How stupid of a decision is it to break up with a girlfriend over having a small dick?

How stupid of a decision is it to break up with a girlfriend over having a small dick?

She might be the perfect girl for meand has only said positive things so its a me problem not her but I cant stay ignorant.

Before I started dateing this chick I was upset over it but it didnt control and ruin my life, but now that Im with someone I love it my life is a constant cycle of self hatered and self loathing feeling of beeing so lucky and so inadaquate at the same time, and I think it will dirve me to suicide.

Cucking and Toys are 100% not an option.

The size is suppose to be considerd normal but it really does not look normal.

>if she read this she would be moritified and upset.

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try cucking, maybe toys

it was a wise decision. ha, you small dick faggot


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Wow, I wonder who could be behind this post?!

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>How stupid of a decision is it to break up with a girlfriend over having a small dick?
You're lucky she has one at all mate

Just fucking roll with it retard. If she doesn't leave you about it don't question it.

>Average, but looks small
Alternatively, lose weight, fatass

You were clearly never ready for a relationship, user. It's not your fault, but you're broken right now. I mean this with kind intentions (for once), you need lots of therapy.


you sound like an insecure little fuck. not judging - im probably far worse. just talk to her, it really is that simple.

Why do you think SHE thinks it's a problem? Are you sure you're not just psyching yourself?

I havent yet but I might its really fucking with my head like its a responcibility I cant fufill in life.

I might just not date girls any more and focus on something like looking after animals, or some other calling.

I am ready for one, but with my condition, regarldess of if i find a girl I love as much as this one in the future I will still be fucked up like this.


Listen im not trying to meme her, I have good qualitys, but this one thing that I cant change has really fucked me up big time over the years, and knowing I have found this girl I REALLY like but not being able to hold onto her is actually one of the worst feelings ever, and Im not sure if it will be worse if i break up with her no or leave it and continue feeling like this.

I dont think she does, she "we have really good sex" but shes one of those overwhelmingly nice types of people who settle

She looks like a super model, is super nice virtually perfect and i feel like her being with me is letting her down because I cant fuck her right.

Will post dick pics if anyone cares but It just creates arguments.

She said" Fuck me that post has so much poor spelling, im sorry im drunk.

It sounds like you're just letting your insecurity get the best of you. Stop being a sperg and appreciate that you have a hot girlfriend that cares.

Im not being a sperg man, I do appreciate I have a girlfriend that cares about me!

My last girlfriend treated me like shit and I didnt actually care as much because she had the right to be somewhat selfish because I had a small dick (Almost everything else about me is a 7/10+ including body, looks, intelligence and kindness)

But the feeling that someone deserves better then you is fucking awful, like I know for a fact that she does, and sex is something that I care about so much.

You're going to end up cucking yourself.

Enjoy your breakup loser.

get good at oral sex. she probably doesn't care about it as much as you do, so just try to to figure out what she likes best with what you got. I've met alot of women and talking about sex is strangely common for me. I've never heard a women complain about someone having to small of a penis, usually its too big or bad at sex (lack of foreplay, etc.). (also losing weight and shaving can make it look bigger) good luck.

I said Id never do that, I would kill myself first?

Thats the whole point of the thread because every day I feel that awful, break up or stay with her actually have no idea what option is better.

By cucking yourself I mean being so insecure that you either break up with her or force her to break up with you. I feel sorry for you bro.

Is it possible not to be insecure with yourself if you lack something you care about profusely?

I would understand if it was something like height, but dick size is just such an important factor in good sex how do you ignore that factor?

Maybe find a girl that has a bigger dick if that’s what you want.

/thread one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies, now get the fuck back in the oven

You stop caring so profusely, because it's not as important as you think. Porn has poisoned your mind into thinking women can only be pleasured by big dicks. That's unequivocally wrong.

See now I would usually say "found the virgin"

But I dont think you realize how much women sacrifice and dont tell you.

You dont need a porn dick but you need a *not to small dick.

Mate, I've had sex with dozens of women and let me tell you dick size is not the top of their priority list. The majority of women don't even orgasm from penetration. Is this a LARP, because you're coming off as awfully virginal here?

No because I have been with a fuck ton of women to and the reason they dont get off from penetration is because..


Why do people always site that.

learn to eat pussy, faggot.

Anyone can learn to eat pussy

That's not the reason at all. Confirmed virgin LARP.

This thread taught me nothing just the usualy meme responce.. Oh well

how small are you you retard?

I would break up too if my gf would have a small dick.

Again im not stateing the size because people dont always start to argue.

Yeah Im thinking that to, but Ill talk to her about it first and tell her thats why I want to break up.

Fucking awful feeling

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That's a perfectly normal dick and plenty to satisfy a woman. Stop letting porn dictate your standards retard.

You deserve to be alone with your attitude.

Porn has dictated nothing, I actually avoid porn again because of that reason, when your inside a chick tho and you cant fuck them with a good stroke, or get to there deep spots its a problem.

Its like robbing them of sex and if I care about someone one I wouldnt want to take that from them.

Heres a much better example its much smaller here, the first photo I sent was very cheated in terms of angles.

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Where the fuck did you learn to spell? You should be alone, you ignorant fuck.

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English is my second lanuage, sorry.

Is this one of those posts about where you milk people for "wow you're not even small!!"

This is completely retarded as are you.

Don't see anything wrong user

Yep, you're tiny.

Send your girl my way. I'll show her a good time.

fucking idiot. I am impotent due to an infection an more stable than you. Get a grip and read a book, go for a walk and get out of your own head

you didnt read a single word I typed hey.

You obvoisoly dont care about sex then. Thats why I think I should break up with her because I didnt care before.

You dont have to tell me what I already know pleb.

Embrace the small cock. Have her chastise and belittle it. Have her lock you up and mild physical abuse. Trust me. What you are really looking for is for her to be your outlet

see comments like this should make every man want to kill himself.

Ill just break up with her and find a new path in life, I cant deal with the stress...

its a shame to we really loved eachother. Dont get into a relationship if your less then 7.5 inches guys and even then you better be a fucking good person.

It is irrational
Please stop before you ruin your life
Work to accept it, get over it, get help if you need to
All of those feeling are coming from you, not the world, not your lover
Don't punish them, don't punish yourself for something you can't change