who should they cast in the inevitable Barbarella remake?
Who should they cast in the inevitable Barbarella remake?
Bruce Jenner
It's Caitlin you bigoted fuck
Such a brave woman.
never ever
they should cast me as charlotte mckinney's pusy slave in real life
willow shields
Jennifer Lawrence
Octavia Spencer
Don't know whom they should but they will cast some skinny flat sckelly.
shes so happy cause i just gave her a pusy orgasm with my face
in my mind
>inevitable Barbarella remake
it's not inevitable. drew barrymore tried and failed to get one off the ground for years
wtf im not a pedo anymore
Some nigress or fat chick most likely.
Hayley Atwell
Trans or gtfo cishet scum.
It's already being written for Olivia Munn.
t. Talent assistant
please no
But Kate Upton has literally no talent. She seems stupid as shit in interviews, and can not act. Jane Fonda's won an Oscar.
wtf i'm straight now
Bella Thorne, provided she sobers up.
I'm gonna go with Peyton List
Alice Eve is a bit too old, why not Ashley Benson?
Bitch will be dead in 10 years.
The only jeans that actually invert your ass into your pelvis
What's wrong with her skull?
Should we do a Sup Forums Dead Pool?
>>Ten years seems like an awful long time.
nah. lohan is still alive today though
Will she die before, or after Spoony?
If I actually had to pick I would choose Amber Heard
I would be totally fine with Kate though
I say after...but not long after.
Question: would you trade a percentage of her breasts for an ass, and, if so, what percentage?
I would trade it for a smaller waist. She is fridge as fuck
Barbarella won an Oscar? What category? Best breastplate?
She didn't win an Oscar for Barbarella, I'm just saying she's a talented actress, and Kate Upton is just a piece of meat.
>Whats going on here?
You gotta pay the troll toll.
She's on her way to the STD Clinic.
This would be my pick if not Daddario.