Why did the us bombed hiroshima and nagasaki ?


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Every purple heart used by the entire US military since 1945 was made in preparation for pic related.
Those two nukes avoided all of it.

Its War. Don't be stupid and start one.


Because we wanted to make rice crispies.

Ours bigger!

Industrial centers.

logical insanity...
pic of fire bombing campaign which killed more japs than the atomic bomb

All Japan had to do was surrender. But....they wouldn't. So........boom.........boom.

War reasons

Because they wanted to kill innocent civilians to quench their bloodthirst.

Literary no other reason. They knew where the actual millitairy targets were, but instead bombed the unarmed and the refugees. Just as in Germany.

I agree with nuking the japs to end the war, but nuke their soldiers, not the civilians you cowarly jew-owned maggots.

The Japanese had an amazing military fighting spririt. So great that they had kamikaze pilots. The only way to end the war the quickest with less casualties on our side was to nuke them.

going for the world record for biggest batch of rice krispies

also because its a fucking war and America wanted to end it without having to invade

It was not an atomic bomb because nuke bombs are actually a hoax. Mushroom clouds can be created with large amounts of conventional explosives like dynamite. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fire bombed just like Tokyo and Dresden. The damage to all 4 cities nearly identical. There are no nukes. It's a hoax to us so that total world war is no longer a question in our post- world war 2 new world order.

We asked them to surrender. They refused. We nuked them. They refused again. We nuked them again and they finally gave up. We'd probably have dropped the next one directly on the Imperial palace if they had refused.

They wanted to show the world how devastating the bomb was, and show that they had more of them.

Japs deserved worse

That's because Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just extensions of the fire bombing. The atomic bomb itself is a hoax.

>mfw this is actually feasible

What Japanese military targets would you nuke without killing civilians?

>The atomic bomb itself is a hoax.
Literally everything the government has ever done is a hoax apparently. I bet the government doesn't even exist.

I've heard some pretty retarded conspiracies in my day but I think this is the most retarded thing I have ever read.

>why did the us bombed hiroshima and nagasaki?

Because japs draw lines on or blur porn.

To show Stalin we weren't fucking around.
Russia had the men, resources and open roads to conquer Europe if it had please.
Showing our strength and means to do anything to win, was the only way to stop Russian expansion.

Why not?

Die in a fire

And the radiation?


Anyone who doesn't realize we vaporized a few hundred thousand Japs to show the Russians not to invade the rest of fucking Europe is delusional.

Don't start none won't be none faggot

Because unlike you the japs didn't surrender at the first sign of trouble. Have you gotten used to terrorism yet?

Hiroshima had one of the largest IJA garrisons in the entire home islands.

Seemed like a good idea at the time.

So you didn't have enough time to surrender to them, you cuck.

still seems like a good idea tbph

And let me guess, nuclear powerplants are just for show?

The danger of radiation itself is not what we are told. Look up "galen winsor." He demonstrates that you can eat Uranium and its harmless. The danger from these bombs is heat itself not radioactive fallout.

I've witnessed two nuclear tests in person. Your argument is invalid.

Yes, I'm old...

You saw bombs yes, but not nuclear bombs.

>Every purple heart used by the entire US military since 1945 was made in preparation for pic related.
Got sauce? That's a pretty neat bit of trivia.

>He demonstrates that you can eat Uranium and its harmless
What does this prove? Uranium is almost always enriched to be useful in nuclear applications.

They were underground tests. I felt the earth rise up six fucking feet 3 miles out from ground zero.


Sauce is pretty easy to find but here's one

Hey eat radioactive for years as he lived out his healthy life until he died in 2008. He did not die from any sort of poisoning.


For one, an invasion would've been much more destructive across all of Japan, and there would have many more Japanese civilian casualties believe it or not.

Also, It was much quicker than the plan to send 10 million troops to japan for an invasion, the bombs kept the country of Japan stable and it didn't turn to complete shit after the war

And Russia was on the verge of getting to Japan to help... But the U.S. knew that if Russia got there, we would have to compromise with the communist country of russia on the outcome of Japan, etc. (Russia was on it's way to Japan, and they ended up stopping it's pursuit in North Korea when the war ended... That's why we have to deal with Kim Jun Fatty now) So yeah, it ended the war quicker so that Russia wouldn't be able to gain power.

>being this retarded

Pearl Harbor

it was a social experiment

Because they were going to fight to last man. Many more lives would of been lost if we . it took two to stop them

Japanese don't surrender. They would fight to the last man unless they were faced with definitively assured, absolute destruction. The atomic bomb saved a lot of lives by demonstrating the terrible power of American war tech and gave the Japanese the opportunity to accept their inevitable defeat and preserve their civilization.

To teach the WORLD,who was going to be the NEXT Master, fear is the Best teacher


Well obviously since you saw le big scary fireball and mushroom cloud it musta been a nuke! Brotip: hundreds of tonnes of TNT make that too

Atomic bombs are a joke. Somehow mechanically compressing two metals together will release six trillion joules of energy instantaneously. lel. The cold war was rife with propaganda and which nation didnt have an interest in claiming to possess a literal holocauster? Also look at the pic, the bottom of the mushroom cloud is severely underexposed compared to the top. Another primitive fake.

Russia was coming to break the backs of the Japs. The US would have had to carve up the entire south pacific with them.

It was a very smart move, the world would look very different today had they not done that.

To win the war you frog

I am sure americans did not want to do it at first. But it is embeded in their nature to quote unquote Fuck shit up.
Also they had to teach japs how to makes fried rice.


THANK YOU based leaf.

because you Americans are so damn shit at grand war.

To end a war and tell Russia to fuck off with it's communism and shit.

logistical answer: projected casualties for a mainland invasion (their only other option) tallied in the millions on both sides

real answer: american hegemony, get fucked

Because we're a country full of racists that hold irrational hatred for Japan and its culture.

1) The invasion of Japan would have cost an estimated 100,000 American lives (as already stated in this thread all Purple Hearts used today are from 1945 for this invasion). The Japanese were training women and children to fight with farm tools and kitchen utensils. The esitmate for Japanese deaths was in the millions.
2) Between the American blockade and bombing campaigns, major food production was srriously curtailed. One plan to end the war quickly was to spray herbicide on all remaining crops to strave them out. After the war's end Japanese civilians were only eating 1000 calories WITH American help.
3) Orders were given to execute over 120,000 Allied POWs on August 21st.
4) About 10,000 Chinese civilians were dying every day the war continued.
5) If the war continued the Soviet Union would have attempted to invade Japan and could lay claim to half of Japan, allowing them to create a Communist Japan from the north half of the islands that would probably last decades.

>Somehow mechanically compressing two metals together will release six trillion joules of energy instantaneously

Critical mass isn't that hard to understand.

If you acknowledge that certain materials are radioactive (uranium, plutonium, etc) then you're already half way there. Radioactive materials release (radiate) energetic particles with enough force to disturb the atomic structure of whatever material they collide with - that's what makes them radioactive. Certain radioactive materials are unstable enough that striking them with energetic particles temporarily releases many more energetic particles than what you put in.

So, the idea behind critical mass is then pretty simple: what happens if we take a whole bunch of this shit and make it really big and dense so that these particles are always slamming into this unstable matter?

Turns out if you take a whole lot of this radioactive material (and make it as pure as possible so there's almost no inert mass sitting around taking up space but not reacting) and make it into a sphere big enough so that when most of the material is ejecting these particles the odds are such that the particles almost never leave the sphere and are virtually guaranteed to slam into more matter within that sphere, thus knocking more energetic particles free. Doing this creates a positive feedback loop, and if the material is both dense and pure enough then the rate that new particles are knocked free vastly exceeds the explosive force generated that will blast the core apart (aka: a fizzle) - voila you've created a nuclear explosion.

The reason early atomic weapons slammed two metals together was both for safety (you want to avoid critical mass right up until you want detonation), and also because mechanical force is a cheap and relatively simple way to quickly and temporarily increase a material's density - right past critical mass.

Don't they at least cover the basics of this shit in high school or something?

Hiroshima for industry I suppose, Nagasaki because it was too cloudy to nuke the intended target so they dropped it on Nagasaki instead.

tips fedora

To scare russia.

There were no innocent civilians in the Pacific theater. Japan at the time viewed their Emperor as basically a living God, and their military dedication was absolute.

Sick as it may be, the deployment of a seemingly unearthly, almost supernaturally powerful weapon in Japan's mainland was almost certainly the only way to defeat their resolve to fight to the brutal, bloody end.

Nagasaki was arguably an unnecessary act as it seemed surrender was supposedly already forthcoming, but I suppose that's an argument that at this point will likely never have a definitive answer.

I'm not really an ends just the means person but the terror unleashed almost certainly prevented terror far, far greater for both sides of the war.

Because the Japs wouldn't get the fucking message and surrender.


Hiroshima was an 'actual military target' you swedecuck. A significant portion of the casualties there were from the garrison.

For banter

We should've dropped the first one outside of Tokyo Bay so the Emperor himself could see it. Then send him an ultimatum demanding surrender within 72 hours or we start using them on their cities.

That way we end the war and keep our moral high ground at the same time.

The "Tinfoil Helmet" starter pack

no point in nuking a military target
they needed to know what nukes did to population centers, because the USA was thinking 2 steps ahead in preparation for what we would come to call 'the cold war'

They wanted to end the war quickly.

To get to the other side.

1/6th of the entire Russian populace was dead by the end of WW2.

They were no shape for round three until 1950 at least.

Except we dropped the bomb on the city center, which is not where they were being garrisoned.

If we wanted to kill Jap soldiers, we would've dropped it on their big Command and Control center on Kyushu.



I meant Honshu

Nice science fiction story you wrote there. How is it that in 70yrs of existence not a single nuke blew up accidentally? We can't prevent brown people from blowing themselves up every 3 days but not a single nuke was fired on Russia accidentally despite the crews being high on cocaine.

>which is not where they were being garrisoned
So how did the entire HQ staff plus 20,000 soldiers die in the bombing if they weren't even there?

>Nice science fiction story you wrote there.
k. If you want to see nuclear fission in action all you have to do is walk outside during the day and look up.

>How is it that in 70yrs of existence not a single nuke blew up accidentally?
Oh I dunno, I imagine that when you're working with a device capable of annihilating yourself and the surrounding 20+ miles of earth, you tend to be at least a little careful with things. Plus nuclear safety is fairly straight forward - just keep all the sub-critical bits separate and there's no possible way for it to explode. Safety is a pretty big priority in weapons design too. It would be kinda hard to explain to the public why half of New Hampshire is missing because you skimped on the safeguards while designing the bomb.

>not a single nuke was fired on Russia accidentally despite the crews being high on cocaine
Because they couldn't even if they wanted to. NRAS codes aren't just scribbled on bathroom stalls somewhere. They're sealed away, locked up. There's a chain of custody for a reason. The systems are also designed so that it takes more than one person to actually launch a weapon. The biggest danger has always been (and probably will always be) SSBNs because they potentially have the fewest people in the chain. You're probably too young to remember all the movies about rogue SSBNs accidentally starting WWIII back in the 80s and 90s. Regardless of all that, the world has come pretty fucking close to nuclear armageddon a couple times already: look up ABLE ARCHER or the Black Brant scare.

>If you want to see nuclear fission in action
That's actually fusion, though most thermonuclear bombs end up achieving that as well.

Is the dog eating the chicken or raping it?

you Canadians always say the stupidest things on this board. Is it all a gag or are there an abnormally large number of retarded people taking to the internet in your country?

>American education

nah, Nuke conspiracy has been around for a long time.

1945 Feb Yalta Conference Germany disunion discussed by America, England and Soviet BERORE German surrender
1945 May Germany surrendered
eastern countries GOT commied by Russia
Germany divided into two winner sides
Commie vs. Democrat become tension
They both found resources of A bombs
Start a war of practical realization of A bombs between US and Russia

1945 July Potsdam Conference discussed by America and Russia again BEFORE Japan surrender
America succeeded A bomb development
Soviet was about to invade into Japan in August 1945 right after the end of Potsdam Conference which was 2nd of Aug.
America was not happy with that.
A bomb were planned to use in Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Niigata and Kyoto to show the effectiveness internally and externally.
And this was why America wanted .
>Aug 6 Hiroshima nuked more than 10 million civilians were dead
>Aug 8 Soviet declared a war and started invasion on next day even Japan had the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact.
>Aug 9 America nuked Nagasaki more than 5 million civilians were dead
>Aug 15 unconditional surrender by Japan
Soviet ignored this and still keep invaded and took 4 islands

In short, this guy is right. >american hegemony

Fuck off white pigs


because we didnt want to send any more of our boys to die against a population that acted like angry insects

Psychological warfare.
Scare the absolute fucking shit out of them by deploying the most horrific weapon ever made. Twice.

hell, and that hardly worked anyway, apparently a lot of the higher ups were still raring to go before they got coup'd by people who didnt want their country to be any more of a smoking crater

We beat your ass tojo, we were the first to invade your home islands in thousands of years, without the atomic bomb. At least we didn't just keep your shitty little island after your emperor shit his pants and sucked Ike's big white cock. Ungrateful bastard

Only a nip would think that a few hundred thousand dead to end the war is worse than your own government letting millions of you starve to death to continue it.

You do realize we had destroyed literally every factory in Japan, right? They were building planes in car garages and bicycle shops. Everyone was a part of the war effort. Much of the "civilians" would either be building weapons to kill Americans or fighting to kill Americans if we invaded. It's estimated that we may have lost over 1 million soldiers and killed millions more Japanese. We had plans to use 7 nukes before invading, but we used 2 well before the invasion in a last attempt to get them to surrender. And they did.


>prevent the soviets from invading Japan
>prevent U.S. casualties as a result of amphibious invasion, and occupation (operation downfall)
>prevent a drawn out blockade killing more than bombs ever could
the bombs kept half of japan from becoming a post-soviet shithole and allowed it to be rebuilt into an economic powerhouse so they can say thanks whenever
Fun fact: there has been no new production of purple heart medals since 1945 because of the sheer number produced in anticipation of operation downfall.

Pay reparations to innocent civilians you barbaric savage white pigs.

it's "howaito"
sure, just as soon as you pay reparations to all the mainlanders you hate

because then we would be living under supreme reada and would be way more dangerous.

I don't mean this in the meme sense, but as a genuine question. Are you actually fucking retarded?