How much would you pay to fuck my wife Sup Forums?

How much would you pay to fuck my wife Sup Forums?

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I so Not want

1/2 of a slightly used goat
Best offer

2 pitas
and a goat


About tree fiddy

damn beat me to it lol

Bout tree fiddy

I might if you pay me well

why would anyone pay? i thought muslims believe rape was okay

Exactly 1 Canadian dollar. But she has to eat it.

Wait since when do I have to pay? I never paid her so far.

1 goat leg

Nope not touching that

I'd pay to have these pictures removed from my memory


So many faggots in this thread

3 pieces of raw bacon

Never pay. I would fuck her, but I never pay for any woman.

I’d pay you to fuck off

$250 for a night of whatever I want.

same question

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how about my wife?

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The real question is...How much would you pay me? Because she isn't worth spending a dime on.

Imagine the smell

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150 for half an hour ;)

100 for 1/2 an hour