Why don't you own an AR-15, Sup Forums?

Why don't you own an AR-15, Sup Forums?

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can't afford one

$600 for a solid one
$325 for budget
Get your shit together bro

Its hard work getting anything more than a shotgun in Bongland, plus only extremely expensive, cucked Ar-15s are allowed here anyway

Too bad you didn’t get a clip with your AR. Kind of pointless to use it as a single shot rifle. Of course, that’s to be expected here on Sup Forums.

Have 2 LWRC's, and one from ROBAR. The optics alone were $600 each LOL. The rifles were around $2k each.

/k/ would like to have a word with you

Because AR's are faggot pussy guns. Get a real gun like an AK-47

terrible bait

Cause I live in gay California

>"ARs are a faggot pussy gun"
>recommends another, intermediate cartridge, faggot pussy gun
*laughs in right arm of the free world*

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Not using a hunting cartridge for home defense. Enjoy your dead neighbors.

Brand tax.

I'm sure they'll understand

it's their fucking fault for not wearing body armor when taking a shower. fags.

don't be retarded. nobody showers completely naked

Yeah that's my point you stupid chickenshit faggot.

Because CNN says guns are bad and youre racist if you own one. No mother should have to be worried about her child getting shot when he breaks into someones home.

Also the CNN opinion guard app says to talk about your penis.

well sorry for misunderstanding then you colossal cock sucking queer monger

They won't be able to understand though, because they'll be dead

opinion guard app?

because Sup Forums is now a bastion of furrys, fags, and SJWs

Yeah the CNN opinion guard app. It helps defend obama and my opinion on the internet by giving me good feels and snippets of information like todays info is

"All white people (except jews) are racist. Don't trust white people especially if you or your kids are white. guns are bad NEVER LISTEN TO ANYONE THAT HAS ONE!"

Im an euofag

quit stealing my post, motherfucker.

hey, faggot, talk to me, not that stupid motherfucker.

Why don't you use your AR-15, OP?


Just googled this. It doesn't exist.

That means youre racist lol. You can't just download the CNN opinion guard app. You have to get it after voting twice during a presidential election dummy.

I have a sig and it's literally all I need since I dont hunt or shoot as a hobby. I go to the range to stay sharp but thats about it.

Mine just says "Vote democrat you stupid racist goyim".

What have I done wrong to offend the great people at CNN ; ___ ;. I voted 4 times for hilary I AM NOT RACIST!

I'm 31 and have voted 4 times.

the fuck are you niggers even arguing about

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Wow. I haven't seen this thread since the last time I saw this thread. So exciting

Jags guy is by far my favorite Sup Forums meme

Did you forget to believe jussie smollett? that was a big problem back then

>he doesn't have the CNN Opinion Guard app and probably owns a gun like a racist

Because I am not some inbred fat american cunt, who has a fetish for firearms

Back when? That happened last year.

Because I don't have a small penis like you do OP. And AR-15s will be put on the same Schedule as machine guns or outrigth banned. I would take the first option if it's offered to you and don't even think you're going to start a "civil war" or any of that shit because this country will SMOKE YOU.

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Yes and to get the app you had to send a donation to jussies defense campaign. I think youre just too not-woke for the app. go back to driving your gas guzzling not electric car you racist.

Ah i see we have a fellow CNN Opinion Guard app user here.

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Why would I care about that? I sold all of my guns in a private party transaction the day before any of those laws passed.

Don't need it. I don't live in a third world shithole where I need to tend to personal protection.

You are correct, my penis is too small to effectively kill anyone with it, this is why I own an AR

How cute butt blasted 2016 still gapping in 19.

I don't watch CNN gun nut.

Grow the fuck up and realize not everybody thinks your faggot boomsticks are cool.
And you are not cool just because you shoot one. You act a lot like cigarette smokers. Fuck you. They're fucking stupid and so are you.

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Jesus this is an unfunny meme.

Don't "you" me gun nut.
Shut up. We're sick of your fucking shit.

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Because where I live only the ultra wealthy or ultra crooked have them. Everyone else is just expected to suffer. Although if I really wanted one I know people who can make them.

get a hold of this racist

So you want to kill someone.


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Not supposed to be funny, its ironic

Do you wanna go out for mcdonalds and gogurts? :D

commies aren't people

That will probably look really nice etched on your tombstone.

You look like the second picture faggot. That meme owns your fat sagging bellowing ass trumper.

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I believe in full social diversity.
You get triggered by anything that isn't white.
Stop projecting gun nut.

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any day now huh?

So just to clarify, you want to ban guns for being uncool?

Fake it til you make it.

nah i'm pretty sure youre one of those deeply racist people thats only a cunt hair from snapping. I'm also black you sad little racist.

so you admit you're fat and bellowing tripping over your own fat feet defending this criminal

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*locks car doors.

I-I'm fine with black people... r-racist!

"Coping", (2019)

guns are cool

Lol I'm gonna vote for him again just for you.


You gun nuts should be allowed to have an ugly shotgun to protect yourselves. That would satisfy the 2nd Amendment. And yes, any display of a firearm would be considered brandishing and that includes gun porn.

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brexit is fine

no wild niggers

You sound insane. Its a good thing you can't legally own a gun

Fuck off micropenis. Real mean own handguns.

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>those deeply racist people
you're projecting again gun nut
you always do this when you're losing the "argument" over your stupid faggot boomsticks

The truth is you'd shoot any non-white entering this country and your racist President would pardon you.

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What happens if someone breaks into your house with more firepower than a shotgun? Or if their are more than one of them?

"gun porn"

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Lol who says I don't own a handgun too?

ok racist

user you make these threads to cope with the fact we're taking this country back
and there's no fucking way in hell you're going to be buying AR-15s on the open market starting in 2025. No fucking way in hell we're sick your fucking shit.

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holy delusion batman

Lol it's gonna take you 5 years? You that sure Trump is getting re-elected?
Also, cope some more.

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trump hasn't actually been impeached yet

No user, it's insane to keep pretending your culture isn't toxic fucking macho bullshit that gets kids killed.
You're going to be allowed ONE weapon to defend yourself per the Constitution and the rest you'd better fucking get rid of. Because you fucked up. Hard.

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Not going to happen. Nobody is going to "break" into shit with "more firepower" you literally are living in a bad action movie user.
You're an overgrown kid with dangerous "toys" and they need to be put away.

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cry more racist

Low quality bait.

look faggot shut up
this projection isn't working
that's how slow-brained you gun nuts are obsessing and projecting
obsessing and projection
you're a sick person user
sell the gun before you hurt someone
or yourself

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t. no gunz

Because I'm a reasonable human living in a sane and civilised society.

you have pictures of mens dicks on your computer


Bevause I have a felony conviction so I can't own a firearm.

Every time you post this
I will picture you shoving the barrel of the gun up your ass until it's shit covered

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you are a special level of racist

>I will picture you shoving the barrel of the gun up your ass until it's shit covered

sounds totally sane and not obsessed

I have more for you for you too

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Typical leftard, always trying to meddle and pry into what law-abiding citizens do in the privacy of their own homes

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i bet you do sad little racist

you're obsessed with your stupid boomsticks faggot
you are a minority in this country face it
face it
face it
face it
face it
face it

Attached: your stupid hobby in 5 years.jpg (280x180, 16K)

oh no! what would your fellow klan mates think about you having these on your computer