.


>Can I be mexican eminem?

Sure bro, have at it

>I am prideful
Yeah, you speak like a rapper. And a nigger.

Fuck you and fuck your family faggot. Boo fucking hoo. You made your bed, go lie in it and get your ass fingerblasted....you fucking nobody.
White fucking Jaseh is all you are.

Lol if thats the cover they made for you they are not takig you seriously. Neither am I. Get a Life fruitfag.

Regardless of this being a troll or not. It isn't anything special. This won't have an impact. Every fucking idiot out there tries to rap. It's old. It will fail and not even epically. Shoot up a cartel, that would be more fun.

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>rapping super fast with a 9 year olds rage

Well...at least mumble rap is dying to some stupid new faggoty rap bullshit.

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You probably should've thought about how much it would suck to hurt the people around you before you went and worked on publicly hateful speech. Regardless of the fact that it's free speech (which i agree it is) your words still have the ability to impact people, as a musician you should know that already. If you can't find something better to rap about maybe you shouldn't rap at all.

Honestly I recommend you reevaluate your priorities and apologize to your family. Seriously, sit and think for a while because if you don't do it now, you'll be doing it as an 80 year old man regretting your decisions, provided your ghetto ass doesn't get shot first.

Or just keep on screaming fuck you when your own fucking family is telling you that you've gone too far.

Your choice.


Just stop, dude.

You're being another one of those edgy little shits who scurries out of his dwelling to say some provocative shit that you KNOW will get people riled up, then when they inevitably do, you cry wolf and relentlessly justify how they're in the wrong because "it's free speech duuuude, I'm allowed to say that, quit getting TRIGGERED over nothing!"

Fuck off with that shit. You're not clever, and just because you can coherently rap [x] amount of words per minute doesn't translate into talent or potential for the art.

Stop trying to stroke your ego while deluding yourself that everyone but you is wrong. Unless your family has always hated you, there's probably a reason they're acting the way they are. But I honestly don't expect you to take my advice to heart, so fuck it. Good luck pretending to be living a higher life than the rest of us because of some semantic bullshit nobody cares about.
