What does Sup Forums think of Satanism? I think it's pretty based

what does Sup Forums think of Satanism? I think it's pretty based

>believes in revenge
>directly defies Abrahamic dogma
>still live by certain standards
>practice the occult
>cool black and red gothic imagery

I don't see where it goes wrong really

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stupid bullshit for autists

I don't need to sacrifice goats to know I fucking hate the world.

I dont do blood magic, that shit is for niggers

The internet is the great equalizer aka the Antichrist

it's literally being contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian

explain this
it's it's own thing, most people think that but it also has a personal development aspect


whats the alternative? atheism? how boring. Satanism is post atheism

>Satanism is post atheism
No Catholicism is.

lol wutever father pedo

LOL you wish christfag, atheists aren't turning to Christianity

How's eighth grade going?

It's still a sky daddy.

satanists don't actually believe in a literal satan

this unless your a gay ass theistic satanist

all satanfags are worthless

el's children are the representatives of the light

I read that Satanist were over-all pretty optimistic, I like that part

more like willing baby rapers

Makes no difference what they believe. reality remains reality and he is real

Christ is Lord.

Christ is a fucking MEME retard.

i wasn't referring to the catholic church

the true chosen population was given this rite by Christ himself when he was here

Jesus and the benjamites are at the top of the food chain. everyone else is either evil or irrelevant.

Christ himself when he was here.

Jesus and the benjamites are at the top of the food chain. everyone else is either evil or irrelevant.
actually he isn't, our squad is the best

Yeah you Mormons are baby rapers too.

>our squad
lol what are you a youth minister?

whoops when copypaste goes wrong

still got the point across

no lmao, any church employee is an imposter.

I am a benjamite!!

All religion is stupid bullshit for autists

based Mormons suck

Just like every other religion, they routinely fail to practice what they preach.
>Dude just do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, now excuse me while I go burn down a church

sure thing pedo

pedo? lol

whatever you say human, I will now continue to hoarde knowledge

based Scandinavians have a real reason to hate the church though historically

>Jesus and the benjamites are at the top of the food chain

Can you tell me about the benjamite?

>I will now continue to hoarde knowledge
Not knowledge of how to spell evidently

>have a real reason to hate the church
there's no group of people on earth that don't have cause to hate Christianity, they've raped, corrupted, lied, and stole from every culture and every people. Self serving, self righteous hypocrites.

we were those dudes chilling with him at the last supper (not judah though he wasn't chosen)

we're all very ancient souls so we stick together, we all used to chill in atlantis until that big ass flood sank it

Even if you consume everything and suppress every last vestige of freedom, you'll still be a servile, spineless worm. You will have lived and died in cowardly shame.

says the guy with a birth defect

I'm not typing on a computer every day anymore gimme a break

btw op attach yourself to the 2d archon known as lucifer and you'll be chilling with him and all of his faggots in a lower dimension when you die


throw the jew down the well

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>defies Abrahamism
>defined within the paradigm of Abrahamism
discarded cuz retarded

the benjamites are teutonic aryan lmfaoooo

jesus = white (as in nordic not a kike)
benjamites = norse

see above most dont believe in actual satan

Its called a foreskin, don't be jealous
>i can't spell without a computer!

the annunaki/illuminati are the true kikes

wow everyone really is blind this is funny

>jesus = white (as in nordic not a kike)
oh mah lawd. So tell me stupid ass, how exactly did a Nordic man make his way down to fucking Bethlehem to be born, about 1000 years before the Nordic expansion out of Scandinavia?

do you think they are actually aliens too then?

well I can and to a great degree but a scarce few words i do not remember how to spell

was too busy ditching classes to smoke weed and play halo, aswell as distancing myself from conformity, normies, and overall enchancing my power as an individual. shit you should have done instead of pandering to the crowd and getting nowhere from it

Morman chicks are fun though. But I really like anal though, so im biased.

>practice the occult
So do Christians. Demonologists are Christian, and the prophet Ezekiel raised the dead.

how trippy would it be if Jesus actually looked exactly how he's usually portrayed (pic related)

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we were based in atlantis before going to the holy land. atlantis was very close to africa. that's how

and yes nordics/aryans are the first ET's to visit earth

then why call it satanism

Satanism is fucking childish. You're supposed to act towards what ed very impulse you have, because sin is good, but who's to say that your impulses won't fuck you over in the long run?

What's gonna happen to a person when they try to fuck their girlfriend's sister? Are they gonna be able to explain everything with satanism? You'd be better off claiming you were mentally retarded.

>well I can and to a great degree
Oh you're off to a great start, lol

>we were based in atlantis before going to the holy land.
hmm yes, sounds very sane. Was this before or after the Earth became flat?

pisses off christfags

No, I will have conquered myself and be an absolute ruler over my faculties.

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I'm fucking leaving

p.s. elfire is the best song ever

earth is most likely a sphere. people say it's hollow but it has not been proven

flat earth? what? lmao

that's one of the fun parts

flat earth is more retarded than Satanism could ever be

>people say it's hollow
>but it has not been proven
The Earth has been proven to have a solid core

yah it's not completely hollow at least the planet wouldn't have mass

LaVey was a circus guy, total fraud.

What do you think about Nicholas Schreck?

still iffy on him, I like boyd rice though