Does anyone give a fuck that Australia is literally on fire? Not really concerned myself just was kinda curious

Does anyone give a fuck that Australia is literally on fire? Not really concerned myself just was kinda curious

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Attached: (m=e-yaaGqaa)(mh=XPP-6tZpnxzHs4QG)original_575424311.jpg (575x431, 42K)

I heard it was super hot and that roads are literally melting, but other than that no.

nobody gives a shit about Australia honestly.

BTW there's nothing there so is the fucking sand on fire or what?

I guess if I would have to say anything I would say sucks to suck... not really my problem

You dumb mother fucker.

Confirmed not a problem. Back to vidya

I mean really, a fucking red dessert is on fire.

Who gives a shit?!
And why whould anyone?

i am a member of an australian emergency service organisation, so maybe just me

Attached: DSdsaacXkAAvSuC.jpg (675x1200, 139K)

Next trips confirms whether or not to give a fuck.


Plenty of Muslims there. Let the new overlords worry about that

Trips says no fucks

The more inland you go into Australia, the more barren and desert-like it becomes. Most fires right now are near the coast, where there is a lot of bush. As an Aussie, and someone close to the fires, sadly a lot of people have lost their homes and some have even died. We haven't had any good rain for years and the severity of the drought, high temperatures and large thunderstorms have caused these bushfires. Our fucking retard Prime Minister literally travelled to Hawaii for a holiday during the fires and sends his shitty thoughts and prayers thinking they'll help. He only decides to apologise and come back when two volunteers died.

>Does anyone give a fuck that Australia is literally on fire?
It isn't. There's smoke in Sydney so Australia is on fire. Big deal.
You are making the common mistake that what happens in one state capital, Sydney, represents the country as a whole.
It was pretty hot in Melbourne last week but it's a pleasant 80F outside right now.
It's also nice in Hobart.
Was on the phone to a friend in Queensland this morning and they said the weather was beautiful, as usual.
Just because Sydney can't into fire control doesn't mean Australia is on fire.

Ow can we sleep wen er bezare birnin?

No not really as I think Australians in general are a bunch of cunts. Having said that of course there will be some of them who are really nice people but overall do I give a fuck ? No not really just the same as they would not give a fuck about me.

How are we burgers supposed to know what's happening around the world? Our mainstream media just talks about Trump and people not being politically correct. Our local media just covers local crime when Tryone does Tryone things.

In Australia... atm this is t shut compared to California... maybe this joke of a country should put more money into. Fire prevention like California does ... unfucking believable how soo many countries rely on America...

the problem is moreso that these fires damage ecosystems. when they burn at this frequency, and this intensity, there's no time for normal successional processes to take place, and many species are left without adequate habitat. i couldn't care less if human infrastructure goes up in flames, but it's a kick in the balls when the national parks and reserves which protect species like quolls or rock wallabies are being hammered year after year

Shutup nigger.