Hey Sup Forums, just in time for Christmas it's your favorite white nationalist manifesto...

Hey Sup Forums, just in time for Christmas it's your favorite white nationalist manifesto. One of the best ways to help secure the existence of our people and a future for white children is to spread awareness of white genocide, race realism, and the jewish question. This can help; it functions as a conversation starter with friends and family. So take a break from trolling YLYL threads and fapping to traps and take a look: s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=11996139495025144770

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frosted butts

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I don't know why I'm bothering to fact check this shit, none of you fuckers will care anyways. You don't care about truth. But this is from the first source provided in the document. More proof that Sup Forumstards don't read what they post and just use the aesthetics of intellectualism to mask what really hides behind their politics: rage

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Stopped reading @ "your own people." Smells of Sup Forums trash. I'm assuming the rest is borderline to full on racism that isn't edgy to be edgy but literal degenerate thoughts. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

of course it's Sup Forums trash, what were you expecting

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Stopped reading at "stopped reading." I'm guessing the rest is blatant stupidity, intentional obfuscation, or both.

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OP is a fag. Get off our board, Sup Forumstrash

> look guys I searched on Google why race is a false concept

In case you're not a shill, just think for yourself. You don't need to have a degree in antropology to see that race theory has its merits. Surely, not everything that looks like a rock is a rock, but in most cases if you see something that looks like a rock, its probably a rock. Thats why, if you see a black person, its only logical to assume he is a nigger and is gonna act like a nigger, especially if all the signs of niggatry are there. To not assume means you're fucking stupid and you will pay the price for your stupidity eventually.

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Fucking faggots trying to derail this thread.

Eat a dick schlomos.

Keep posting brave OP.

Fuck Zionism. Fuck Marxism.

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>hates nationalists

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kill yourself

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Do you also hate Israeli nationalists?

Go kill some more Palestinian children you disgusting child raping, foreskin eating demons

>more rightwing pilpul

the answer is yes.
kill yourself

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>First sentence contains grammatical error
>Master Race
No thanks Op. You're a dumb nigger.

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>Says it's a white nationalist manifesto in the post
Goddamn you're almost as dumb as OP

>No it doesn't
Stupid nigger

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>rightwing pilpul

The comma isn't necessary Nig Nog.

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Wrong, monkey

Explain to me why the comma needs to be used...

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Rule 3

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Uhhhhh...no. Did you even read those examples? Goddamn you're a dumb nigger.

>he thinks the examples are an exhaustive list
See, this is the funny thing. Dumb apes and kikes like you can't refute the arguments being made, so you try to attack the grammar or the writing. The problem is that the writing is excellent and that's obvious to anyone who reads it, so you end up exposing yourselves as shills immediately.

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You just used the same mistake in your post. Kek.
>Stay Mad Faggot

Both the commas you put in those sentences aren't necessary. Stupid faggot ass nigger.

Okay shill, keep trying the same tactic. It'll definitely start working soon.

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fuck off Sup Forumstard

You did it again.

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I read your entire manifesto. It was good. Except for one thing which really discredits you. You said that a white man has NEVER raped a black woman before, but black men rape white women all the time. Just listen to yourself. Those numbers are impossible. This chart show how every man is full of shit. 95% convicted killers are men. Read about testosterone and it's effects on animals. Testosterone makes you aggressive, indolent, horny, and bald. It doesn't care about race. But yeah white people are geniuses. It's the white man's job to take care of the world, because whites are the only ones smart enough to actually invent government, technology, medicine etc.

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UNODC Global Study on Homicide, page 94. Globally, 95% convicted killers are male.

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>european women
Never trust a white woman

Hey, all I have to go on are the official statistics. I'd love more accurate numbers, but for obvious reasons governments like to make that information hard to find. Still, the vast majority of white men are repulsed by the vast majority of black women, so...