Im having gay thoughts, how do I stop them?

Im having gay thoughts, how do I stop them?

No, I don't want to get fucked and I don't crave to fuck some Dude, this is generally fucking annoying i don't know where they are comming from and I want that shit to fucking stop.

What do I need to do? Please help me Sup Forumsros i want this weird phase out of my mind.

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GTFO off Sup Forums idiot. It's a paid for propagated/directed desensitization program to make entire cultures soft kill themselves.

lmao its too late for you. rejecting your desires will only hurt you.

I know it's a fucking mind game, now tell me how to shut it out.

Fuck off with your quads. Tell me how to stop it.

Stop masturbating as much as you do. Your wires are getting crossed to enjoy ever different things and when you have fragmentory thoughts of gay shit during a pleasure session you then associate it with positive experience and you are likley to get confused as to whether you are gay or not.

Easing off on destroying your dick will help as it will normalise your psyche into liking vanilla things, as you won't need ever more degenerate shit to get off on.

I see, thank you man, Im glad atleast someone still wants to help the wicked

Go live as a monk. Western society under trump is gay-on-steroids, you must wean yourself off the trap/gay, and learn how live a gay-free life.

So by living simple life, I will have normal thoughts?

Somehow i do see a correspondance and think that it will actually help, now Im not gonna live off as a monk, but I will do drastically changes to my life that's for sure

Thanks again

same but with 15-16 year old girls, i always get rock hard seeing their firm little asses & tits. I'm 26. I'd never engage in anything tho

An hero

The quads speak for themselves OP wants to get fucked in the ass

Listen here OP. Very simple. Dont give in to them but dont be alarmed by them either. If they suddenly apear. let them be there but dont entertain them. Like slowly let em die as you start thinking of other things. Dont forcefully try to think of something else. They will slowly die away. To be honest I have had a period of my life with very many different sexual things. If you accept and start to masturbate to them you gonna get hooked. There is a different how much such thoughts and new ideas are gonna come and go. I always rejected accepting zoophelia, it took me almost... holy shit 14 years to get rid of it... One time I started to have pedophelia related thoughts. but I rejected them. First forcefully which was not working and very painful. and then just applied the method I mentioned above. Like I was sitting with children, and sometimes I would get a hard on, and starting thinking about things. but instead of panicing or accepting or whatnot, I just concentrated on what I was doing with the child which was obviously never sex related. it was playing, drawing, even taking shower. Im very very happy to say. and also proud. I have no such thoughts at all. People ask me like, "yeah sure bud, but sometimes when these thoughts return what do you do?" I reply, believe they haven't even if the kids are butt naked and run around close to me, sleep next to me or actualy kids get curious and wants to see the peepee or touch it. These thoughts are totaly erradicated. :,)

So dont worry /brother, it isn't as difficult, dangerous as you might think. but I realize your panic

Stop looking at porn...lift heavy things several times a day. Stay away from stim drugs. If that doesn't work...kill yourself.

Perfectly natural user. If you didn't feel that way, then you might worry.

Do you take any drugs? If so what? Including rec drugs.

Thank you for your reply, I am gratful for your guidance and that you decided to share your story, I too have had a weird pedo thought phase, not that I would ever engage in it, but it was there and it wasn't something i was happy for (personally i think it's because ive had someone in my life who got molested by a pedophile so the thoughts are just there, but I really don't know) - thanks again for your comment Sup Forumsro, I appreciate the help and a different perspective

i am actually going to buy a new fitness membership soon, I just don't have the funds for it yet

I take 600mg of seroquell daily to help treat a PTSD/HPPD thing that's been part of my life for some time, and yes it's usually used for bi-polar patients, but I don't actually have more personalities im just emotionless

16 is perfectly legal in most of the world, even inside the US it's fine in many states.

I said lift heavy things push-ups. Find a bar to do pull ups. Get a bunch of plastic bags and fill with rocks...stop making excuses.

By fitness i mean 1hour boxing warmup
Then 1hour of actual boxing, then deadlift and so forth, stones in plastic bags does sound like a good exercise if I where to walk my 10k mile walks again, probably should tomorrow.. Y'know what, ill do it tomorrow

I dunno. I used to wank to traps all the time. Now I only wank to traps occasionally. Its not really gay though so its not the same.

yes, thanks and good luck OP. Don't worry. Also pray much, God is real and will help you if you ask him.

You do know all you need for "boxing" is your hands? Right? Shadow boxing...ever heard of it? Grab some canned goods and box that way. Everything you need to get /fit/ is in your home right now. I am 100% certain of that.

Suck a dick to get it out of your system

Thanks user, you too and I will

Please don't become gay.