/curl/ Olympic Curling general

Four men's game currently live

Women in 5 hours

me on the left

Norway yelling so hard Kim Jong looks around the office

So THIS is the team YELLING SWEDE told me I should fear?

only until we can get a 2

we need this one

(and the USA-CAN fem game)

i wish Sup Forums could have sound webms
i want some naisu


That's metagross.

just wait for rachel for it

wait 5 more poutines lad

We've already smashed Rachel tho, and everyone's had her for a spin it's nothing special
I want the men


that spin

Why Korea suddenly playing so well?

I need some curling LOCKS right now ready to throw a couple hundred on something




>Canada goofs


that should've been a gimme

>tfw you are genuinely shocked that canada made a mistake with their last two rocks

must be the men's team

4 years time they'll be playing as OAK

And we are back in the game.
Can Sweden stay undefeated in curling today as well?

lol commentator on CBC with mic still on during commercial.

they won't care as long as they look competitive this year at home

probably not

they always do that one time they were talking about each other going to bathroom lmao


Where are you watching I'm getting figure skating

gbr vs kor
gbr +2
a lock

Im not that fucking guy

I remember when they had a hot mic after Canada finished their game. They were talking about the Chinese and stuff.

SN. CBC is doing repeats.

thinking angry swede is unironically neet desu

90% of Sup Forums curlfans tbqh
myself included

nice one korea

What a shot.

Why is Canada so terrible at curling this year?

the wrong teams won the olympic qualifiers because our power teams choked

the womens team has been awful but Koe is doing good and >we already have gold in mixed doubles.

Damn son
Where this team been

>men's team: Dominating
>mixed doubles: Already Won Gold
>women's team: ehhh

pretty good overall desu

Canada is terrible at everything this year except ice dancing. They just lost in hockey to a bunch of poor slavs.

>touches it

Only the females.

We REALLY need to win these golds here, we're choking at every other event.

haha yeah but you lost to even poorer slavs

Do Swedes only have 1 default haircut?

Unironically this. Jennifer Jones would have walked the women’s tournament like she did in 2014

japan takes the lead again

dat gap

But we don't give a shit about hockey. All of the NHL teams are full of Canadians and Russians.

>watching any curling but women’s curling
lol at these faggots

>current world champion
>not one of your power teams

You're the faggot, faggot

in terms of pressure at the highest level, go with who you know can handle it and win. why would you not consider someone who won gold 4 years ago going a perfect 12-0 the best team to send?

excellent point korea


no this is a 2

uh oh, steal incoming

Is it Sweden after the half time break I'm seeing right now?

>Canada not going for the yolo play
No one remembers a coward as the saying goes


italy with a decent shot to steal a point

It pretty much is. I would've loved to see them go around on the right and try to YOLO blast Sweden out.


uh oh boys. wasnt the team i expected to lose today.


That last stone from Edin.
Could have been game ending if Canada went for the hard play.

the yolo shot was the runback on the center guard,

>b-but we dont care about it
>sniff sniff sob sob

this is every american thread about hockey since forever

the boys already lost

the men can still get it done

Let's zero all the ends now bois

t. not Italian I promise

giving edin 3 or 4 means the game is done. safe play, try and keep it close to claw back. men dont make big 3 or 4 point mistakes like the womens game.

they go for keeping the hammer

Well now they gave up 2, it's just the RR and this is the two best teams. Either team that loses this isn't even a big deal

another 2 for korea

Such a high quality game desu

There's been like max 2 or 3 "misses" in the whole game who ever wins what a great display.


Fucking rekt

good koea steal

We don't though. Now if America loses in basketball you have every right to mock us.

gbr is getting blown up by korea

Fun seeing Korea do well. They are pretty good for being 0-3

Is this really Canada's 2 best teams?

I'm not used to seeing them not dominate every game.

im sure koe wants the 12-0 perfect olympics to prove to people that hes just as good as martin (he isnt)


Why don't they just put all the best players in one team instead of having teams compete and knock top players from other squads out in qualifying?

Martin got to play a worse Edin team though

Why does this guy on the Norge curling team look like he's a model for Just For Men?

they wouldn't be used to playing together and have no chemistry.

>Canadian commentators conceding the win already


SCHOKED by the lack of DIVERSITY in teams like Canada and Sweden


Stop trying to get on the team Ghengis

I care about hockey. This tournament is bullshit without NHL players though. Still pulling for the young lads. Silver lining is more time to watch full curling matches.

I guess the only non-white or non-asian player I've ever seen at the Olympics is the Russian women's lead from Sidorova's team

I hear Ghengises have tremendous aim though

>conceding the win

score / end ?
just fucking woke up, need coffee first

the nhl just wasn't having it to protect the regular season

>Binland implying the Olympics are rayciss

Who's the gril on the right again? She looks familiar