New Trib Thread #15585

New Trib Thread #15585

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Bless you that is hot

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Anons thoughts on my gf's dicksucking lips?

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Little sis be so cute

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Let her give you a kiss

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Can someone do one of peyton hietz

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i honored

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Requesting peyton heitz tribute

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fucking good!

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Wife is begging for it

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someone pls tribute

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cousin needs cock

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Fuck off pencil dick AIDS faggot.

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do me pls

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Cute trap

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pls trib

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Lay some thick meat on this cutie!

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Who wants to punish my bratty gf

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Give me someone to cum to.

Kik: Smooth_fire15

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Best friends mom.

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Ok, so here's the thing. I am a 25 yo from Brasil who is planning to get ilegal into the USA. After giving it a lot of consideration I decided that my best shot is to try escaping this place forgotten by God called Brasil. I'm really sick of the eternal cycle of misery, corruption and violence that take place in almost every shit hole in Latin America.

Right now I am considering sneaking inside an airplane, using the usual confusion created during the new year holiday to undercover my escape.

Once in the USA, I'm not sure about what is the protocol but probably they will arrest me and maybe sent me to one of those concentration camps for Latin Americans, from there I guess i will have to play prison break.

Please /b help me with any additional information that could be useful, I pretend to create a thread on 31 December and update you guys about my situation with photos.

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