Just saw this, what a holy mess. It's the game like this?

Just saw this, what a holy mess. It's the game like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Using a European-ish-based fantasy story to push multiculturalism, with orcs standing in for blacks.

Fucking ridiculous.

>push multiculturalism
I haven't seen the movie, but I'm assuming it's based loosely off the plot of the first game where orcs were invading from another dimension lead by demons. Not exactly a great starting point for that message

Orcs are warmongering niggers who destroyed their planet and themselves just so they could conquer.

Except they only did it because (((someone))) corrupted them with demon blood.

>it's based loosely off the plot of the first game where orcs were invading from another dimension lead by demons.
Pretty much.

This movie was absolute vidyakino, my friend.

They could've said nope but they didn't.


Making a Warcraft movie instead of a World of Warcraft movie was a bad call. No Druids? What even is the point.

It's a Warcraft movie based on WoW retcons.

There will be qt nelf grills in the sequels.

They probably liked the pitch of "We'll make a movie about the first game then have a guaranteed money for the next 20 sequels" more. Probably an incredibly bad call

Wasn't this a huge flop?

Lel they just can't jump into warcraft 3.

Made like $500mil worldwide.

At least it was better than all the recent capeshit.

China saved it.

The first one has more or less only nostalgia value. You can basically see how much had to be worked out before RTSs became what they are.

The second one is still playable, if a bit simple. The art style looks great though and the greatest thing about it is the voice acting and conga lines.

The third one is the best one solely becaue of the editor and everything that it made possible, story-wise, it's so-so, it began the dindu orc meme. Still, it's great and very playble.

I haven't played WoW but all the lore rape comes from there so yeah, it's like the movie.

What was the budget?

Only on the US.

Fine, qt nelf grills in the sequel's sequel.

The games themselves are written so that you don't really need to play the earlier ones to understand them. It's not like they needed to start at the beginning of the franchise's history

nelf > helf > belf > nightborne

>Wasting Paula Patton on a half orc/draenei instead of a night elf
baka desu senpai

Sounds like they're making more movies for them sweet chink bux

Basically this. I wish they made it based on the Warcraft 2 and 3 portrayal of Orcs as humie-bashing Horde even when they are not under demonic influence.

Most of the orcs are like that in wow. Only Ogrim and the frost wolves were cucks.

They dun goofed by making orgrim a frostwolf.

>holy mess

You are right, the movie needed to take a slower pace.

But it was ok and it was fun as fuck.

How did they make Orgrim a cuck? He sacked Stormwind, Quel'ťhalas, Dalaran and was only stopped at the gates of Lordaeron capital because fucker Gul'dan couldn't wait and went to grab Sargeras' remains and Orgrim sent Black Tooth Grins after him.

How did they make an Orc such as that into a cuck?

That's just the beginning. There was way too much wrong with that movie.

The games have gameplay, that's for sure.

Dalaran already floating was dumb too.

Duncan couldn't even properly adapt the first game for fuck sakes. All those unnecessary changes made it complete shit. Duncan is a failure.

180 mill.

But it bombed in US. Like 40 million only or something. So the sequel is a big '?'.

Warcraft needed like an extra hour to be good. You can tell the studio chopped it up to make it 2 hours.

On the other hand who the fuck wants to watch a 3 hour warcraft movie?

That's a minor detail compared to all the other shit like everybody saying fel when it's simply demonic magic (and the utter non-presence of deamons even though they were instrumental in concocting the whole thing), Lothar slaying Blackhand even though it was supposed to be Doomhammer, no red eyes on orcs, unnecessary extra characters like Lothar's son and Llane's wife/Lothar's sis, no unit diversity in both armies and most importantly NO SACKING OF STORMWIND.

That movies problem was that it absoluty failed to explain most of its backstory to people who haven't played the game. What was that Fel thing that posessed the leader of the Orcs and later that huma wizard guy? Who exactly was that human wizard guy anyway? They called him the "Guardian" but what does he actually guard?

And why did that romance between that Orc lady and... I think his name was Anduin get absolutely no buildup? If anything I expected her to eventually have a romance with Khadgar if only for that "He wants to lay with me" scene early on establishing that at least he's interested in her.

The movie needed a quick information dump at the beginning ala Lord of the Rings instead of shitty remake of WC3 intro

Start with Titans and shaping of the worlds, jump to the Burning Legion, how it got BTFO by Nelfs and co., sundering, establishment of Guardians of Tirisfal and the quest to hunt deamons.

The whole movie would've been better if they just stuck to the book but then they couldn't cram it chock full of WoW references and Metzen's lust for green cock wouldn't be satisfied.

I would, under the sole condition it's made by Blizzard's cinematics team.

>Blizzard's cinematics team

Except it takes them a year to make a 5 minute cinematic

Good things come to those who wait.

That's what happens when you try to fit several books of lore into 2 hours.

don't forget the second game had god-tier music


>Start with Titans and shaping of the worlds, jump to the Burning Legion, how it got BTFO by Nelfs and co., sundering

lmfao absolutely not you retarded fanboy

you have no idea how to tell a story

The way the movie just went from village to village with its a to B plot made the world feel very small.