Cyber-Thatcher Edition
/who/ Doctor Who General
What's even the joke in question here? I can't think of any joke in the episode that could have been considered a sensitive point
Is it about how bill fatted a girl?
>Is it about how bill fatted a girl?
When will the Face of Boe return?
Yes. Reminder that beauty is subjective, but implying in any way that you find fat people less attractive is fatphobic and horrible and you should be ashamed of yourself.
quick bit of info - there's gonna be screenings of the premiere plus the first episode of Class at select theaters on Monday and Wednesday, one of which happens to be a theater near me, so I'm gonna pop over on either one of those days and see if there's anything of substance there
god I've missed on-season /who/
this triggers the Cartmel
jesus christ, wanderer
I'm still annoyed when he raged at Gaiman because his book got nominated by the Sad Puppies even though a) Gaiman had no idea that this was happening, b) Gaiman is a very open Leftist with no sympathies to the Sad Puppies, and c) any of his books would be nominated anyway simply because he's Neil Gaiman. It came off as Sandifer attacking the very people the Hugos stood for, and possibly did more to help the Sad Puppies than anything. Plus, for all their prestige, the Hugos are just another awards show, and making so many angry blog posts about that seems like looking at the small picture. His obsession with Vox Day just felt weird and made both sides of the argument seem like loons with too much time on their hands.
I hate using that word, but Gillen's writing comes off as pretentious. Wicked and the Divine, Phonogram, and Uber are utterly joyless reads that seek to give you a message rather than an actual story. Just seems like Gillen aiming for high concepts, but having too immature a writing style to really deliver on those ideas.
I'm being sarcastic m80.
This is the same non-news already posted earlier.
The Sun doesn't even have a source, they're just quoting the Mirror (plus a month-old tweet by a music journalist).
Meanwhile, the Mirror article they're using at their source is full of nonsense.
For example:
>Bookies Ladbrokes stopped taking bets on him becoming the next Time Lord after a huge rush from punters.
Well, that's true, but that happened weeks ago—and since then, they reopened betting, then suspended it again because of an even bigger rush on Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who's still the favourite at every bookie site, with Kris vying for fourth place with David Harewood and Natalie Dormer. So, if this is actually meaningful at all, it argues against their own headline.
>Post yfw Clara returns in the Christmas episode so she can go back to Gallifrey
>Post yfw Twelve and Clara both die together
Good episode
Wasn't he more mad that Gaiman didn't remove himself from the running like Alastair Reynolds? Not that that's really reasonable either, of course...
shit trip
I love you too dear user!
>Velvet coat and shirt combo will never return
The episode was lame but I'm just glad DW is back.
They should've gotten the Heather actress for the new companion instead of Pearl.
>Capaldick will never return
Eitherway, Sandifer should have known what was going on (that the Sad Puppies were nominating some choices from left-wing authors in order to cause in-fighting and division).
I know
>They should've gotten the Heather actress for the new companion instead of Pearl.
On what basis? Her acting was nothing special.
Doctor no more...
>They should've gotten the Heather actress for the new companion instead of Pearl
Why, user? Please explain
Then what's the problem? It is pretty silly that people interpret any implication that fat people are less attractive as fat-shaming/fatphobic.
Master no more...
>Reminder that Shit Trips is an Who fanfic anthology written by /who/ users
It's funny how Bill's character in The Hybrid story seems on-point.
Missy no more...
We're never getting a regen effect other than "standing up, shoots gold energy" again, are we?
>Sure, but I think you'd still agree with me that there's some nuance and history there though?
Sure, I wouldn't have said I can see your point and I'm not 100% sure I disagree with you if I didn't see any nuance there.
>I'd expect Phil to at least be aware enough to point out the multiple perspectives here and the aspects that could be questionable, even if he himself doesn't actually find anything wrong with it, but instead all you get is him literally calling the word choice "magnificent".
Again, I think the problem here is not that Phil's "on the wrong side", but that he's being shallowly reactive—he's looking at what people on Twitter are complaining about, which is not his (self-appointed) job.
And getting back to my original point, I think Phil's moderation-seeking position is a perfectly valid one, but it's a strange position for someone to stand on a soapbox and shout about.
We'll get that same effect again when Nardole turns out to be the Watcher :^)
Is Based Bill the new Martha lads?
Episode was decent Moffat is best when he's not trying to be super meta desu. Didn't like token Dalek scene tho.
Reminder that this is a thing that's airing in 4.5 hours
>Join the Doctor Who after party where superfans Rove McManus, Tegan Higginbotham, Adam Richard & Steven O'Donnell discuss the latest episodes, answer your questions and basically geek out about Doctor Who.
Dalek no more...
Would you prefer to kiss Martha or Bill?
Well, she's not in love with the Doctor but he doesn't see her because she's not Rose, which was Martha's primary character trait…
No, RTD has ruined regens forever
>Rove McManus, Tegan Higginbotham, Adam Richard & Steven O'Donnell
I've only heard of one of them and that's Rove
I wonder if that's all the Daleks we're going to get this season. If it's a """reboot""" of Doctor Who then it would be weird to only use the Daleks in such a small capacity.
Some ausfags better be ready to share this.
Yeah. It honestly felt like it was shoved in there just for the sake of the trailer.
Wait until after Moffat leaves. Maybe the new writer will try something different.
I just forget how thick you are sometimes, caught me by surprise
The DOC-tor is detected
Every other companion>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Donna
It will be a long bland run
Oh boy, a Doctor Who version of Talking Dead.
So was there any point to making Bill a lesbian? She could've just been good friends. Also the Daleks aren't worth shit now that everybody basically sidesteps their shot.
It tends to catch me by surprise too.
I think I heard they HAVE to have a Dalek in a season at least once but they don't want to have them be main bad guys (plus Moffat cannot write Dalek stories for shit) so it's easy just to make them meme villains for a scene and then not use them
An Unearthly Child>Rose>The Pilot>The Eleventh Hour
>Tegan Higginbotham
She's used to be a self-professed "nerd girl" comedian but didn't seem to know any sci-fi besides Star Wars (although she did know Star Wars; she could quote the dialogue from any scene in the original trilogy). Now she does sports writing instead.
I suspect she was picked primarily for her first name.
>Steven O'Donnel
That's Bajo, from Good Game. Which might actually mean it's not as awful as it sounds because he probably actually knows about Doctor Who.
Ausfag here, I have no way to record/upload it but you should be able to see it on iview with an australian proxy
It's a cheap australian thing airing on a secondary channel so I sincerely doubt it'll get put up on any torrent sites
Was there any point in making almost every other character straight?
>Bill adopts the Doctor as a father figure because she doesn't know her parents
>The Doctor is too busy thingken of Clara to treat Bill like a daughter
Is he the one from the webm where he did some love calculator thing with the female host and it said that he loved her but she didn't?
Bills 5 second scene with the photos of her mother was more emotional than anything Clara did ever
>Bill ends up joining the Lesbian Space Lizard's love den and taking combat tips from Strax
Because majority of the population is straight?
Also the other guy was in an Australia sitcom about gay sci-fi fans that had a lot of specific Doctor Who references.
And so are majority of companions
Nardole no more...
and some aren't so it's fine if some characters aren't too
An Unearthly Child>Spearhead from Space>The Eleventh Hour>Rose>The Pilot>>>the TV Movie
Honestly The Pilot would be about as good as Rose as the first episode of NuWho, but Rose gets extra points for actually being the first episode of NuWho.
Don't need to fix something that's not broken
Rose was pretty shit desu but based Eccleston
>the twist is they're all Nick Briggs doing slightly different comedy accents
No, An Unearthly Child>Rose>The Pilot>Spearhead from Space>the TV movie>The Eleventh Hour
It's not about "fixing" anything, it's about having more variety between characters.
I don't understand the Doctor's speech about TARDIS meaning life during his uni lecture. What did he mean.
Why did Bill look so shit in the trailers but was actually decent in this episode?
>tfw Simmchad
too much black porn
I love how no one is believing that
I hope he gets a decent amount of screen-time.
Doctor Who trailers are shit.
Yes, Doctor Who is a show that should never ever change anything.
Imagine how terrible it would be if they gave him companions that weren't from the present day. Why, that would be almost as ridiculous as taking away his ability to time travel! The show would never survive such a thing!
>the TV movie>The Eleventh Hour
because out of context one liners misrepresent a character
Its happening folks. Believe me
They cut the worst of the "lol they have plungers" jokes
So happy they didn't go with the "It's smaller on the outside" meme
didn't they only do that with clara and it was to point out how special and different she was?
my dick is smaller on the outside
What is the deal with the 11th hour? I didn't really enjoy it. Not saying I enjoyed the tv movie more
Why are we ranking The Pilot alongside some of the Doctor's debut episodes?
Is there a mega link yet?
>all these homoschedules in the thread going nuclear whenever someone speaks out against Bill's rug munching
On season /who/ makes the Time War look like a joke
>implying you're ever here for off-season /who/
run along, boardie
Because The Pilot, as the name alone signifies, was explicitly designed as a jumping-on point.
I'll have you know that I have multiple schedules for my homosexuality. It's the only way to get in enough dicks.
You obviously don't know what the phrase "If it ain't broke don't fix it" means
Can any of you guess where this screen cap is from?
Doctor Who?