>Your 15 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender
>They want you to use their preferred pronouns "they" and "them"
>You no longer have a daughter or son - you now have a non binary child
How do you react?
Your 15 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender
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i tell them no
Kill them
I let them know they are wrong and attempt to walk them out of that black hole. If they are not willing to listen to reason, I’d simply pack the essentials and leave them behind.
“If you’re not confused then I’m not either” *Showers kid in unconditional love*
Try to save the child before its too far in.If it doesnt work,throw the little shit to the wolves.
okay just don't get a stupid faggot haircut or you're gonna get bullied and make life harder for yourself
I smile and say that that's okay because I love them. I chose to have a child, not a slave to my 'preferences'
the whole lot of you should never be parents. You'll fuck your kid up even worse than you are.
Nobody understands love anymore. only hate
Don't buy them anything for their birthday or Christmas. Don't cook them any meals. Don't let them use the shower. Literally give them nothing. That'll learn em.
I'd rather have my child come out as gay/lesbian/bisexual and not a personality thats now a gender.
Proceed to rape in every orifice and ask, "do they like it?"
They already hate themselves dumbass. Why not reinforce their false dreams?
Of course I'd show them unconditional support. So much human garbage responding to this thread.
We all know that you hate yourself for suppressing your desire to blow bull cock.
>What do they want for Christmas?
>Uh you mean me or them?
not allowed to make life decisions on their own until they are 18
>t.projecting brainlet
internal combustion
external death ray
fuck off kikes
i come out at non-binary age. 'They' no longer have an adult father and therefore I do not need to look after 'them'
“Ok honey, do you want a cookie?”
Then tell her mom/my wife “Its just a phase, remember when she thought she was a cat?”
I’m not the one hating. The lady doth protest too much.
Everithing ok. If i want a child i must to be ready to give all my love unconditionatlly
>better quote a movie that'll show em
.."not a slave to my preferences" As if scientific and biological fact are defined by "preferences". This shit is by and large completely absurd. I believe some are biologically chemeric,but it is rare.
>Pretends that homophobia being rooted in suppressed homosexuality isn’t a well researched fact.
Here are the actual parents in this thread, and it's the only answer. Being non binary or trans or anything lgbtq etc. is a harder road than most of us have to walk. I can't imagine trying to make that harder for anyone, let alone one of my kids.
>having children
you know, we understand what causes that now
That's made up bullshit. what's between your legs determine your gender roles therefore gender
I call it IT from then on
And yes. This gender-fluidity hate all stems from homophobia as well..
my thoughts exactly. if your child trying to figure out who they are makes you love them less, you shouldn't be a parent.
I’m fine with it if they’re a good person and don’t annoy the fuck out of me or others I’m fine
I did that too when my daughter told me she was non-binary. Took her into the shower and changed her mind.
Wait. That's what you meant, right?
I don't love them less. if your daughter joined a cult you don't support them in that. you should treat it like an addiction and forcefully separate them from the influence and try to reestablish clear reasoning with them.
non binary is ideology not an identity
Start charging rent
Honestly if my boy came out as gay or bi or whatever sexual orientation, I'd have no issue. Literally 100% fine with that shit, hell even if he decided once he was an adult he wanted to be a girl or crossdress, whatever. I've only really been exposed to queer folk who are completely normal other than their queerness and not the new wave feminist/ activist retards I hear about. If I was exposed to that, I'm sure I'd be totally against it.
Kinda like most my life the only blacks I knew were just normal ass people, but I've recently been exposed to the cancer that is inner city niggers. Nothing like normal black people, but I totally understand why people hate blacks if that's what they know.
>Compares gender identity to cult
>be me
>work at soc media company in palo alto
>lots of people being non-binary, choosing their gender.
>come in one day, tell everyone I now identify as a black man
>say "whassup my niggahs?" when boss gets mad say "oh, I see how it be, y'all wanna keep the field niggah in da field..."
>mfw I got fired and have to move mah opressed ass back in with mom.
"You can have whatever pronouns you prefer, but I don't have to use them. If that is a deal-breaker for your living here, then I will be glad to help you get emancipated so you can live on your own. If you want to stay here, you can put up with me and the way I talk."
>Assumes a 15-year-old knows what the fuck they are talking about.
That's a bullshit. I hope are u kidding
I would kill them before they started working at BuzzFeed
Gender is bullshit.
If everyone just treated everyone else like a fucking human being, no one would bother trying to become some gender, because gender would be completely irrelevant to your social experience.
Tell them that they are subscribing to the mass misconception that some moods are masculine and female and what they are doing is actively detrimental to people with sexual dysmorphia. I then tell Tyreese that I didn't raise him to cause harm to other groups of people through his actions simply due to a desire to feel special. He is an incredible young man and he doesn't need labels to do that. I will always love and support him in whatever he does in life but he needs to really think about the consequences of his actions.
I 100% agree. But i think that gender isnt the problem. The problem is people that see ""genders"" as ""strangesexuals""
Well then my house is non-binary free.
That's all i have to say
Ever heard of the kikes, user?
I no longer have a child. I fill out the emancipation papers for him/her.
I'm actually sitting by my kid (already sleeping I hope) and i'm pretty sure I'd be able to kill to protect this baby and you ask me about such nonsense as my lack of acceptance?
What pronoun should we use for them?
This is pissing me off so much I have to say it: they/them refers to more than one person. One single person can't be a they/them
I respect their wishes. Why the fuck wouldn't I? It's no skin off my nose.
Ideally, English should just have 1 singular pronoun for everyone. Other languages, e.g. Chinese, have only one pronoun and they handle things fine. But until that happens, if you're taking about someone of indeterminate gender then I have no problem using "them" when talking about them. merriam-webster.com
I have never heard of any case where someone demands them be called "they" or "them". I'll accept if there's a case being a personal one, but places like places of employment?
disown him/her (use his/her biologically-assigned pronouns) and if he/she is at least 18, kick him/her out of the house while shouting "get a job, you fag!"
some languages have only masculine/feminine, thus binarygenderism would epic fail
Negative. It's a treatable condition unless genetically intersexxed.
you are talking about manufacturing language because it doesn't fit your Idealoigy. let that sink in
like you did with German when you separated the concept of gender and sex.
Why though? There are two sexes/genders and words to refer to them, why must it be reduced to only.one?
Gas them
Say well the birth certificate says you're a bit so I guess I don't have a child anymore
>implying they identify as human
Slaughter them.
They're defined by your genes, not your mental preferences, you stupid fuck.
It takes additional brain bandwidth to keep track of gender, when in 99% of situations it's irrelevant. It's inefficient.
Nothing to do with ideology. See
Anyone know how to hack Facebook accounts I'll pay $60
The beauty of a language lies in its intricacies. In my language every noun is gendered and that is part of its beauty and wonder imo, like why is waterfall and lake masculine but river feminine? A language needs soul, if we reduce it to bare minimalism we lose so much history and culture
I mean, I don't give a shit. If my kids decide that, then they can do whatever they want. It's their lives. Would I feel weird? Yeah, but I don't really care
It doesn't matter, none of this matters.
Each one of those posts uses broadly the same phraseology, "unconditional", for example.
It's you sock-puppeting in order to pretend that your response is normal. It ain't.
And I have two kids, one of whom I'm fairly certain is gay.
Non-binary is a meme, my generation rebelled by being bisexual as a way of rebelling (i.e. making out with your friends). This new bullshit is just outgaying the gays, being as rebellious and virtue signalling as you can, now that gay is accepted.
Once gender bullshit is accepted, where do kids go then? Amputation?
Nah, you need to look at yourself, and ask why are you trying so hard.
language is not about effiency, speak a manufactured language like Esperanto if you want that. we will keep our language and you will not control it
No. No it doesn't.
It stems from refusing to be legally forced to believe something that is scientifically untrue.
If you think you are the wrong gender, you have a problem.
If they are under 18 I’d literally give them up for adoption. Above 18, Get The Fuck Out Of My House. wouldn’t mind a mtf trap, though. I almost welcome it.
you know it hasn't always been that 1/3 of kids end up being softie faggot dipshits. it's possible to teach the right mindset, to teach them the reward of effort so they can be potent human beings one day, instead of let them develope a candy assed bubble of reality where they're entitled to let go of their weight if they don't want to pull it. the kid joined a herd of fruitcakes to enable his abandonment of virility.
put them up for adoption
Stfu user.
Tell them to get a second social security number, so you can deduct both of them on taxes, or else it didn’t happen.
Come to california, a non binary friendly place. Non binary employees demand you to use "they" or "them" at the workplace and you will get into trouble with human resources if you dont use the pronouns. Not even exageratting.
Which and why? Whoever gets the most love gets posted more of?
In that case, I'll demand that I be called "they" and the number of "they" is 100. So I'll collect 100 SSI checks.
[Citation needed]
I've raised my kid properly. We both throw back our heads for a hearty chuckle at the joke they just played.
The anons in here are either too quick to beat the child that they are most likely never going to have or are way to eager to go head first in supporting something that they are most likely going to drop in a year or two.
If my child did this I would say "okay, I want you to explain why this is the best for you" to see if they actually meditated on it or if it's just something that they are doing because they think it will give them attention.
Their new pronoun is nigger
Move the family to some poor country and disconnect them from the Jew media that brainwashed them.
ROFL. Satire - love it!
Meh. If gender is a construct then so is non binary. So long as they plan on reproducing I don’t care
Call them a faggot and buy them a hooker
Military School
During my brief existence here upon Gaia's fragile visage, I have taken moments to bask in the full richness of Anglo locution, spilling forth from Brittania's shores and embraced upon Columbia's bosom. And I doth wept from the great beauty and majesty of such spectacle, and trembled in awe of the power that a simple pen hath wrought!
But... most of the time I simply want to communicate as succinctly as possible. And I think we should all have that option.
Now, I could do what Shakespeare did when he didn't have a certain word handy, and just make one up. But I don't need to. Many handy words already exist. "One" is one, but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. My favorite is "thon" which dates back to 1858. I would even settle for calling everyone "it" but people get so offended. Hell, they get offended even when I call their pets "it". Like they're expecting me to examine their bitch's hind-quarters before talking about it, or someth.
>he's going to the store, want anything?
>store, want?
There, simplified and gender neutral. You're welcome
I'd say "You're a fucking idiot. I love you so much though. Go do your homework."
You kys
I tell them they’re fucking retarded and I’ll call them what I want. I’d immediately follow up by calling a shrink because my kid obviously needs help.
Based parent Carl
EuroFag here
I tell them that they are getting close to the age of18 and should be mentally matured enough to start making rational decisions that benefit them. I don't own my kid and just want the best for them
Don't die mad hey~