>Amazing Set Pieces
>Amazing Costume Design
This is a serious question, by the way.
>Amazing Set Pieces
>Amazing Costume Design
This is a serious question, by the way.
Other urls found in this thread:
the entire MCU
Where Eagles Dare
Jodorowsky is the closest I can think of
probably the fast and furious franchise
it should be
>dealing with politics (eater)
>really realistic besides ocasional supernatural shit
nothing comes to mind, multimedia is shit anyway. If you wish your vĂdeo game to be a movie or vice versa you're a consumer kiddy
The Blacklist
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
So I guess we can post anything here now huh
There's a pretty good opportunity for a Metal Gear Solid inspired television series if a TV studio would just capitalize on it.
All they have to do is take their current spy/espionage shows and make them a bit more ridiculous. Spend some CG budget.
Alias would get my vote too.
Epic and convoluted overarching lore
Lots of action, though somewhat low budget
Plotlines and character interactions that make no sense
A spy series that inevitably ends up with a shootout or huge explosion
>Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
This was the closest I could think of but they never go as far as I want then to.
Also Sydney is the daughter of another super soldier like herself from the cold war generation who turns out to be the villain.
Damn that does sound pretty Metal Gear. I may have to check this out.
I've never watched this show but it does seem pretty MGS-like in some ways.
AoS has a lot of fight scenes that could pass for CQC. The season 2 episode with Skye going on a solo mission to hunt down Fake May is the most Metal Gear-esque episode of the series.
No one said Mission Impossible? baka
The recent episode where Daisy and Jemma are trapped in the Shield base with the LMDs also has a MGS feel to it with "boss" battles.
Going by that criteria, I'd say Mad Max
It's a lot like Metal Gear and then in a lot of ways it isn't. I'd say Alias is a lot closer.
Do you even John Carpenter/Kurt Russell?
MGS was directly inspired by Escape from New York so I'm on the fence about it qualifying for the Sup Forums equivalent.
Lol you fucking wish
I can't call it an "equivalent" when there is a direct connection between the two. MGS makes references to the Escape movies.
Probably Nolan's entire Batman run.
Big explosions, gritty fighting, psuedo-intellectual babel between the heroes and villains, stakes continue to get higher and higher well past the point of rediculousness, character backstories get more convoluted, etc.
You forgot
>iconic soundtrack
I swear there are MGS influences in The Blacklist's closing theme
Agents of Shield has a great OST which has never been released.
Are there any simple, epic scenes similar to this in film?
Metal Gear is so interesting. Its has the style and finesse of an """auteur""" project but no one in film with that type of creative control would have the budget to make a film of this sort not would they want to. It like an artsy summer block buster. Pop art if you will.
I wish the movie industry had stuff like it.
I honestly thought of this one as well.
It has the tone down at least. It's super campy in a way that takes itself serious when discussing matters concerning cars and racing and action but it's all so ridiculous and over the top, and it gets even more convoluted as it progresses. Also, there are a surprising amount of parralels.
>2nd installment replaces main character (Dom and Snake replaced by Raiden and Tyreese leading to fan backlash)
>3rd installment is a prequel to other events and sort of a standalone story
>4th introduced more totally convoluted plot lines
Just think about the fact that F&F has a character getting amnesia and turning evil only to be turned good again and another character acting like a villain to trick some cyber hacker and it starts looking similar tone wise.
Agents of Shield has an entire episode with only one character for the first 30 minutes and a heavy blue tint over the screen.
You forgot the key ingredients:
Mad Max is closest
the Sup Forums equivalent not the Sup Forumseddit
Kojima loves the MCU though
has he seen a movie he didnt like?