What's her fucking problem? The Expanse would be a much better show without her

What's her fucking problem? The Expanse would be a much better show without her.

>black with lesbian haircut
ye obviously

cut out everyone from the ship except amos and pilot

if female characters are happy it's harder to form an oppression narrative.

Oh hey it's that 'original' space opera that has every cliche known to man.

I enjoy seeing Alex talk to the ship like it's his woman

Recast her

Besides the stronk wimmen cliche, like what?

This, if the show would be a buddy series with Alex being whimsical and Amos fucking people up, I would probably like it even more.

Why is every woman on a Syfy show with a name that doesn't rhyme with Stark Fatter ugly as sin?

Nathalie Emmanuel

keep your fagfantasies on your containment board degenerate

I liked her character in the books but I don't think it translates so well to the screen because so much of her stuff is internalised. She gets good in a couple of seasons.

I'm gonna go ahead and have to agree with you


>tfw she's more masculine looking than the other three dudes IRL

>this is a 10/10 in the future

She'd be way more attractive with a normal haircut, but they just had to go with that thing because
>muh tall belters

Avasarala, her bodyguard and kiwi Muhreen is a better team than Holden's .

whats this show about

A manchild gets a warship and tries to save the world but then keeps fucking it up. An assorted cast of characters then has to save his ass and clear his shit up. Rather unfunny compared to other similar sitcoms.

She's a moralfag.

She was better looking than I expected. I read "Tycho Security Chief" and pictured some old woman with short, greying hair.

Literally legs and wheelman

Pretty much this.

Fucking whiteknighting mulatos

I think what they're going for is basically two concepts of morality between her and Holden, where Holden strives for a loftier idea of doing good in the universe but Naomi is more about the day-to-day realistic good that can be accomplished on a smaller scale. Like in the pilot, how Holden is willing to endanger his whole ship to save another one, and in the last episode he's obsessively pursuing the proto-molecule as a symbol of ultimate evil to be destroyed, whereas Naomi puts only herself at risk to save a few dozen people.

it's about dumb apes who find a space parasite and try to weaponize it so they can kill each other faster

She doesn't have a retarded haircut in the books, so what the fuck were they thinking.

>miller in books has porkpie
>miller in tv show has a trilby



Thomas Jane straight up wears a trilby in daily life so they probably just went with that

Would you Sup Forums?

Lone wolf detective with a heart of gold.
Urban ethnic rebel group.
Underlying racial tension bubbling pot.
Blue collar bubbas just makin a buck.

And think that's only the first five minutes of the first episode. Love Thomas Jane but everything that's not him feels like a BBC budget production.

I wouldn't have after just watching the pilot but at this point.........




>what are you going to do to my penis grandma

Who said it was 'original'?

On top of that she's not a good actor and her accent is so atrocious and out of place that it made me pause the show several times.

Oh hey it's that 'original' contrarian who hates a show just because it's liked by others.

Life is a cliché as well, kid

But Drummer isn't dead yet.

she's a nigger
I'm not even racist, that's just a fact

not an argument

She's a belter and belters are basically all retarded niggers.

oh fuck you

kek, saved
I have no idea, I'm not one.

There isn't a Drummer in the books, so user is fucking with you. She is the show equivalent of two book girls, one of whom dies

Judging by that reply you got it really is him, how pathetic.

>tfw people don't share my lust for her

her voice gives me boners but i imagine she looks and smells downright vile down there

What? There is a Drummer in the books, she's nowhere near as prominent but she appears in a few chapters.


The action is unfocused.
Characters are scattered all over the place nothing seems to come together.
Good characters like Miller are gone.
Pic related is cringy as shit.
I'll eventually drop it.
Season 1 was very good though just like Wayward pines season 1 and season 2 a major fart.

Only when it comes to fellow belters, otherwise she would have destroyed the protomolecule for the greater good

She is not the problem, she is actually a decent actress... the character is just so shittily written.

What we do need to recast is fat martian emo marine who ruins an ACTUALLY well written strong womyn character from books

agreed on this, they seem professional,
Holden just seems to be ultra emotional rage while Naomi seems to be full on emotional lehelp the world type of woman (opposites attract)

kek just noticed how the negress can't act for shit

I hate the mars plot and gunny. In season one Martians were really cool, cold and bad ass.

You'd be surprised to find in the original books a Russian nigger lesbian christian priest and probably also an attack helicopter.
Only the first season and the first book are actually good in the Expanse

You see Earthers have it bad, around the fancy buildings, belters have it bad, something will change.

>She is not the problem, she is actually a decent actress
She's always agitated, how's that acting?
The only reason she got the part is diversity.

Actually the Russian priest isn't a nigger but a ginger. her wife is an Ugandan nog, and they have a mix raced daughter together. Sue is a strong womyn though and but an awfull wife beater in jail under false pretense. She feels very bad about it though and might even lose an hour of sleep over it! Luckily everyone really likes her though and she's chosen out of hundreds of qualified people for a very special project. Truly a role model for my gender neutral raised vegan child.

The character is supposed to have dark skin so I don't see what diversity has to do with it.

She took all of Sam Rosenberg's roles and will probably replace Michio Pa too. If she is in the books, I must have forgotten.

The funny thing it's not contributing to the story in any way. It's just a hamfisted way of showing that in the future, all this shit will be the norm and you better accept it goy.

Yeah, she's a very minor character who appears later in the books.
I'd be surprised if she replaces Pa though, considering Pa hates Fred Johnson and Drummer has worked with him for 3 years by the time Nemesis Games happens.

So its pretty obvious season 2 won't cover all of book 2

will season 3 go into book 3 or just finish book 2? will they do a time skip like the book?


Is he still going to be final boss? Because he's had hardly any screen time at this point.

isn't he just one of errinwright's anti-martian lackeys?


Choose one Sup Forums.

fuck your rules i take both

think got in space. if you think space and politics are fun you will like it

I choose Zyklon B.

I choose THICC

I definitely liked season 1 more, though season 2 is fine and has some moments. But what gets more and more infuriating is that the writers think that adding shitloads of friction between the characters where little or none existed in the books makes for good writing. Sometimes, it's okay for people to be friends and get along.

>ywn feed her your cucumber sandwiches

What is going on with reddit man and cancer lady in this picture?

>has a kid
>abandoned him
>is secretly a fucking terrorist

>she naomi is even worse because she is hiding fucking protomolecule from her own captain

she's horrible, almost as horrible as the captcha that just made me pick a dozen fucking street numbers. fuck you jewgle.


There are at least 9 books written or planned. You think Syfy wlll allow a show to go on that long?

Don't even bother getting invested.

Even when it was SciFi, the longest shows ever ran for was 4 seasons.

Hope you faggots enjoy reading.

Replace her with the better Belter

>Grow attached to girl
>She immediately becomes an annoying bitch who makes your life hell
>Starts coming out with dumb emotional ideas that you have to let her play out because its not worth arguing about it

Its the attention to realism that sets the expanse apart.

>her accent is so atrocious and out of place that it made me pause the show several times

I don't get this. Why does she have a generic accent from south east England when she is supposed to be a belter?

She's fine as is the Iranian lady. My problem is with the actor who plays Holden. He expressionlessly mumbles his way through scenes as does the guy who plays Fred Johnson.

Yep. She and Isabel Huppert are my granny-fus.

Get out.

This is your first and final warning.

This is my fetish

>this is your naomi for tonight

neither. the only good woman in the show is pic related.
>ywn put your dick in her warm, welcoming drive cone
i'm gonna need a rocinante fleshlight

How was the Roci able to stay floating like 20 feet above ganymede? wouldn't the gravity at that point be enough to pull it down?

Alex, pls

Most shows would be better without their Stronk Womyn character.

It's hackneyed bullshit.

What are you talking about she was good, almost the heart of the show.

>Are you refusing to fly!?
>...N-no, sir...
The fuck
Since when Holden gets so much respect from Alex

No clue, I'm not entirely sure why they did that, or why they even included the whole sequence to begin with. Even with trusters I'd imagine the ship is still pretty damn heavy in Ganymedes 0.15G.

I am a man, all the mean in my life were weak including my fathe but my mother and grandmother were really strong persons. They were my whole life and my role models.

I love strong woman characters because they make my mother and grandmother seam so alive although they both been dead for years.

ever since he became a twisted fucking psychopath

Yeah, what really annoys me is that they knew earlier in the show it would take actual engines to escape ganymede's gravity well. But now they're doing it purely with the gas jets. For a show with as much attention to detail as The Expanse, this is unacceptable.


ribbed for my pleasure

Why did they let Rocinante slip away? I understand that in space battles even 1 missile can fuck your ship regardless of ship size, but Rocinante is just a corvette, while both Earth and Mars probably have a whole range from corvettes to battleships on the orbit.
