Do you think it’s inappropriate for women to wear yoga pants in public?
Do you think it’s inappropriate for women to wear yoga pants in public?
bible says you should never wear the clothes of the opposite sex
yes because it makes me hard.
But the ones who made the bible both male and female used dress, robes, what ever you call them back then.
No. Stop being a creep
Yes, because at that point, they should just go out pants-less.
which culture sets those standards?
What are you, gay?
Depends on body. Most should not. It's spandex all over again.
No, unless they're fat
a wholesome culture. so that's very few countries today and even fewer white countries
women are emotionally needy creatures and aloof, that's why society works. if women had any sense or strength none of this would work.
okay hadji
not the biggest fan of islam, so you can understand my frustration that they are beating us spiritually
where the fuck do you fundies come from? this is not a website for the religious
what is this site for? degenerates? Sup Forums would beg to differ
Sup Forums is a garbage containment board and should have never existed to begin with
i'll hear you out. why is it garbage? because it's users don't cum all day watching porn?
imagine coming to a website thats half porn and then acting like a dipshit puritan
Not in public at work yes, mostly women where I work and it drives me insane
the internet is half porn. what a retarded thing to say you should only use the internet if you like porn
>you should only use the internet if you like porn
thats probably true tbf
You like walking around in public with wood? Doesn't seem like a great idea.
and there goes our chance for an enlightened human race. our greatest tool for knowledge and it's primary use is degeneracy
I think it is inappropiate for women to be in public, aside of representative occasions
Yes because the 10-20% that look hot in them give you attitude if you just happen to look in their direction, 50% you don't want to look and the rest leave you screaming "my god my eyes" If you're an advocate for public yoga pants stop hanging around the high school and spend some time at walmart with a diverse customer base.
1. Those are leggings, not yoga pants
2. It's not.
so no Americans then..........
America takes the fight to those filthy Reds!