Come fuck my ass user!

>Come fuck my ass user!

wat do?


That's a fat pussy.

Open the door, get on the fllor...


walk in, do a 360 and shitpost on Sup Forums

Everyone do the vagina sore.

when a girl tells you to fuck her in the ass you don't make stupid jokes you fuck her in the ass

Looks like a dude.

Anal is for gay men.

If you have wet pussy ready to fuck literally inches away and you'd rather stick your dick in a smelly sphincter you are seriously a fucking homo in denial.

>it's gay to have sex with a woman

>having sex with a woman is gay

Stick my dick in her butt and give her AIDS.

Stand a meter away and watch when Jamal goes in instead

>not being an ass man

It's not about whether or not it's better, it's about the most private part of a woman

angry dyke detected

not till you move your hand so I can see what's going on down there

I would totally have sex with this woman, both my character and me.

K I L L . Y O U R S E L F


This tbqh

What is it that threw you off, the balls and dick?

well I'd fuck their ass of course

But user, thats a man...

When you've been with the same woman for years you have to spice it up a bit

What if the woman's not wet? Ever heard of foreplay?

>Open /tv
>First thing i see
>realize ive had enough of Sup Forums tonight

>man I love having sex with females so much!
>I especially love having sex with the anus and no female reproductive organs
>n-no homo

Top fucking kek you poofs

>balls and dick
I thought it was a meat flap poking out on the left. Makes sense now, but besides that, it seriously looked like a dude in a wig, which it apparently is.

t.virgins vs virgins

>projecting your own flaws onto others
Hello, Pajeet.

Who /reddit/ here?!

You guys do realize she has a feminine penis, right? I'm not complaining, but it's weird that nobody pointed that out.


Virgin detected.

You hate blowjobs?


I'm pretty sure lesbians can do anal or at least eat ass you nonce.

Can someone post kalindra or somik?

fuck the ass im so horny

You're right and teevee is full of assfaggots