Your son brings home his korean girlfriend for the first time

>Your son brings home his korean girlfriend for the first time
>"Hey Dad, meet my girlfriend Seo Yeon!"
How do you react?

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Be happy that he will extend my bloodline with good genes.

Sad. One less hottie he can bang

Well son, you’ll be have the biggest dick she’s ever experienced. Be gentle with her.

How do you destroy ones reputation?


Tell him to let me have a turn with her

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As long as not fiancee, all is well.

A congratulatory bottle of alcohol


Why would I be upset? I love Asian girls.

Try and molest her


>She don't look so young to me!

Be jelly

I give her my laundry basket and tell her to get to work

Why do people day this instead of "try to"?

Goddamn it.

Happy. If my genes are to be diluted with non whites, I'd rathers see him with an Asian.
Well, Asians or Australian natives of course!

she's not black atleast

Hiya. She's cute, be nice to her.

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Shake his hand, hug him, and compliment him on a good job. As many of you don't know, this photo exemplifies what the future will be anyway. So we'll probably get to actually do this with our kids.

Being gramatically correct is hard, as long as the sentence is legible then hardly anyone cares that it isn't grammar perfect

at least it's not a nigger