Mark Hamill REALLY hates Disney's Star Wars

It's great seeing him get more and more pissed off at Disney for their shitty decisions:

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why are you spending your saturday night doing this?

>mfw this guy is actually okay with the way Disney are handling things

Didn't his jew overlords explain to him it's all about merchandising?

Why are you spending yours replying to him?

The point he's making in the first video makes me hate the movie even more.

oh mark
we don't deserve you

ikr, also Mark had an idea of Luke appearing in the forest scene and catching the lightsaber and not Rey as he states in the second video.

Makes me really wish Mark directed the movie and not JJ.

Also yeah, his point about Leia and Luke witnessing Han die would have made me cry. As a fan who grew up on Star Wars, I did not cry at all when Han died in TFA. I just had a very sick feeling in my gut.

Is JJ even able to do emotion? There wasn't even any memorable scene for Han.

I really do hope more people begin to understand how such a piece of shit the force awakens is.

No doubt when Mark is finished being in these films, he will continue to state how angry he is with what Disney and JJ have done to Star Wars.

it's better than the prequels by a country fucking mile objectively


t. disnedditor


While true, meaningless

Because he's /ourguy/. He knew the movies would be stinky piles of trash.

The title of the first video is ridiculously misleading



>From my point of view the prequels are evil

ROTS is the best movie in the series though

>tfw even Harrison Ford couldn't even defend nustar wars

I basically assume all information I read is clickbait or something taken out of context until I look at the thing myself at this stage.

God I fucking hate Kathleen Kennedy. What a smug bitch.

>what the fuck am I doing here
>who is this sissy
>where's my paycheck

I get what he's saying in the first video, but he's under the mistaken impression that luke and leia are the main characters.

Because mark is a fellow autist

Nope. The Phantom Menace will always hold a special place in my heart. Love that one to bits. The Force Awakens is nothing compared to that.

to be fair though, I doubt he would have defended old star wars aswell.

Star Wars is a Skywalker story. Deal with it

At least Rey is fucking hot. her and kyo are the only things this new trilogy has going for it.

>People are defending the prequels.

Am I taking crazy pills? Or has this whole ironic hipster thing come full circle where you all now actually like things that were always hated?

you're right, that's why rey is the main character.

>8 seconds in


Like really isn't the main character, but don't you think its a missed opportunity to have Leia and Luke share this really emotional scene?

The original scene hardly makes sense anyways, Finn and Rey are all sad for a man they knew for probably a couple days.

The other scene is fucking weird too, Leia goes and hugs fucking Rey, not Chewie? What the fuck? It's forced emotional manipulation while Luke and Leia comes more naturally.

That fucking face top kek

>"You guys I have a very bad feeling about this"

>Rey is fucking hot
>her and kylo are the only things going for it

Holy fuck.
First, I'm not gonna poke the Kylo beehive because apparently he's a Sup Forums favourite, but Rey is by far the worst Star Wars character to ever be made. Yes, worse than Jar-Jar.

She's supposed to be a relatable character in her struggle, but she has no struggle. There is no problem she can't solve. She's a cunt to pretty much everyone she meets. It doesn't help her case when she has the worst dialogue delivery and most annoying, singular facial expression of surprised fish mouth. Don't even get me started on how she's the biggest MaRey Sue to taint cinema. She's pure anti-kino, in all ways.

And """she""" is the ugliest actress in any Star Wars movie. Looks like a man. Probably is one too, she is infertile.


I like it but it's not /that/ much better than Revenge of the Sith.

>Like really isn't the main character, but don't you think its a missed opportunity to have Leia and Luke share this really emotional scene?

>The original scene hardly makes sense anyways, Finn and Rey are all sad for a man they knew for probably a couple days.
I mean, it doesn't make sense in real life, but in context of movies where people literally fall in love over minutes, I get it. If the movie had the benefit of being 6 hours long, they can establish a strong connection, but for the 2 or so hours given, it did an OK job of establishing that the characters cared for each other. In movie time, a couple of days is enough to care about someone

>The other scene is fucking weird too, Leia goes and hugs fucking Rey, not Chewie? What the fuck? It's forced emotional manipulation while Luke and Leia comes more naturally.
you're right. Either way, the current narrative didn't allow for it. It wouldn't make sense for an out of shape on the verge of death leia to be running around in dangerous situations.

I always liked it. It's not ironic or hipster or anything. It was a cool movie if you like Star Wars.

>Nope. The Phantom Menace will always hold a special place in my heart.

Just because you have fond memories of seeing it with dad when you were 4 doesn't mean the movie isn't a steaming pile of shit

>And """she""" is the ugliest actress in any Star Wars movie.
I disagree.

>Rey is by far the worst Star Wars character to ever be made. Yes, worse than Jar-Jar.
I agree

But come on in all seriousness, Kylo is actually by far the best thing about Disney Wars. But that's not saying much

>defending the nuquels
fuck off disney shill

Name one actress in a SW movie whose uglier.

Pro tip: You can't.

The Phantom Menace is miles better than Force Awakens any day

>you will never have your face crushed between Rey's sweaty asscheeks

Give her a break. This is a young girls big break. Can you imagine being that actress and being selected to star in the new Star Wars? Her character is going through all kinds of challenges in the story. She's not a Mary SUE whatever the fuck that is. Don't be Jealous that you're not her.

Because tfa and the nustar wars plot is such a gigantic piece of garbage that it made us double think the Prequels.

>People are defending the prequels.
You must be new to Sup Forums

>Lucas made $5 billion off Star Wars
>Mark Hamill, the lead, is only worth $6 million
wow they fucked him over

I like him more in concept than anything we've seen so far. Right now he's just Anakin from Sith dressed up like Darth Revan with none of the skills.

The one from rogue one gives some competition.


Your waifu is shit kid.

that sinister George smile.

>Dude you should be out fucking some disease ridden slut lmao!

Fuck off d.egenerate!

>I like him more in concept than anything we've seen so far.
I agree. The horrible edited cut of Force Awakens ruined Kylo but you actually begin to like him more if you read the TFA novel because it explains more about him and some of his past before events of the movie.

>He disagrees with X so he must support Y

Please finish high school before posting.

I'd say Felicity Jones is slightly more attractive. Still rat-faced, but a feminine rat. It's close though, don't get me wrong.

Most likely she isn't being paid millions. But she deserves as much as she can get, don't you think?

her ability to do things that seem above and beyond are a plot device to show that she is exceptional. That's why the story is about her instead of some random death star secretary.

I don't know what the fuck a waifu is. sounds like something I would eat for breakfast though.

>some vague shit
>I hate these movies because I'm an easily coerced moron who got pressured into pretending to like the prequels, I bet Mark Hamill is too.
This board is full of retards.

why is he entitled to more? He's just an actor and he got paid for his work. If him and his people didn't work out a deal to own a piece of the movie, "they" didn't fuck him over.

Any girl who has to suck an exec's dick to get a job shouldn't be respected
Not saying this actually happened but... who knows considering she was a whore as a kid.

i like how this is the main defence of TFA

He was high as fuck at this one.

Harrison Ford had two passions, small aircraft and weed.

>"We need to cast a girl who can be a role model to females"
>first role she does is play a dead corpse

Iron man?

this boards main defense of bvs is that it's better than marvel movies so

> She's not a Mary SUE whatever the fuck that is.

OP's pic explains that she is a massive mary sue. Google what that term means and go back and take a look at OP's pic. It outlines it perfectly.

You wouldn't suck a dick to the star of a new Star Wars trilogy?

Its not Georges fault that Mark isn't a good enough actor to sustain himself after all these years. Also im sure if he wasn't so desperate for that moolah, he could of milked Disney for a lot more than he probably bargained for.

>she deserves anything she gets
No she doesn't. She doesn't deserve even a couple hundred for that role. In fact, money should come out of her pocket to pay the audience for suffering her terrible acting.
>to show she's exceptional
Because no movie has ever shown an exceptional character with them still facial trials and tribulations that beat them down. You know, room for growth? Luke is exceptional in IV but he can't do anything really besides fly. Rey can do LITERALLY EVERYTHING. There's no reason to care because you know without a shadow of a doubt any problem that arises she can fix. That's the DEFINITION OF A MARY SUE.

Fuck Rey. I can't believe there's Rey-apologists outside of /Tumblr/.

>first role she does is play a dead corpse
I can only image those poor horny boys who go online to look up Daisy pics after seeing TFA and they come across this...


This was her as a kid? So, was she some sort of slut stacey or something? Or a massive semen demon?

The mary sue argument is null. it's meaningless. You can go as far to say every fantasy hero character is a mary sue.

One day you'll become an adult and understand life don't worry.

Mark Hamill is the new Orson Welles. Look at that motherfucker.

>So, was she some sort of slut stacey or something? Or a massive semen demon?
You decide

>mfw Carrie Fisher gave Daisy advice after filming TFA to not have any men take advantage of her since she is the new Star Wars girl now
Too late I guess

Hopefully she doesn't do drugs

>Carrie Fisher didnt even like that at the end she hugs Rei, instead of Chewbacca, who just saw his best friend die

>caring this much about a Buck Rogers homage intended for kids

>Should Jedi Be Denied The Franchise?

>You can go as far to say every fantasy hero character is a mary sue.

Nope. If they are they're trash. Every character from star wars weren't powreful just beause, they trained their whole lives and grew in character. Rey just literally knows how to use the force even though she's from a literal who planet and an orphan. On top of that, she can beat a SITH Apprentice in a duel.

Anyone who thinks rey is anything but a mary sue are really using them mental gymnastics.

You can't argue that with every character because it simply isn't true. Frodo isn't a Mary Sue, he isn't even all that great at the one thing he was supposed to be really good for which was resisting the One Ring's temptation.

>The mary sue argument is null. it's meaningless.
So a girl who lives out in a desert can speak droid, knows everything about Luke, Han, knows how to fly a ship she has never flown before, knows how to mind trick, doesn't need any training and can defeat a Sith with a lightsaber...


Even Mark Hamill states that he is annoyed that Rey can use a lightsaber before doing any training as he said in an interview "HOW CAN REY USE A LIGHTSABER WHEN SHE HASN'T GONE TO DAGOBAH FOR TRAINING!?"

>is able to fly the Millennium Falcon and repair it better than Han Solo
>is able to beat down a group of guys with a stick, kill dozens of Stormtroopers with a blaster she just picked up but they've been training with their entire lives
>can suddenly use Force mind tricks a few hours after she learns the Force is even a thing
>is able to wield a lightsaber
>is able to beat a Sith acolyte in combat who was trained by Luke FUCKING Skywalker, then WIPED OUT HIS JEDI ORDER
>is immediately trusted by the Resistance, takes their best ship and goes to meet Luke which they've been trying to do THIS ENTIRE TIME, instead of his SISTER GOING

>b-b-b-b-but she's not a Mary Sue!

what the hell are you talking about? Rey was abandoned and left to survive on her own. Luke was adopted by his aunt and uncle.

You need to rewatch every star wars movie 3 times immediately. Luke went from crying about going to tosche station to being trained by Obi Wan in less than an hour.

If it wasn't for Sam, Frodo wouldn't have succeeded in destroying the ring

Also Frodo got captured by a giant Spider and was almost killed.

Sam is the true hero

>Carrie Fisher gave Daisy advice after filming TFA to not have any men take advantage of her since she is the new Star Wars girl now

Wait what? Source?

You know google isn't so hard but I am nice so here you go:
>Carrie Fisher's advice to 'Force Awakens' lead: 'I’ve told Daisy not to go through the crew like wildfire'

Dude. He has an opinion. Why are you trying to force your own onto him? Like him, I have fond memories of TPM as well. And I also think the movie is miles better than The Force Awakens and I didn't mind TFA at all.

nah, i'm supposed to believe a hobbit can save the entire world because he's just that good.

>'I’ve told Daisy not to go through the crew like wildfire'

>mfw aunty is friends with Disney exec and she told me Disney is working on buying the rights and making a Silmarillion movie

You guys are going to be veerrrryyy mad in 9 months.

Correct, but it's not saying much, Anyone who says otherwise though is a memer.

At least the precuel tried to do different things, instead of copying the plot of the original movies.

you guys need to leave Daisy alone. She's actually pretty great.

and being super cute doesn't hurt. ^_^

What the fuck are you talking about? What does family shit have to do with anything?

But you're right. Luke actually GETS TRAINING. And STILL can't do shit besides flying an X-Wing. He can't fight with a lightsaber until after WEEKS of training by THE GREATEST JEDI OF ALL TIME. Then he LOOSES. TO A GUY WHO WAS HOLDING BACK.


You're literally fucking retarded if you think Luke is as bad, holy fuck.

Go to bed, Daisy.

How much are you being paid by Disney? seriously how much? I would love to work as a shill if they pay enough.



Fucking kill yourself and stay on plebbit.

>It's a Disney exec threatens Viggo with a lawsuit if he doesn't reprise his role as Aragorn
Oh wait, since Disney are making it they won't want to have male leads anyway right? And it will be filled with diversity which makes no sense because Middle Earth is meant to be England many years in the past