> Left his comfy life in the US to fight for his people, served as a commander in the most elite combat unit. >"At MIT, Netanyahu studied a double-load, completing an SM (that would normally take four years) in only two and a half years, despite taking a break to fight in the Yom Kippur War, and while simultaneously completing a thesis in a graduate course at Harvard."
>Implying you have a super strong & smart leader that would literally stop everything and risk his life to save you. >Implying your leader isn't a Marxist that selling you out for Saudi money >Implying there's any world leader which is better than Bibi.
I'd specially like to hear about cuck countries' leaders like Germany and Sweden.
Our house niggers could whip your shitty army any day.
Fuck off with this.
Easton Bell
Please tell me about Barack Hussein Obama.
Henry Edwards
Who is this woman? What did she do in her life?
Ayden Reyes
>Michiel Godfried "Mike" Eman(born September 1, 1961) is anArubanpolitician[1]who is the 5thPrime Minister of Arubaand the current leader of theAruban People's Party(AVP) (Arubaanse Volkspartij/Partido di Pueblo Arubano), which holds the new majority in the Aruban Estates as a result of the seventhAruban General Electionsheld on 25 September 2009.[2][3]
Christian Long
I can't wait to hear his whimpers before his kike throat is cut on livestream across this globe.
Luke Stewart
Who is this man? What did he do in his life?
Hunter Williams
Hello Mustafa
Blake Lopez
Damn Satan... So close
Oliver Rivera
Bibi piggybacks off of his dead hero brother and buries the shit out of any of the generals and intelligence figures who don't kowtow to his ideological line on how Israel should conduct its foreign policy. Which is fucking stupid when you're a country that relies on your intelligence and military communities as much as Israel does to even continue existing.
If anything, Bibi's totally inflexibility and lack of respect for his officer corps and spooks is making Israel LESS safe in the long term by being unwilling to pursue alternate routes to peace and stability.
Dominic Green
Who is this man? What did he do in his life?
You'll have to explain things in details instead of throwing baseless accusations gossip.
Jayden Gutierrez
Aren't there any germans here?
Aren't there any Swedes here?
Fuck, almost quads. Aren't there any Frenchmen here?
Jordan Baker
Why is it so silent? Don't worry I won't arrest you for hate speech.. err tho not sure about your governments.
Camden Nguyen
Look @ our loser haha. He's only accomplishment is looking the other way when Yugoslavian government and secret service remnants steal our money.
At least he's tough on neo-communists and democratic socialists though.
Carson Peterson
Oh and still waiting to hear about Hussein Obama's history too.
Joshua Bailey
Obvious JIDF thread is obvious.
Logan Barnes
>At least he's tough on neo-communists and democratic socialists though. Sounds good. What does he do about it?
At least I'm not obviously ashamed.
Christian Lopez
I would be ashamed. Benjamin is one of the dumbest leaders Israel has ever had. He's a blatant narcissist.
Cameron Jackson
When they go too far and try to steal remnants positions, like at state port Luka Koper, he says we're no longer communist country and that he won't give in to workers demands and militant communist rhetoric. His financial minister was also tough on Greece and against another austerity package. It's not much but at least he's not a complete socialist. I'm going to sleep now though so good night
Joshua Lopez
See this pyramid? You're at the bottom of it. You still didn't tell me about Hussein Obama, and until you do please stfu.
Brayden Parker
>Implying Israel would exist if not for the USA, and many other first world countries
We should just leave Israel on its own and see how fast it dies to Palestinian rock throwers. No funding. No weapons.
Charles Allen
I'd also like to hear about this guy.
Matthew Sanders
Lets see Benjamin. >expanding settlements that make any possible peace process harder >expanding arab population in Israel >antagonizing neighboring countries. >destabilizing the region >pissing off your greatest ally. >allying himself with the worst group of jews in the world(israeli far right).
Liam Bailey
G-goy what is this.
Jordan Rivera
>good thing. There's no peace with muslims. >false >false >false >false >false false
Anthony Bailey
You still didn't tell be about Obama. Btw you should stop using proxies Ahmed.
Oliver Cruz
>good thing Good luck when america finally decides to stop supporting you >not an argument >"" >"" >"" >"" ""
Joseph Perez
Nice meme btw
Eli Walker
Germans pls
Isaac Cruz
>Mark Rutte >corporate cunt >career politician >laughs at things a lot >lives with his mother >will be gone and back to corporate life next year
Not interesting or capable enough to even look up a picture of. Just use Google. He's the guy who's always seeing something funny off-camera.
Zachary Scott
Swedes tell me who he is or you're RACIST!
Xavier Fisher
Give back the money,kike
Henry Gonzalez
How such mediocre people get voted in?
You changed proxy again?
Gavin Butler
Obongo is the nigger your leader begs for cash so your hooknose batallions can blow up tin shacks.
Luke Mitchell
obamas leavin soon anyway
Samuel Morgan
Because there are no other choices. Established politics are a self-contained system. They have near total control over who is even in politics. So naturally they prefer well-groomed individuals who were members of the youth party, for instance. Politics are these people's careers. People like Trump or Fortuyn, who did something else before achieving a meteoric rise are kind of rare.
Charles Phillips
Why everyone keep avoiding answering, are you that ashamed?
Luis Carter
Nope.same proxy.same kike hater who votes for any politician who might cut your funding and accelerate irans nuke program.
Jose Flores
BTW that's why murricans should vote for Trump, because they'll never get another chance before their country will be fucked beyond repair. But they're too stupid. They'll vote for Hillary because she has a vagina, genius plan! (and sexist)
Adam Moore
I don't have a leader because I'm god and not a heathen.
If you overesteem great men, people become powerless. If you overvalue possessions, people begin to steal.
The Master leads by emptying people's minds and filling their cores, by weakening their ambition and toughening their resolve. He helps people lose everything they know, everything they desire, and creates confusion in those who think that they know.
Practice not-doing, and everything will fall into place.
Jacob Ramirez
Nice poem u got there, very edgy. How about you tell me about your leader or GTFO.
Gabriel Taylor
Summary so far: Only Israel, Slovenia and Netherlands have leaders which are not total embarrassment.
Blake Martinez
why do you keep asking for a national leader? i thought jews were against the 'ein Volk, ein Fuhrer' meme
Daniel Cruz
I read "Self Portrait of a Hero" about him and his brother. Interesting but I feel a lot was left out.
Benjamin Sanders
Theresa May.
Looks like Malory Archer.
Cold bitch with a typical chip on her shoulder.
Bit of a SJW, but at least she's even about it (i.e. recognises the plights of poor white boys).
She's been an MP for the Conservatives for 20 years, and was the longest serving Home Secretary for 60 years (it's a poisoned chalice) under David Cameron.
Austin Hernandez
>Avoiding answering So, Romania is also a disgrace?
John Foster
That's not a poem. It's the Tao you illiterate kike.
Ryder Gray
not really. just a mediocre blocke that used to be a good mayor
Isaiah Lewis
>Nicolas Maduro >Talks with birds >Ex-bus driver >Not even a true commie, hes just retarded beyond belief
Just fuck my shit up jewpai
Levi Harris
What about her early life? 60 years in political office sounds like a career politician.
Name? Early life? Achievements?
>Ex-bus driver lol. Well if he isn't a true commie at least he isn't starving you to death.
Ethan Morris
But he is starving us to death
Eli Peterson
Communist and retard should be synonyms already merchant-sama.
Jose Cook
lol way to pad the stats there >sayeret matkal >D-3 special forces >Architecture >D-3 degree >Israel >D-3 country Bibi sucks and couldn't hang with the whites in the US so he went to Jewland to excel. It's ok, some people are professionals and some people run off into the desert and compete with Arabs to make themselves feel better
Isaac Cook
Tell me about Hussein Obama, or fuck off in shame.
Juan Reyes
our head of state is klauss iohannis. regular uneventfull life everybody had in a socialist republic. he was a physics teacher for some years then he became the mayor of a relatively shitty city 16 years ago which he managed to transform in one of the best run cities in our country. all in all he's a decent man and president although there are some rumors he helped some gypsiei sell their children to a couple of leafs.
P.S: asking for a leader from a country with a semi-presidential republic that has more than 2 parties with locally elected M.P's is kinda' stupid
Andrew Campbell
Is your country beyond hope?
Thomas Turner
This one is my personal favorite quote of el Comandante Obrero, just top notch
Some context
>Chavez had recently died and influenced god.
Oliver Diaz
Go back to Ukraine, degenerate kike
Samuel Bailey
60+ posts in and no leafs, yeah you already know why
Fixing up a city is a decent achievement. Is he doing a good job as a head of state?
Lincoln Hall
Is the civil war option serious? Considering you said you're starving it probably is. Do you have any organized armed resistance in that case?
Joshua Gonzalez
Oh man please do tell me about your fuccboi.
John Murphy
Because it's [spoiler]2016[/spoiler]
Daniel Miller
People are tired and weary because they are hungry, resentment to the chavista burgeois that has everything in a silver platter might trigger it if there is no electoral way out or if they barr it in purpose.
Austin Rogers
People are too busy doing superlines for food to actually generate an uprising. Also most people just don't care merchantbro.
John Taylor
lmao based Israel
Well, we got a lefty kike merchant who supports two states.
Luke Baker
Is he really the first LGBT president?
Jace Harris
Barack? He's not my leader, he's my president. I guess my first leader would be my boss. >built the largest privately owned mech contacting company in the region >worth close to $100 mil >electrical engineering degree from Ivy League >president of the chamber of commerce >father of my gf >also Jew
Then there's my dad >bachelors in finance and comp sci from duke >md from umd >head anesthesiologist at Kaiser permanente hospital
And right now I'm supporting trump
Way better than >Shoots dune coons >goes to MIT for drawing lessons >shoots more dune coons >becomes president of country full of goatfuckers, mizrahim, Sephardim, and drunk Ashkenazim on birthright that's the size of a large city
Chase Morgan
lmao cuck, US support is literally you faggots destroying the country. Behead yourself
Noah Watson
> muh dad is muh boss
what is it like having 80 IQ?
Alexander Hernandez
>Tfw Israel gets a literal superhuman leader and we get jokes
Juan Lewis
I know we're not meant to give tripfaggots attention but this cucks trip is ##beagle
Jeremiah Edwards
>So ashamed he'll start talking about his daddy wha..? Is it that bad?
Gabriel Lopez
Its a safe trip, you gotta guess the second word drunk pasta eater
Grayson Watson
All that must have been exhausting for you. And I didn't know Bennie was an American lolkek your country is cucked and I think it's outs
t. An American badass
Daniel Turner
not gonna lie bibi looked alpha as fuck in his youth.
Noah Rivera
he said his boss is his leader, not his dad.
Nolan Martin
Is real has an American leader
American rules Israel
Ayden Carter
Don't make me answer this Jewbro
Sebastian Miller
"Born in Ottawa, Trudeau attended Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and graduated from McGill University in 1994 and the University of British Columbia in 1998. He gained a high public profile in October 2000, when he delivered a eulogy at his father's state funeral.[5] After graduating, he worked as a teacher in Vancouver, British Columbia, then studied engineering, and began a master's degree in environmental geography. He used his public profile to advocate for various causes and acted in the 2007 TV miniseries >A >FUCKING >LEAF.[6]"
Easton Lee
constitutionally our head of state doesn't have any real power on a day to dau basis. although he can apoint the PM. he can't interfere in the actual guverning process, also he isn't allowed to be a member of a political party. he is just an arbiter in the political scene, the reprezentative of the state while traveling abroad and the head of the military in times of war. since we aren't at war and like most of the peripheral EU countries our foreign policy is dictated by Brussels, he perfomed well the only things that were in his job description. his only mistake in my opinion in the 2 years he's been preaident was not to veto a ban on smoking (which is hurting our economy and healthcare system)
Ryan Smith
would fuck your wife and make you watch
Easton Thomas
oh yeah, like how his dad runs the USA
> average burger IQ = 80
Carter Ramirez
Hunter Roberts
Does it say anywhere what he actually studied instead of "went to uni"?
Jace Bailey
And then apologize
William Watson
The muslim invader he sold your country to?
Michael King
Most of them must be busy being axed by some Afghans.
Ayden Myers
Jason Evans
His first bachelor's is in Literature and his second is in Education.
Gavin Howard
Just making a point that presidents aren't leaders but here's Barack >Harvard law >magna cum laude >university of Chicago >professor of constitutional law >board of directors of a bunch of organizations >Illinois state senator >president of the us >best selling author Come on faggot even a nigger I hate is better than your shitty 3rd world president. Git gud
Ethan Lee
What the engineering one was?
Jaxon Ramirez
fucked around like any woman
Liam Sanders
He never finished the engineering degree
Jordan Rodriguez
What organizations? >A lawyer He's nowhere near Bibi senpai.
Hunter Reed
You do realize that Israel is a glorified vacation spot for American Jews, right? Those are the powerful ones, Israel is where they put all the undesirables. Being president of Israel is like being the manager of a resort. It's impressive, to unimpressive people