Bernie Sanders is going to be the greatest president in modern U.S history.
Bernie Sanders is going to be the greatest president in modern U.S history
bernie running to save the country
Based beard
Of his bowls club
If he can ever get into the oval office, yeah. Though I'd settle for Warren. Basically anyone who'll shift the majority of the tax burden onto the rich and their corporations, you know the people who can actually afford it, and strengthen the social safety net.
He just had a heart attack and 2025 is a ways away.
I'm happy he's controlling the conversation, but If I were a betting man Bernie will not get the nominee. Which is a shame because out all the people on democratic field he has the best chance of winning against Trump
Warren won’t do shit.
>let's keep making ourselves weaker and more dependent on handouts
from the same leftists who called wall-e a dystopian future everyone
I wish presidents would start keeping beards again. They look so much better on the leader of the free world.
Warren Buffet will never run for office, no matter how much we want him to. The best we can probably do from the Buffet family is get Jimmy Buffet to continue the dynasty.
Colonel Bernie Sanders
trump probably has had a heart attack too but he won't release his medical records.
Earn your way in life instead of praying for this commie to up your wage to 15 an hour.
you strike me as someone who works as a volunteer firefighter and also mcdonalds.
one day you'll make it!
>voting for a jew
>voting for a christian
The Greatest is yet to come, Bernie is just part of phase 1.
But at least we won't have another knuckle-dragger in the white house.
Trump 2020
President Bernie Sanders will save us from the Orange Tyrant
Please rule over me! Please let me choose this stranger to extort and redistribute my earning ineffiecntly. Slave ass
Trump literally lying about going to the doctors 'it's just part one checkup'
Lying about his height and weight.
2020 is less than a year away you fucking retard
I'd take him more seriously if he called out the DNC for cheating him. Instead he bowed down like the cuck he is.
And when he gets fucked over again he'll bend the knee, again
I'm excited to see how much more of our tax dollars will go towards Israel.
She is pretty.
Can you explain how he will get any part of his platform done with a Republican senate and even some Dems who don't agree with his socialist policies?
You do know the senate controls the budget, right?
Can you also tell me what his plan is to lower the national debt?
>Can you also tell me what his plan is to lower the national debt?
Of course. Raise the debt ceiling.
>liberal logic
You guys should have voted for him when you had the chance.
Tax wall street trades .25%. It's a small tax that will do much and not hit normal americans at all.
>Tax wall street trades
You see, when people like you say dumb shit like this, referring to "wall street" as if that's fucking suppose to mean anything, all you're doing is announcing how utterly stupid and ignorant you are. And we have fags like you voting out there.
There is no such thing as debt in the government. It's just a number like gdp.
how will he get Republicans and moderate Democrats in the senate to vote yes for a new tax on stock trades?
Trades that happen daily. How dumb are you? They are constantly trading during business hours. Of course them keeping their billion dollar bonus programs makes your life better, right? You are so fucking brainwashed lol. It's sad, really.
Didn't he die though?
Probably won't since the banks own them all. At this point the government is 99% bought and paid for and does not represent the rest of america at all.
President Wine Mom
So you want to tax people that trade stocks? How fucking stupid are YOU? What you said here makes no fucking sense, none. But I'm the one who's brainwashed? Fag, you are literally parroting what your hero says without even understanding what the fuck it is he's saying.
Thankfully, Bernie will never be president.
The wall is being built as we speak and just got more funding from Congress, ISIS is all but destroyed, and Obamacare is in shambles. Nice try.
Its a fence that you can cut through with consumer grade power tools. ISIS is doing just fine. Obamacare was in shambles the moment it was introduced. Nice try
Trickle down economy has been an absolute failure for the American people and has lead to the monopolies and mega-corps we have now. If anything it is the "right-wingers" who are ushering in the dystopia
>Voting based on religion
Being the greatest pile of shit is something to be proud of?
for the 3 days before his heart attack?
Why can you not tax a stock exchange as you do any other exchange?
he's trying to appeal to the black vote
he's fine, retard
I hope you burn to death in a house fire , faggot
And after that what next? You'll want to tax gasoline to the point it's $10 a gallon right?
I heard your mom refer to you with this statement, last week after I emptied my balls into her cunt.
That slippery slope tho
found the nigger.
Sure, because your team is NEVER happy with one tax. It's always what you people can tax next. Then you turn around and spend it on dem programs for Maria and Tyrone.
Lol this dude makes 20.00 a hour ....keep it down im trying to have pity for you po[rich]or cunts who think theyve made it with a shit box new truck and a fat cum bucket squuezed into those bargin bin designer jeans
I don't have a "team" unless you consider "collective humanist" a team. Also, any social program benefits all people, even if you cannot grasp how the stronger an individual is, the stronger the group is.
bernie + no beard= pass
bernie + beard = vote
i can feel it
How does it "benefit" me to pay for Tyrone's 4th kid's healthcare, while he's in prison and his mother is out getting her hair did and smoking dey weed? Fuck off with this bullshit. Funny how you people always love saying this shit but it's ONLY in reference to dem gibs for dem minorities. But when it's time for those monkeys to chip the fuck in all of a sudden the story changes.
Are you stupid?
agreed, warren is weak on the stuff she's even progressive on and will roll over without a fight. her foreign policy is standard centrist policy
Any social program does not benefit everyone lol
Good for you. She's going on 60.
OK boomer
>let's keep making ourselves stronger and not actively hand over control to the mega rich while pretending to believe in meritocracy
Wow. Beard looks real good on him. His Joe Rogan interview really made me like him. You got to learn a lot about him and what he stands for.
Sure, kid.
I’m 24 just not retarded
and he had stints put in and he's healthier than he was before, but yeah fatass trump having mcdonald's parties and lying about his health is a strong young man compared to bionic bernie
He heard there were free doughnuts in the green room
if wages had been tied to productivity instead of remaining stagnant for decades the minimum wage would be over 20. keep licking that boot maybe massa will let you live in the house
Lowering the Debt makes the Dollar stronger against other currencies, which makes our goods more expensive to sell overseas, which means anyone who is involved in foreign trade makes less money and cuts wages and jobs (and by extension all the jobs which support it).
He said he would pay for it by taxing wall street stock trading. Watch the joe rogan interview.
How delusional.
Screencap this. We'll soon have some good laugh.
It also means foreign goods get cheaper so unless we raise tariffs, domestic goods have a harder time competing and makes it more attractive to offshore production and jobs.
How? ...That doesn't even make sense...and...even if this were true. What on earth would he do to be able to even get the black vote? They're sort of not even interested with whoever wins the 2020 Presidential elections. Democrat or Republicans... as nothing will help the black voters after 8 years of Obama. IJs
bernie has been advocating for money going to israel being conditional on good behavior (ie stop apartheid and illegal occupation). every other candidate is basically full blown israeli puppet and so is trump.
Ok, millennial. Fucking weeaboo nigger!
cant wait for trump to win 2020
Haha Commie Claus ain't going to save the country or world
clintons are going to cuck him again
>Can you explain how he will get any part of his platform done with a Republican senate and even some Dems who don't agree with his socialist policies?
yeah he will go to those districts and support challengers in those elections including primary challenges to centrist dems. bernie's platform is popular everywhere and so is he. it's kind of hard to argue against things that demonstrably improve the lives of the working class without looking like an idiot or a shill
>from the same leftists who called wall-e a dystopian future everyone
Wall-e was a CAPITALIST dystopian future. The point was that left unchecked, capitalism will make the planet uninhabitable
Bernie Sander is nothing but a saggy titted old bitch
Thats a pretty specific example. Assuming the parents came out of the womb "bad" and weren't conditioned by their lived experiences I can see why you might feel they are undeserving. Lets assume this is true for the time being. Does the child deserve to suffer due to the ineptitude of its parents? Does letting the child suffer not perpetuate a cycle of more ineffectual citizens? Would you rather aim the disenfranchised towards growth and betterment (read: turn them into productive, wealth-producing, tax-paying individuals)?
Now assume Tyrone had the same tools and skills we are considering for his child. Theres no -guarantee- he would be a better person, yet data from more socialized countries tend to confirm that the more opportunity you have in youth, the more likely you are to be productive in adulthood.
Finally, it seems you think this is specifically aimed at minorities. While it might seem that way, there are many, many suffering white americans as well.
The sooner we realize we are -not- against each other and recognize that we are in fact on the same team, the HUMAN team, the faster we can excel.
The first MILF president
what is with all the shitty boomer memes? serious cringe
single payer healthcare saves billions, and conservatives proved it when they tried to disprove it. the countries with the highest standard of living in the world all have economic systems of the sort bernie is advocating for, yet americans parrot the received wisdom of libertarian economists who ignore objective evidence and stick to faith. corporatism has failed, it's time to adopt economic systems that actually have evidence of their effectiveness (at helping all citizens not just oligarchs). take your religion and go, please.
Right the classic "dem gibs will make niggers be more productive" horse shit. And yet those subhumans not only DONT become more productive, but they take all dem gibs and programs and continue to have hoards of kids, sell drugs and go to prison anyway. Almost like it doesn't work and the democrats do that to keep them all poor and dependent on fucking purpose. But they all vote for your team and stay in their containment zones so you don't mind.
but disney walmart and amazon all raised their wages directly because of bernie sanders. it's almost like people who want to smear bernie (due to the sexual gratification they receive from cucking themselves to billionaires) have to be ignorant and dishonest
>bernie is communist
>trump is fascist
we can all play pretend on the internet, but where does that get us?