Why are uncut cocks so goofy looking? Look at all that useless skin around it

Why are uncut cocks so goofy looking? Look at all that useless skin around it.

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cut the dick
leave the tip

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They look more powerful and tasty with the head showing. Otherwise, they look like a shriveled up hairless rat.

That’s the most sensitive part they cut off Satanic cult shit.

is that an unsucked cock

It's a mystery lol

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"Useless skin?" Spoken like someone who was mutilated at birth and has no concept. By having your foreskin hacked off, you have been given a life in which about 80% of the feeling in your penis has been permanently removed. Now, think about how much you enjoy your dick, and then think about the fact that as good as it is, it's only about 20% as good as it might have been if someone hadn't butchered you without your consent.

don't talk to me, mutilated freak

It's so you have a built-in masturbator

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I couldn't live without my foreskin, masturbating would be so lame without it

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Considering majority of females think they funny looking, you keep beating your meat incel.

It seals in the flavor

fuck that's a nice cock.

And all those piss drops and schmegma

Not him but as a incel i noticed its usually fellow losers who use incel as an insult

It literally protects the glans from chafing and becoming dry and desensitized.

Who gives a fuck> They're retards. They only think uncut cocks are funny looking (in your society) because they AND you have been brainwashed to think having your foreskin permanently and irrevocably removed moments after coming into the world is perfectly normal.

they dont have to be so weird looking

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>majority of females
Only in Cuckmerica lmao

I have gotten many compliments.

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You sound like you’re coping with a Jew penis lol. DUMBASS


I don't mind it

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this most of the world has a normal dick that hasn't been butchered
keep coping jewboys

yes. what a great dick.

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o no my dicks ugly and my girlfriends vagina isnt a simp

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Foreskin is just one of those things that evolution hasn't taken care of. Given enough generations, eventually they will be breeded out, and those of is superior cut dicks will be the dominant genes.

mmmm another perfect cock for this thread. keep em cumming boys

to serve and protect

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