Yet another example of the unnecessary blackwashing prominent in Netflix with their new trainwreck of a Witcher series.
Netflix, and nearly every other American media company is trying to brainwash us into thinking BAME people were prominent in the ethnogenesis of every civilisation, and that we should give a fuck about niggers, spicks, kikes, and chinks. They were, and still are, the bane of every successful country today, and are probably the only thing that can bring terrorism out of the confined corners of the underdeveloped world, into OUR world.
Everyone knows kikes nigger everything up, just browsing this board for 2 minutes and you'd come to that conclusion.
Kayden Hernandez
Kevin Ross
you're the type of person not to choose either the red nor the blue pill because you fully believe everything you get told is true.
Adrian Reyes
>"blackwashing" >one of the actresses is half INDIAN
Good job, dipshit. You've literally invalidated your own argument.
Adrian Fisher
>implying africans are the only ones with black skin >implying blackwashing is not a general term for the unnecessary replacement of white people with minorities
Thomas Morgan
>BAME people were prominent in the ethnogenesis of every civilisation, and that we should give a fuck about niggers, spicks, kikes, and chinks.
Holy shit, somebody never paid attention in history class during school. You basically told everyone here that you're so stupid you can't be trusted with any significant responsibility. Why would you do that...?
Ryder Cooper
>*trying to brainwash us into thinking* BAME people were prominent in the ethnogenesis of every civilisation, and that we should give a fuck about niggers, spicks, kikes, and chinks Forcefully trying to prove yourself right will not only bring you nowhere, but will prove just how uncapable you are at reading
Jose Walker
The only reason they're casting ethnic people is because of money. Companies want to be more inclusive because ethnic people are starting to make and spend. They want to have their people represented in media they consume.
Henry Watson
You enjoy the witcher despite all of its very clear social and political messaging then. Cant you just go and watch another fantasy series? Theres plenty of others that will play into your racist larping shit.
Charles Clark
>"Theres plenty of others that will play into your racist larping shit" Nope. You honestly think I'm racist for wanting a better future? Sounds fishy to me
Oliver Sanchez
>being THIS focused on trash media >being THIS upset cause you had to see a nigger on tv Kikes already won, no wonder your race is dying out
Noah Myers
>being THIS focused on trash media The "trash media" is used by everyone on earth. >being THIS upset cause you had to see a nigger on tv Implying I am upset also implies I care about minorities. >Kikes already won, no wonder your race is dying out >being THIS reluctant to try improve your own life, and instead give in to the jewish propaganda
Parker Robinson
Whitewashing has been a thing since the dawn of cinema.
You can play around with definitions all you like. Most people would respect you more if you were just out and out with it though. Instead of 'im not racist, but non-white people (insert overly general or empirically incorrect statement here). This just makes you look like a crybaby and a snowflake. Which ironically cuckservatives and facists are.
Alexander Ross
>never experience white racism I'm white and i've been in fistfight over racist niggers, especially when i'm a soulless ginger with an Irish last name, but nah, coming over on the boat in 1897 and being treated like a second class citizen for decades never happened to ky family, i'm a slave master just like bigbanks mc'shekelburg
Gabriel Reyes
>improve your own life, Casting choices on terrible shows based on boring video games based on unknown books doesnt impact my life in any way, shape or form. Go outside, the media is "powerful" because of retards like you that need to consume every bullshit Hollywood squirts out
Jacob Harris
well its still pretty correct. Irish people werent considered white whilst there was still allot fo racism towards them. also 1 persons experience doesnt discount yours or vice versa. Fuck man they even said tha if it happens its still racism, it just doesnt need a new extra special term.
Bentley Powell
Why are whites so fragile?
Ayden Cruz
yes, Jewish media and especially Hollywood has always been racist, thank you for finally coming up to speed on that
Nathan Lee
Who cares?
Jace Perez
But it's only a problem when its against whites, right?