>be me 23 kissless but not virgin (hookers) >Social anxiety >Crippling depression >cute chick starts working at my place >My dumbass falls in love >Go home feeling the greatest pain in my life knowing i will never get a gf let alone her >Next few days we talk we hit it off >She starts opening up about her abusive boyfriend >Cries my heart fucking rips >Leaves her asshole now ex bf >Something overcomes me and i sudddenly loose my fear of social interaction >Chad mode activated > Message her tell her i like her >We meet up and fast foward a few weeks we are now in a relationship
It feels so surreal guys shortly before we met i was really suicidal and played with that thought on a daily basis... I am glad i didnt do it hang in there faggots everything is gonna be alright
suicidal tendencies and relationships dont work out well OP.
I will be monitoring your an hero.
Robert Lee
send proof
Bentley Clark
Really happy for you man! Remember you're responsible for your own happiness, if in a few months you think the relationship lost it's magic it might just be the newness wearing off and your old feelings coming back.
Hopefully not though! Best of luck!!
Luis Sanchez
Fucking hookers doesn't count OP. Must be a gf or just a girl AND at least once without condom.
Austin Murphy
You may be getting somewhere but you haven’t made it yet. The everything is gonna be alright mentality will just make it hurt more when shit goes wrong. I’m still happy for you user and you should enjoy what you’ve got, just watch your back man seriously.
Leo Davis
I dont want you to hurt yourself user, i need to be honest with you, this will not last, be prepared for that and dont delude yourself.
This user knows. Also there's nothing bad about being single. Stop propagating the idea that making some roastie happy should be our life goal.
Robert Taylor
how long is your dick? Srs please just let me know so i can have faith.
Also congrats hopefully it all goes well
Liam Butler
and how thick?
Kayden Hill
You go girl!
Nolan Hernandez
Now that thats out of the way fulfill her daddy issues and change her outlook on being around abusive men. Be slightly stern but NEVER be an asshole she'll see you as her protector and good times will be had by all.
Ethan Diaz
Just be careful user. Girls tend to go back to their abusers. Don't get too torn up if she does. It may come as a surprise, but it happens all the time.
Don't go killing yourself if it doesn't work out. You got this one, you can do it again.
Jason Ramirez
Based OP stopped being an autistic bitch nigger and started getting his social shit together.
These people are giving you contradictory advice, but you've gained social confidence which is what matters the most in the end (even beyond your romantic life)
You should try to keep in mind that the vast majority of people are retarded faggots in various ways and you shouldn't feel like they're better than you.
good for you, i dont expect the same outcome though.
Hunter Torres
Literally, fuck you for having that which I don’t
Angel Ramirez
Protecc grill. be papa persona. Fuck up past abooser. Pretty straight foward.
Christopher Kelly
i didnt want to give any advice myself one way or the other because ive never even had a gf
i just know gaining confidence in himself is the most important thing unless hes gonna marry her and have children with her maybe
Aaron Turner
Yeah I had that, feeling too. I'm a fag so my anxiety about it was understandable. I wasnt sure if he was gay, and I cant think of anything more embarrassing than asking a straight guy out. When the moment came tho all the fear dissapeared, and I was rather comfortable asking him out. Fortunately he was gay, and was into me lol. We arent still together, but that was what finally convinced me give dating a try.
im happy for you user :) i wish i had accepted my faggotry a long time ago though :(
Cooper Rodriguez
stop fucking without condoms you dumb minority
Isaiah Cox
getting into a relationship with a girl who just broke up with an abusive ex? yikes
daiting a coworker? double yikes
enjoy lots of short term pussy for now, that all i see out of this situation. but hey, im not getting laid, so i dont have anything better going on for myself. good job i guess, enjoy it while it lasts OP
Nathaniel Green
Thanks! Yeah I'm so much happier now. Found out I'm alot more submissive than I first thought, I seem to only be really dom with cute femanine guys, but I'm in a great relationship now, with a guy I find utterly facinating.
I also began to actually care about my appearance, I actually wear matching clothes now, and I've lost at least 20lbs the last few months. Dont have much muscle, besides my legs and ass, and that's about all I need. I would look great with a tighter stomach tho.
>Found out I'm alot more submissive than I first thought, I seem to only be really dom with cute femanine guys
same would be nice to be a qt twink but my facial bone structure is too masculine
if only hentai was real
William Reyes
Yeah I'm not a trap lol
I'm a slim guy, but obvius Male Have a strong Jawline, and my facial hair grows too fast to not be noticeable, also I'm 6'4" with considerable chest depth, so I couldnt fool anyone no matter how hard I tried. I'm fine with that tho lol im no tranner, and I like just being a sub dude, who tries to make himself cute for his BF.