Why are you letting them cut down forests to build wind farms?

Why are you letting them cut down forests to build wind farms?

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You want this girl to go irrelevant? STOP TALKING ABOUT HER THEN!

She's Queen of Sup Forums.
So many fags compelled to post about her.
She'll always be here.

To save the forests, retard!

There's only one queen of Sup Forums and it's not that liberal tool.

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Because when the EU considers burning imported wood "green" and "renewable" (and still can't get their emissions down), the forest doesn't really matter.

why are they building turbines at all?


Because the green blob is stupid as shit and doesn't believe in science.

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>didn't talk about her

>used a picture of her

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BBC is god's gift to white women.

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Because it will help to stop trumps forest fires

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they aren't
next question

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thats hardly fair we dont really know what he did to her

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You cant listen to retards, then your retarded

But then suddenly increases trumps forest fires.

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no no the thousands of dead birds at the base of the turbine will just smoulder until the fire fighters arrive

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Imagine being fucked by parents like these. I'd chop them up while I was famous

It doesn't matter. Nowadays an individual can decide nothing. By union, ideas are lost and diluted and the group brings itself into obedience. In order to truly manifest his idea, an individual must become as powerful as a state. Until you can personally kill several millions of people, any political discourse is empty. You have barely any effect, and what little there is has been carefully directed to serve someone else.

but mommy can hold a tune quite well


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they don't build wind farms in forests. they build them in plains, deserts and on the water.


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the amount of birds that die from wind turbines is about .5% the amount that get killed by house cats every year.

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we need to ban turbines and cats ? actually im ok with that

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and Germany has none of those

Sudden bird decline from deforestation and turbines brings notably fewer trumps bird smolderings.

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Stick your nigger cock inside your boipussy and fuck off.

Is it just me, or is she getting really cute?

Shhh, don't tell California or Hawaii.

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Cats are actually useful.

You do realize she didn't say, "I'm the *only* child whose childhood was stolen and I have it worse than everyone else," right user?

hmmm the whole problem seems hopeless we need gretas superpowers

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"You've stolen MY childhood."
"You've stolen my childhood and possibly Others."

Here's a summary of that book. Those kids are beyond fucked. 50 minutes to eat 1/3 a banana?


Greta doesn't do well with others

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>learned a bunch of shit by heart
Oh, so she's THAT kid. The stupid bitch that doesn't understand or study anything, but recites things very well. How much use does she get out of knowing the periodic table by heart? She does know that it can be printed, right? Such an amazing skill, being replaced and even outdone by a 1$ (at worst) sheet of paper

>greta sperging.webm
fucking kek. and it's true. what a cunt.

ouch all that shit plus being born Swedish i might be tempted to sail away as well

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>can see CO2
Where's James Randi and his Million Dollar Bullshit challenge?

but she is perfect for George and co always on message and doesn't feel any to be involved in the decisions

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Isnt she actually autistic?

rich cunt selling you kids to soros and bill pays really well

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No, but I DID hear her say you were a faggot

yes and ocd to


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so it's not trumps oil company shills?

whichever way you look at it swedes are weird that pig is wearing a diaper

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You fags ever seen Baotou Lake? This is where all your turbine and EV magnets come from.

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nah its George thinking ahead

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that's not where pigs live, right? did she steal that pig's childhood?


Not to mention the amount of coal produced electricity needed for the electric cars to run on

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How did I know it would be a jewish name? I mean, how?

oh it goes WAYYYYYYYYY beyond that


you must psychic or something

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I'm so glad they're saving nature. Hopefully they comes to your town next.


Where'd you learn that, faggot? Truly curious.

if trumps dirty coal is subsidized so much that it's almost free, is it now clean also?

no but you need to work on your reading comprehension

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>your reading comprehension
sorry Sup Forumsro. these greenies make me feel like my head is full of fluff.

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get that a lot do you ?

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when I'm surrounded by greens and their pretzel logic, yes.

your not in the plan then ?

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Not an American ones. They dont watch news, they're dumb as shit.

>the plan
uh, with those two harlots, no. are you maybe misunderstanding ?

Why are you posting the one autistic child that isn't on our side?

apparently they are going to stand in the fields and ignite the cow farts to stop the methane getting into the atmosphere

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>our side
What side is that?

I wish I could find that nigger, I'd make him wish he never saw that kitty. Goddamn niggers man

You ever watch 'I'm with Busey'? It was a series where Gary Busey went nuts every episode. There was one episode where he was trying to shove corks in cow assholes.

Shit, I found it:

Cell and radio towers kill twice as many as the cats tho

but that creates more of trumps co2 which creates trumps wildfires.

where i live, they lease land from farmers to put up the windmills.
so wherever you are, those people are retards.
and by association, you are too.

>destroying America's forests

except our forests have been getting bigger since the 20s and are now much larger than they were when we got here lol

No, i... HATE IT ! when peoples destroy the nature just for something stupid, i love animals, and the nature, we have to take care of the Earth

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In the US we have this thing call Imminent Domain. If they feel your land will benefit society, they just take it. Then when the turbine fails, they just leave them behind for decades. Eventually they may remove them but it's too expensive to pull up the concrete so they grind the top off and cover it with soil. Something like $2 million to properly remove each tower and footing.

>Why are you letting them cut down forests to build wind farms
what a fuck statement

I agree with you, but look up how much of Carolina's forest is being clear cut to power DRAX in the UK. They consider biomass green. We consider it money. I call it foolish all around. I don't really give a fuck, it takes a lot of time and money to stop a forest from growing, but I like calling out their hypocrisy.

lurk moar

If only the enviroweenies would admit that nuclear is better than anything else available we'd be in good shape as far as power