Came back to hometown from university

>came back to hometown from university
>took a warm shower
>family not in house, watching some light show
>made myself some tea and smoked a doobie
>my friend got me subnautica below zero
>tea, cookie, warm fireplace

How are your christmas starting?
Do you feel comfy this year user?

Attached: ComfyChristmas.gif (400x400, 82K)

The front half of my house flooded with two inches of water earlier last week, so it initially started off really shitty. But since then, I've done some Christmas shopping (not a lot to do) in the department stores at the mall. I enjoy Christmas shopping, and listening to the music while I wander through places like Dillards. And then just a few hours ago this morning, I went to the local Honey Baked outlet and bought a delicious half ham. I love their hams and the smell is always Christmas for me. So I'm happy now (if tired, because I didn't go to sleep last night).
I also reached out to a girl I had a falling out with a couple years ago. No idea if she'll even respond but, I tried.
Overall I feel very comfy now.

>currently 800 miles away from home
>just sold my car friday
>had my last day at work last night
>bought a new truck
>in my house alone
>dogs cuddling with me while i drink coffee by the christmas tree
Been a really stressful but growing week, pic related is my new truck

Attached: 00X0X_dSdHlnPV0ag_600x450.jpg (337x450, 39K)

>falling out
I'm not an expert and i can't give you a tip because I don't know what happened. Can't say you did good or should move on.

Just try to be happy.

I'm very tired too, I slept only 3 hours today since I took my little brother to cinema for the new star wars movie, but since i didnt watch 7 & 8 i had to watch both on the night before.

Attached: yodepe.jpg (689x389, 183K)

Was the new one any good? I cant force myself to stay awake during the last jedi

Massive plot holes, i was genuinely confused and thought i didn't watch something, like i missed an entire movie. But action wise it was pretty good, they took best parts of 4-6 and 1-3 episodes

What type of dogs? and how many?


got the tism aye.

Yeah star wars is cool but ive never been huge on it. But i have an australian shepard mix and a little black lab mix. Zelda is the black lab and Hamilton is the australian shepard

Big disparity between those names...