What do i do if gods trapping me in my small town and it makes me want to RAPE

What do i do if gods trapping me in my small town and it makes me want to RAPE

I’m so fucking lonely. Like caveman lonely. Like mountain man lonely. I just see hot girls all fucking day on my phone and every woman is a whore and tempting me. I WANT TO RAPE

I just want to rape so fucking bad. I want to destroy women with my cock. They’re constantly egging me on with their sluttiness to. Gods making me rape. I have to rape because of god. Gods trapping me in my small town

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stop spamming this thread loser.

you wont be able to "destroy" any women with that barely average penis of yours

this is the most pathetic thing i've read all day

thx for replying newfags

No god destroyed my life and I have to rape because of it

just a small town boy
livin' without any joy
everyday he’ll post this thread not goin' anywhere...

he'd rather be a city boy,
born and raised but now unemployed
he’s on probation for being black not goin' anywhere...

a nigger in a chilly room
smell of lead and mold, but what can he do?
god is cruel and we're not alright
it goes on and on and on and on…

>gods trapping me in my small town and it makes me want to RAPE

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>Like inbread mountain folk lonely.

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I'm a nigger,
>and I have to rape because of it

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It's shit tier God bait boy AGAIN. Why haven't you died yet user?

Do it

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Fuckin" kill yourself!

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God I wanna fucking rape

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God I want to gas all the kikes

Hitler seriously did nothing wrong.

the angel boy turned into one of the other boy's fingers
at some point he even managed to take flight

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Yeah, urges.....ain't they a bitch

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>God I want to gas

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Hitler seriously did nothing wrong.

All the kikes