What is the best studio ghibli film?
What is the best studio ghibli film?
ur mum m8
1. My Neighbor Totoro
2. Princess Mononoke
3. Porco Rosso
>Kikis Delivery Service
>power gap
porko rosso is the patrician choice and you know it
Ugh another pie from my grandma
Castle in the Sky > Porco Rosso > Kiki's Delivery Service > Totoro > Nausicca > the rest
haven't seen mononoke lol
Does Nausicaa count? That's #1.
Castle in the Sky #2
Porco & Howl tied at #3
Whisper of the Heart
Castle in the Sky
Porco Rosso
Princess Mononoke
Totoro/Kiki's Delivery service
Spirited away/Howl's Moving Castle
Haven't seen Nausicca or the others which is basically sacrilege but I'll get on it I swear
1. NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind
2. Laputa: Castle in the Sky
3. Princess Mononoke
4. Spirited Away
5. Howl's Moving Castle
There was a theater nearby that was playing a different ghibli movie every weekend for awhile. Managed to see Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away and Porco Rosso. It was a very comfy period.
Porco rosso.
nausicaa valley of the wind
Shove Porco in 3rd and I can agree with you, namefag
Whisper of the heart
Only yesterday
Porco Rosso
Lit/ here, the film Nausicaa made a butchered mockery of the book Nausicaa and you retards lap it up like it was George Lucas's semen.
Why is The Wind Rises so underrated? It's his best film alongside My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away.
You mean the Odyssey?
Most Fun: Porco Rosso
Best: Nausicaa
The older it is the better it is.
Also that new movie looks like hot garbage.
Hate that ponyo style of flowy animation, those quick bitey swipes of movement are way better.
Totoro. Everything else is pretty much garbage.
1. Princess Mononoke
2. The Wind Rises
3. Spirited Away
I legitimately take points away from Mononoke for its english dub. I wouldn't do so if it wasn't such a high profile dub but it ended up being like the worst dub in history and hyped to shit.
>Billy Bob Thornton
only terrible part was that head stealing guys voice actor.
Why watch dubs? It literally makes the movies 10x worse...
Because you need to see whats happening on screen.
In practice yes dubs are fucking awful 99.9% of the time but in theory a perfect dub CAN exist and CAN improve it. The big 90s anime boom made hollywood types think that big name actors could voice act and they marketed the fuck out of the ENGLISH version. It was released in english then it should stand in english.
>Only terrible part
>Claire Danes
>Minnie Driver
>Gillian Anderson
Keith David is an amazing voice actor so no hate on him obviously but there were TONS of just... worst in history non-VAs.
There have been dubs in the past which were very good, none of them had hollywood types.
I would listen to Keith David read a phone book and be enthralled.
Kiki's Delivery Services.
Spirited away is my favorite but thats just because I'd watch that movie in the car anytime i went on a big car ride to my grandmas
Ditto this. I watched the movie by by self subbed, liked it so much I had to show it to my friend the next day. I put on the dub because he was pretty casual, but I had to shut it down and switch to the sub, Billy Bob fucking destroyed me. I just could not deal.
Castle in the Sky
la tortue rouge
1. Nausicaa
2. Spirited away
3. Kaguya
4. Kiki
5. Totoro
He trained as a stage actor and probably had an orgy with Kurt Russel.
id say princess mononoke
it was the first I saw, and Ive seen it the most, but I think ive seen all of them
I liked everything about it except the super corny emo bits like where she chews for him, but it has the least of those out of all the movies
all miyazaki films have the best dynamics Ive ever seen in any films, but mononoke really takes the cake
sometimes i put it on just to watch the mounted archery scenes
but they're all good
Takahata's films are so much more interesting than Miyazaki's. Miyazaki's characters don't feel like human beings at all, i don't get why people idolise him so much. Grave of the fireflies, only yesterday, Kaguya hime... all such great films and very different in tone.
Miyazaki just gets boring when he tries to do serious stuff, like up on poppy hill and the wind rises.
Miyazaki's characters feel like fairy tale chars without hitting mary sue levels. Even shit like Porco Rosso is way larger than life.
but there's no emotion, i can't empathise with them at all. Even still like whisper of the heart is just kind of boring and cringey, rather than touching or whatever it was meant to be.
it's spirited away you fucking autists this isnt hard
Really, that's not something I've noticed. Some of the character motivations are kind of weird but I can understand them in the context of their various films.
>ywn undertake a manly quest to stop corrupted spirits before you die from its demon curse
But spirited away is trash
Elder God Tier:
Spirited Away
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
God Tier:
Kiki's Delivery Service
Pom Poko
Porco Rosso
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
The Castle of Cagliostro
Great Tier:
When Marnie Was There
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
The Cat Returns
Only Yesterday
From Up on Poppy Hill
Good Tier:
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Howl's Moving Castle
My Neighbour Totoro
Ocean Waves
The Wind Rises
Whisper of the Heart (this would definitely place higher if I was more romantically inclined, but since I'm not, I can't place it higher than this)
Panda Go Panda
OK tier:
Tales From Earthsea
Meh Tier:
My Neighbors the Yamadas (would be at least good tier as a series of shorts watched individually, but watching it all at once places it here)
Shit Tier:
Ponyo (subsequent viewings)
Howl's Moving Castle (third act)
The Secret World of Arrietty (US Dub)
The Wind Rises (third act when the romance starts overrunning the plot)
i actually enjoyed mononoke more than miyazaki's other films because it actually benefitted from that fairy tale feeling, but i couldn't watch kiki's delivery service or howl's moving castle more than once or twice. They're just boring to me. This isn't to say i dislike ghibli films, i think they're really pretty but i just find them really lacking in substance compared to takahata's films.
i think makoto shinkai's children who chase lost voices is a good example of this sort of style done well, with reasonably well developed characters.
>elder god tier
Whisper of the Heart
>god tier
Grave of the Fireflies
My Neighbor Totoro
Kiki's Delivery Service
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
The Wind Rises
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
>great tier
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
My Neighbors the Yamadas
>good tier
Castle in the Sky
Porco Rosso
The Cat Returns
Howl's Moving Castle
From Up on Poppy Hill
When Marnie Was There
>shit tier
Pom Poko
Tales from Earthsea
Well a lot of the PLOTS being fairy-taley do not benefit. They're not good sane storytelling which is why Spirited Away and some of them are such shit. Pretty visuals with 2D prop characters doing weird fairy tale things with no context or reason. Maybe it was lost in translation or cultural context which loses double points for being nippy.
The good stuff is super magical worldbuilding with good characters doing big legendary things for reasons, i.e. nausicaa.
oops, Only Yesterday belongs in god tier
What a shit opinion.
Princess Mononoke.
yeah, the manga written by miyazaki, shuna no tabi, is this sort of storytelling done well
Seriously a lack of The Wind Rises here. That film really resonated with me. It wasn't an easy subject to bring to film even though it was really interesting.
It's a shit opinion, but it's the one I had when I first watched it. I liked it better the second time, but I could not empathise with her in any way. She kept going on about how she couldn't marry Seiji if she wasn't good enough for him. Dude, Seiji wants your vag. He doesn't give a shit if your book is good or not, he just wants your vag. Give it to him for god's sake.
which part? the part about whisper of the heart being too sentimental or..? the characters are too simple for the story to be compelling
The Wind Rises is fine up until he reunites with the girl and makes her his wife. Then she gets sick, the whole cool plane thing grinds to a halt and nothing of value happens for like 45 minutes.
the goofy voice acting by anno is hard to stomach
Nausicaa valley of the wind
Your list is backwards.
That will be Nausicaa Part2(of3) which I expect he is making now. pic related.
The Wind Rises actually becomes more kino in the third act.
Miyazaki's characters are defined by how human they are. They have very realistic characteristics. From little idiosyncrasies like the need to light a cigarette around you sick wife or taking a moment to property wear your shoes or just feeling an awe when you see a scenery to bigger human flaws. They're not hyperactive genki or tsundere girls/boys with a lot of outward personality because Miyazaki's storytelling is all about sublties. Another part of it is they learn life lessons from the events that unfold. It's never in a sense a linear character arc which is found in a lot of Western or even in another anime. The character arc is not outright visible but it relies on heavy implications that they've absorbed something or learnt something. There's a lot more going in those films than one would grasp on a surface level "popcorn munching, Twitter checking" viewing. Really pay attention to how Miyazaki handles big character moments or the little one and compare it with Pixar/Disney/ other anime.
I strongly feel that this question is an insult to humanity itself and I must humbly state that Ghibli is just a name.
And then Spirited Away happened and had no redeeming qualities.
Well it just shows his determination and foolish pursuit of chasing his dream over valuing something real like a human connection that he would lose because it's so limited by nature of fate. It adds another layer of depth to his character.
The whole movie is a very tragic. I think originally Miyazaki wanted the character to commit suicide because of the horrors of war that he helped unleashed and because the loss of his wife but Anno opposed so in the final cut it's just heavily implied that he wanted to commit suicide but changed his mind.
You'd probably like it, since you have good taste.
How is Spirited Away a bad movie?
How is Spirited Away a good movie?
>Determined little girl is determined after ridiculous circumstances which are never brought up force her to act determined until magical randomness shows up not as a reward for determination but just because.
>Also there was retroactively something about a river which is never again mentioned
>Things go back to normal and nothing was learned
I haven't seen the movie in a long time but nigga are you seriously going to lose your shit because rules of the magic/situation are not explained? That's literally every Miyazaki movie. You really need to take stuff that's happening on-screen for face value. That's how fantasy movie works.
Not because they're not explained but because they don't matter. It's just nonsense after nonsense for the sake of drawing silly characters. The only characters that have a chance to have any depth are then thrown away in the nonsense. It's trash.
Kimi No Na Wa
I think the only characters that actually have any sort of "arc" are chihiro and haku(?) and chihiro is so set apart from anything happening that it's really no surprise that her life/personality/everything doesn't change a fucking bit throughout the... chain of completely disconnected events that can't exactly be called a story.
Haku has this mysterious foreshadowing thing going on the whole time only in the end it's still basically not revealed to anyone, then chihiro says something random to pretend that it is only the movie suddenly halts instead of coming to any conclusion.
I think in terms of character development the silent pile of bouncing head creatures are #3.
better plot than any ghibli movie if i'm being honest
worst shinkai
why does everyone love this movie? it's so uninspired compared to shinkai's earlier work
The Tale of Princess Kaguya.
Literally the only flaw is that the little boys have dicks and the little girls don't have pussies. You don't censor one and not the other.
power gap
Spirited Away
power gap
rest tbqhwyfamalam
power gap
power gap
Whispers of the heart
This list includes everything not explicitly stated.
Whisper of the heart
>The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
No that's full plen tier, not worth finishing.
Swap spirited and Kiki and you have a decent list
anyone looking forward to this?
Garden of words and 5cmps are much better
Spirited away my nigga
no that's for the movie about an insect he's doing
Not Ghibli but still a pretty good film.
I'm especially looking forward to this.
Whisper of the Heart.
Made me tear up dammit
LMAOing @ your life
I like them too but they don't have a driving narrative or characters you can get invested in, it's all theme
Kimi no na wa is the whole package and it's executed flawlessly.
>Based on a novel
The last Ghibli films that did this were Howl's Moving Castle and Arrietty and both of them were less than stellar.
Ghibli are at their best when they come up with their own shit, I don't know why they've become so obsessed with British children's stories all of a sudden.
I suppose they want that western audience.
Whisper of the Kino is easily one of the best
actually that would be When marnie was there and it's the same director who started this new studio and has a bunch of ex ghibli people too if it wasn't obvious
>Ghibli are at their best when they come up with their own shit
that was always all Miyazaki though.
Porco Rosso 2: Spanish Civil war bugaloo, will be the pinnacle of kino when it comes out.
Haven't seen Porco Rosso but otherwise my man
>Marnie higher than Nausicaa
>Earthsea not alone in Shit Tier
>Spirited Away in God Tier
Bad taste
>that was always all Miyazaki though.
Takahata directed Grave, Only Yesterday and Kaguya.
Some other fella directed Whisper of the Heart
well mostly Miyazaki then
you can still his influence on those movies too
>movie about an insect
I guess you're talking about a short film, "Kemushi No Boro".
I said about a long film. He has returned to making a long film.
And they have never said about the content and the title.
I've read some articles which say that the feature film is gonna be the longer version of "Kemushi No Boro". like this one below
But it's not true. Their source is a video from NHK below
In this video, they didn't say a word about the content and the title of the film.
So, nobody knows about it so far.