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Is that really his mom? What's wrong with her eyes
thats the russian skater who hes piping down daily
It's Sotnikova-chan, you piece of shit.
He currently doesn't anyone, as he's too busy. We tried to pair him up with Lipnitskaya-chan, but she's out now due to heavy injuries. His legitimate waifu on couple years from now is clearly Medved-chan.
a fitting banner
Pretty sure he's gay
He's surprising not, unlike Rippon.
Hanyu is literally Daigo Umehara of skating.
is this the same people
That's Medved-chan. Photo in OP was taken shortly after Sochi, during a party.
how do you know all this, plus why do you care
She's mixed race
>He can't distinguish between Medved-chan and Sotnikova-chan
I knew 'murilard were retarded, but this is way beyond autism
Because he's autistic? How else can you describe a ruskie bandwagoning a japanese ice skater
>I-i'm not autistic for spewing all of this nonsensical bullshit
fairy following fairies.
i was referring to where the photo was taken and was asking a legitimate question about why you care, faggot. But yeah they both look the same no autism.
There was a celebration party after Sochi Olympics ended. They always do them. In OP it's Sotnikova, because Medvedeva wasn't at Sochi at all by that time (too young to compete). Lipnitskaya and Sotnikova were both at the party, alongside others. There are many other photos.
how long have you been following figure skating
I don't actually give a flying fuck about the jap fairies that you autistically follow. I'm just pointing out your autism which was further shown by you shitting up the board with multiple threads.
>Dat Shoma JUST face
can't we resolve this conflict without anger
>reasoning with the mentally ill
Nah I'll pass
When will they learn?
cute cuple, even if they gay
I just saw this dude skate it was really good I must say, but the kid seems like he's out of an anime, when he was crying it was so anime like, my sides but he's gonna get a lot of jap pussy
He can steal and girlfriend and boyfriend from anyone.
he is perfect sexual partner
*jumps back in bed with hanyu and he starts kissing*
everything about him is anime
his perfect skating is anime af
the way he acts like is anime af
getting interest from females for being a god is anime af
i think it adds to his domination of the sport
autism speaks
Homosexual Nips know how to be in the closet, there are ones with wives that cheat on them every other night.
And his mother will pick out a cute Japanese girl for him whether he's gay or not anyway. No way would they let him breed with a white piggu.
Yuzuru will cuck his wife by fucking an equally attractive twink all night in the next room. She will hear his moans thru the wall like the cuck she will be.
How butthurt is Korea right now that they have to give a gold medal to a dirty Jap?
Baby Yuzuru
*steals your gf on Fri night*
How can one man be so beautiful?
>an OARian figure skating fan cannot like Japanese skaters
hes like an actual anime character, he didn't even have to go SSJ to beat chen, either. We burgers must train harder
my boys got medals yee
the short one can get it. no homo.
are you a landwhale?
yuzuru is a beautiful twink
t. gay
The Japanese skaters look like they came from a Final Fantasy game with their costumes.
Are you sure he isn't gay?
Post nice, bubbly Yuzus
his coach looks like a very touchy person
At last a gold medal, congrats japbros
yuzu's gf
>no cute twink to grope all day :_:
Who's that old Japanese man whom we can sometimes see hanging around Yuzu? He doesn't seem like a coach to me.
What do you think will happen if Suarez takes a bite out of Yuzuru Hanyu?
[spoiler]I think Yuzu will go down with just one bite[/spoiler]
he would spin really fast and pull suarez's teeth out. then skate a circle around him so he falls into the lake.
what's with the pooh bears?
at some point it was found out that yuzu likes winnie the pooh, so now all his fujo fans inundate him with pooh plushies every time he skates
he donates all the plushies to hospitals
I like you japbro
lol Brian filming it.
honestly who can blame him - two of his pupils just got olympic medals
it's cute that he's sentimental desu
is he, though?
he a cute desu
definately would
Is the short guy vegeta
they are just friends
all other countries btfo
That Spaniard is fine as hell
They DID make an anime out of him and OUR. Google up Yuri on ice.
He's literally nothing like Yuuri in personality or career path though. At best there's a vague resemblance, but that would be true for most nips.
In fact the lack of a Yuzu inspired character in YOI is kind of conspicuous, Yuzu fans think the writer (Kubo) hates him and I think they avoided it on purpose because no doubt it would cause drama with his fans.
who is the milf coach?
what did yuzu mean by this?
Do they only allow twinks in mens figure skating or what?
Yeah, basically. Young and tiny is the best way to be if you wanna do quads, and if you're not that tiny naturally you'll have to starve for it.
they were being cheeky lads